

圣凯文大学Victor McMahon音乐中心 / Baldasso Cortese Architects
Peter Clarke


From the architect. St Kevin’s College had outgrown its existing music centre’s on their Glendalough Junior campus. The brief called for a new facility to meet the needs of its growing music program for both junior and senior students from their Heyington campus and to be accessible to the school community for performances and gatherings.

Peter Clarke

项目基地狭窄且陡峭,西临学生公寓,东毗学院大厅。设计充分考虑了这些地理因素和其他制约因素,提供了相应的方案处理了视线、 尺度、街景和噪音问题。打造的中心长廊不仅可用于收集展示和非正式表演,而且是学校和外界之间的一个安全通道。两个入口分别连接着校内和校外。

The site is narrow and steep, bounded by residential apartments to the west and the college hall to the east. The design gives consideration to these and other constraints providing a response that addresses issues of visual bulk, scale, interest in the streetscape and acoustic separation to the neighbours. The need to provide a safe and equitable access for all from both the school and public side was addressed through the creation of a central gallery promenade for gathering and informal performances.  Two portals connect the school entry to the public entry.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke

Ground Floor Plan/首层平面图


The music centre provides a large recital and rehearsal space with a listening gallery, whilst a range of small and medium spaces provide opportunity for individual and group practice for various instruments.

Peter Clarke


The external architectural expression of the new music centre consist of a robust palette of materials, responding to the college’s adjacent sports hall clad in charcoal zinc and taking cues from the architectural heritage of St Kelvin’s Monastery in Ireland with its solid granite construction and small slit windows, the latter of which is achieved with triple glazed windows providing improved acoustic and thermal performance. Through the consistent use of materials the Music centre integrates into the composition of buildings forming the college’s public face on to Lansell road.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke

相比之下,建筑内部的墙壁和天花板无不体现出维多利亚时代风格 ;像乐器一样,装饰和雕刻使空间充满温暖,木结构的选择充分展现了其美学和声学特性。室内声学天花板的细节设计进一步影响到外立面的模式。室内的一些图像设计被用于庆祝校友维克多 · 麦克马洪的诞辰。澳大利亚的国歌《前进的澳大利亚》被展示在楼梯上,用于增强归属感并且提供了一个在室外学习音乐的机会。

In contrast the interiors are inviting with walls and ceilings clad in Victorian Ash; like a musical instrument the spaces are detailed and sculpted to be warm and textural with timber chosen for its beauty and acoustic property. The interior detailing of the acoustic ceiling makes further reference to exterior facades with its block patterning. Graphics have been used to celebrate the life of Alumni Victor McMahon. “Advance Australia Fair” has been represented on the stairwell to provide a ‘sense of belonging’ and an opportunity to learn music outside designed spaces.

Peter Clarke

设计师打造了一个小型祈祷室作为一个自我反省的地方。人们可以通过一个压缩空间进入这个高天花板的小型祈祷空间。除了一个单独的金色和黑色的马赛克组合来纪念圣凯文,其余内部空间被青石覆盖,打造一种修道院的感觉。两个小入口提供光照。西边的入口在白天提供自然光照,同时墙和天花板之间的小窗口会带来一束富有戏剧性的光轴,显示着一天的时间变化, 每年6月3号圣凯文节的早晨,这束阳光会洒落在马赛克上。

A new Oratory has been created as a place of personal reflection within. One enters the oratory through a compressed space into a small high ceiling space. Except for a solitary gold and black mosaic composition that celebrates St Kevin, the space is clad in bluestone to create a monastic feel. Two small openings bring in light. One to the west provides ambient light through the day whilst a slit window wrapping from wall to roof provides a dramatic shaft of light that marks the time of day, the shaft of light falls on the mosaic on the morning of 3rd June every year- St Kevin’s Feast Day.

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke


Before Site Plan/原总平图

After Site Plan/现总平图

Site Plan/场地平面图

First Floor Plan/一层平面图



Peter Clarke

建筑事务所:Baldasso Cortese Architects
项目团队:David Chandler, Steven Cortese, Loris Rebeschini, Marina Potter, Sophie Russell, Sherman Tan
摄影:Peter Clarke
施工:Building Engineering
声学顾问:Arups Engineers
土木和结构顾问: Cardno
照明顾问:Christopher Boot
园艺:Galbraith & Associates
委托人:St Kevin’s College

Architects: Baldasso Cortese Architects
Location: 73-75 Lansell Road, Toorak VIC 3142, Australia
Project Team: David Chandler, Steven Cortese, Loris Rebeschini, Marina Potter, Sophie Russell, Sherman Tan
Year: 2014
Photographs: Peter Clarke
Builder : Building Engineering
Landscape Architect: Formium
Acoustic Consultant : Arups Engineers
Civil & Structural Consultant: Cardno
Building Surveyor: BSGM
Services Consultant : NDY
Lighting Consultant: Christopher Boot
Graphic Art: Kinart
Planner : Contour
Arborist: Galbraith & Associates
Client: St Kevin’s College
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