

Portable RIAs Tutorial | James Ward - RIA Cowboy


Rich Internet Applications | Flex | Adobe AIR | Java | Open Source | Linux | Enterprise Software

Portable RIAs Tutorial

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Theweb began as a platform for browsing, finding, and exchangingdocuments. Over the past ten years the web has moved beyond thisdocument-centric role, and is now a platform for exchanging data. Wetypically refer to web sites used for data exchange as webapplications. The next major evolution of the web is underway as webapplications become more interactive and useful. The industry nowrefers to these next generation web applications as rich Internetapplications or RIAs.

Another popular means of document exchange is the Portable DocumentFormat (PDF). Like the web, PDFs are also evolving into more than justa document exchange technology. When RIAs are inserted into PDFs, thisfamiliar format for documents becomes a method for exchanging andinteracting with data. The primary benefits of using PDFs for dataexchange are that PDFs can easily be secured, emailed around, andaccessed when offline.

I’ve put together a demo illustrating this concept. You will need Reader 9 in order for this to work. First load the Flex Dashboard applicationapplication in your browser. Then in the application click the “CreatePDF” button. Now you should be looking at the same data inside of aPDF! You can even save the PDF locally and view it when disconnected.You can also refresh the data from the server from the PDF or from thebrowser.

This works by using a template PDF containing the Flex applicationwithout any data. When the user asks for a PDF the data is insertedinto the PDF template and delivered to the user. Optionally the PDFcould be secured with PDF policy protection before being sent to theuser. You can also create these PDFs in a nightly batch process.

Getting Started

You need several pieces to build a portable RIA. First, you need aFlex application that the user will interact with in their browser andinside a PDF. Second, you need some place for the Flex application toget its data. Third, you need a PDF template and a server that caninsert the application data into it when the user requests a PDF. Iused the following steps to build these pieces:

  1. Create the back-end data source for the application
  2. Create the basic Flex front-end application
  3. Create a back-end PDF generation service
  4. Create a PDF with form fields that will be used to store the data
  5. Modify the Flex application to read data from the PDF
  6. Add a way for the user to generate a PDF from the Flex application
  7. Merge the final Flex application into the PDF template

To complete this tutorial you’ll need a Java web app server (Tomcat,JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere, or similar), LiveCycle Data Services 2.6,Flex Builder 3 (installed as a plugin for Eclipse), Acrobat 9 to createthe PDF, and optionally Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.2.

Let’s walk through each of these seven steps in detail.

Download the source code for tutorial.

Step 1: Creating the back-end data source

The application needs some data so I created a JSP that generatessome fake and random sales data. This data is returned from the serverin XML format. One challenge in building this was that Reader needs a“*” crossdomain.xml policy file on the server that offers the data.Having a “*” policy can be a security risk, especially when the data ison an internal server or on a server which uses cookies forauthentication. In my production demo I didn’t want to put a “*” policyfile on my demo server so I serve the data from a different server.Because of this I ended up using PHP for my public demo. However, forthe purposes of this tutorial I will just use a simple JSP file. Hereis the file, data.jsp:

<% response.setContentType("text/xml"); %>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
String[] months = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov"};
for (int i = 6; i < 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < months.length; j++)
String month = months[j] + "-0" + i;
int apacRev = (int)(Math.random() * 60000);
int europeRev = (int)(Math.random() * 80000);
int japanRev = (int)(Math.random() * 50000);
int latinAmRev = (int)(Math.random() * 30000);
int northAmRev = (int)(Math.random() * 100000);
int totalRev = apacRev + europeRev + japanRev + latinAmRev + northAmRev;
int averageRev = totalRev / 6;
<month name="<%=month%>" revenue="<%=totalRev%>" average="<%=averageRev%>">
<region name="APAC" revenue="<%=apacRev%>"/>
<region name="Europe" revenue="<%=europeRev%>"/>
<region name="Japan" revenue="<%=japanRev%>"/>
<region name="Latin America" revenue="<%=latinAmRev%>"/>
<region name="North America" revenue="<%=northAmRev%>"/>

You will also need to add a crossdomain.xml policy file to your root web containing the following:

<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*"/>

Make sure that you do not use this policy file in production, as youshould never have a “*” policy on an internal server or on a domainwhich uses cookies for authentication. For more information on securecross-domain communication in Flash Player see:

Step 2: Creating the Flex front-end application

Before I could use the typical sales dashboard in the demo, I firsthad to create that dashboard in Flex. Luckily this was easy since oneof the out-of-the-box LiveCycle Data Services samples has a dashboard.I made a few modifications to the dashboard and then added it to myFlex application. You can test the dashboard by creating a HTTPServiceand attaching the data to the Dashboard. Here is my application (youwill need the Dashboard source code from the LiveCycle Data Servicessample application for this to compile):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:local="*"
<mx:HTTPService id="srv" url="http://localhost:8080/data.jsp"/>
<local:Dashboard width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{srv.lastResult.list.month}"/>

Step 3: Creating a back-end PDF generation service
I used LiveCycle Data Services to handle generating the PDF for theuser. To set up this service I copied the WEB-INF/flex and WEB-INF/libdirectories from the flex.war file included with LiveCycle DataServices to my root web application. I then added some necessaryconfiguration code to my web.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">
<display-name>Portable RIAs Demo</display-name>
<description>Portable RIAs Demo</description>
<display-name>Helper for retrieving dynamically generated PDF documents.</display-name>

The PDFResourceServlet is a custom class that returns the generatedPDF to the user. I also created a class named PDFService that actuallygenerates the PDF. Both of these classes are derived from the PDFsamples in LiveCycle Data Services. To create these classes I first setup a new Java project in Eclipse. I named the project“portablerias_server” and pointed its root directory to the WEB-INFdirectory, its src directory to the WEB-INF/src directory (which youneed to create), and its output directory to the WEB-INF/classesdirectory. I then created a new Java class called“com.jamesward.portablerias.PDFService” containing the following:

package com.jamesward.portablerias; 
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import flex.acrobat.pdf.XFAHelper;
import flex.messaging.FlexContext;
import flex.messaging.FlexSession;
import flex.messaging.util.UUIDUtils;
public class PDFService
public Object generatePDF(Document dataset) throws IOException
String source =
XFAHelper helper = new XFAHelper();
byte[] bytes = helper.saveToByteArray();
String uuid = UUIDUtils.createUUID();
FlexSession session = FlexContext.getFlexSession();
session.setAttribute(uuid, bytes);
HttpServletRequest req = FlexContext.getHttpRequest();
String contextRoot = "/";
if (req != null)
contextRoot = req.getContextPath();
String r = contextRoot + "/dynamic-pdf?id=" + uuid + "&;jsessionid=" + session.getId();
return r;

Notice that this class references a PDF file, dashboard.pdf, that Ihave not yet created. This is the PDF template that will be created inStep 7.

I then created a new class called “com.jamesward.portablerias.PDFResourceServlet” containing the following code:

package com.jamesward.portablerias; 
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
public class PDFResourceServlet extends HttpServlet
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8178787853519803189L;
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException
doPost(req, res);
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException
String id = (String)req.getParameter("id");
if (id != null)
HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
byte[] bytes = (byte[])session.getAttribute(id);
if (bytes != null)
catch (Throwable t)

This class reads the PDF byte array from the session and returns itto the user as a file. Now that Flash Player 10 is available a betterapproach would be to just have the PDFService return the byte array andthen use the new FileReference API to initiate a file download of thosebytes. Storing the PDF in the user session as this demo does iscertainly not a scalable approach, and therefore it should not be usedin production. Alternatively you could write the PDF files to disk inthe PDFService class and then read them from disk in thePDFResourceServlet class.

You need one last configuration step to allow Flex to make requeststo the PDFService class. Add the following lines to theWEB-INF/flex/remoting-config.xml file:

    <destination channels="my-amf" id="PDFService">

Now your back end is set up! Start (or restart) your app server and verify that there are no errors on the console.

Step 4: Creating a PDF with form fields to store the data

Now you need to create a PDF template that will hold the form fieldsin which LiveCycle Data Services will store the data. For this step youcan either just use my portable_rias_template.pdf file or you cancreate your own using LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2. If you choose to usemine then you can skip this step.

First create a new blank PDF in Acrobat and save it. Then open thatPDF in LiveCycle Designer and add a form named “PortableRIAs”. Add apage named “Page1″ and then add a TextField named “Data” to the page.Then add a script called “dataScript” containing:

function getData()
var data = xfa.form.PortableRIAs.Page1.Data.rawValue;
return data;
function setData(dataString)
xfa.form.PortableRIAs.Page1.Data.rawValue = dataString;

The final PDF in Designer should look like:

In step 7 you will merge the Flex application into this file using Acrobat.

Step 5: Modifying the Flex application to read data from the PDF

When your Flex application runs in the browser you want it to getthe live data from the web. When it runs in a PDF you want it to usethe data inside the PDF. This allows the application to work when theuser is disconnected. For bonus points I also added the ability forusers to refresh the data in the PDF when they want to. To manage thisI created a class called “com.jamesward.portablerias.PDFCacheManager”containing the following code:

package com.jamesward.portablerias
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import flash.xml.XMLDocument;
import flash.xml.XMLNode;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import mx.core.Application;
import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
import mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLDecoder;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
[Event(name="fault", type="mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent")]
public class PDFCacheManager extends EventDispatcher
private var srv:HTTPService;
private var readerVersion:Number;
public var inPDF:Boolean = false;
public var lastResult:Object;
public var lastXMLResult:String;
public var inBrowser:Boolean = false;
public function PDFCacheManager()
srv = new HTTPService();
srv.useProxy = false;
// force the result to be text
srv.resultFormat = HTTPService.RESULT_FORMAT_TEXT;
srv.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, handleResult);
srv.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, handleFault);
ExternalInterface.call("eval", "function getViewerVersion() { return app.viewerVersion }");
var r:Object = ExternalInterface.call("getViewerVersion");
if (r != null)
readerVersion = new Number(r);
if (readerVersion > 0)
inPDF = true;
if (readerVersion < 9)
// Alert.show("You must use Adobe Acrobat 9 or Adobe Reader 9 to view this PDF");
catch (e:Error)
// not in a PDF
if (readerVersion >= 9)
// setup function to get the data from the PDF
ExternalInterface.call("eval", "function getData() { return xfa.form.PortableRIAs.dataScript.getData(); }");
// setup function to set the data in the PDF
ExternalInterface.call("eval", "function setData(dataString) { xfa.form.PortableRIAs.dataScript.setData(dataString); }");
// see if the PDF has been opened in the browser or in Reader
ExternalInterface.call("eval", "function getExternal() { return this.external; }");
inBrowser = ExternalInterface.call("getExternal");
public function set url(_url:String):void
srv.url = _url;
private function handleResult(event:ResultEvent):void
parseData(event.result as String);
if (inPDF)
private function parseData(dataString:String):void
lastXMLResult = dataString;
var xn:XMLNode = XMLNode(new XMLDocument(lastXMLResult));
lastResult = (new SimpleXMLDecoder(true)).decodeXML(xn);
private function handleFault(event:FaultEvent):void
public function getDataFromServer():void
public function getDataFromCache():void
var xmlDataString:String = ExternalInterface.call("getData");
private function updateCache():void
ExternalInterface.call("setData", lastXMLResult);

When this class is instantiated it checks to see if the applicationis running inside a PDF Reader. It also checks to make sure it’s atleast Reader 9. If it is running in Reader >= 9 then it sets up afew function calls that will be used to read and write data to thehidden form field. The class stores a copy of the XML text it retrievesfrom the server so that when the PDF is created in the browser, itdoesn’t have to retrieve the data again. Also if the user updates thedata while in the PDF then the local form field is updated but the userwould need to save the PDF for the data to be persisted for the nexttime the PDF is opened.

To use the PDFCacheManager class simply create an instance of it and specify the id, url, and optionally a fault handler:

<portablerias:PDFCacheManager id="pdfCacheManager" url="http://ws.jamesward.com/data.php" fault="mx.controls.Alert.show(event.fault.message)"/>

When the Flex application has fully initialized I ask thePDFCacheManager to get the data either from within the PDF if theapplication is running inside Reader or from the network if theapplication is running in the browser:

if (pdfCacheManager.inPDF)

In the Dashboard you can now bind to the data in the pdfCacheManager:

<local:Dashboard width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{pdfCacheManager.lastResult.list.month as mx.collections.ArrayCollection}"/>

Now your Flex application will display data whether it is running on the web or inside a PDF!

Step 6: Adding a way for the user to generate a PDF from the Flex application

Next you’ll want to modify the Flex application so that a user caninitiate the PDF generation. To do this I created a simple ActionScriptclass called “com.jamesward.portablerias.CreatePDFService” which willpass the data in the Flex application to the back-end PDFService. Hereis the code for that class:

package com.jamesward.portablerias
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.net.navigateToURL;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject;
public class CreatePDFService
private var ro:RemoteObject;
public function CreatePDFService()
ro = new RemoteObject("PDFService");
ro.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, handleResult);
public function generatePDF(xmlString:String):void
var xmlData:XML = <PortableRIAs><Data>{xmlString}</Data></PortableRIAs>;
private function handleResult(event:ResultEvent):void
var url:String = event.result as String;
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(url), "_blank");

When the PDFService is called it is passed an XML block containingthe XML data that the Flex application loaded from the server. Althoughyou could use alternative serialization methods instead of XML, forsimplicity this demo uses XML. Notice that the data is wrapped in the<PortableRIAs> and <Data> XML tags. These must match thePDF form name and form field name used in the PDF template.

When the result is returned by the server the client opens a newbrowser window pointing to the download servlet that initiates the PDFdownload.

To use this class in the main Flex application simply create an instance of the CreatePDFService:

<portablerias:CreatePDFService id="createPDFService"/>

Then add a button for the user to click to initiate the PDF generation:

    <mx:Button label="Create PDF" visible="{!pdfCacheManager.inPDF}" includeInLayout="{!pdfCacheManager.inPDF}">

Notice that the data passed to the generatePDF method is pulled outof the pdfCacheManager that was created in the previous step. Also thebutton is only made visible when the Flex application is not runninginside a PDF.

Step 7: Merging the final Flex application into the PDF template

Hopefully your Flex application compiles and is working in thebrowser. The final step is to update the PDF template and include theFlex application into it. It would be nice to automate this stepsomehow but at this time I’m not aware of a method for doing this. Alsoone thing to note is that you are using the same application for thebrowser and for the PDF. You can create different applications if youwant to and still use much of the same code. But for this demo usingthe same Flex application for both mediums works fine.

First open the PDF template in Acrobat, then choose Tools >Multimedia > Flash Tool. Drag a box that will contain the Flexapplication (you’ll resize it later). Browse and select the SWF filefor your Flex application. Select “Show Advanced Options” and set the“Enabled When” option to “When the page containing the content isopened”. Click OK. To resize the Flex application choose Tools >Advanced Editing > Select Object Tool. Then select the image of theFlex application and resize it. The PDF should look like the following:

Save the PDF to the file location specified in the PDFService Java class. In my case this is “WEB-INF/pdfgen/dashboard.pdf”.

Everything should now be ready to go! Pull up your Flex applicationin the browser, click the “Create PDF” button, and then you should belooking at the Flex application with its data inside of a PDF! If thePDF opened in your browser you can save it to your local file systemand load it in the standalone Reader. Also make sure that clicking the“Update Data” button works to refresh the data from the server.

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