


Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

来自专筑编辑杨卓,vigo的报道。希腊本土的建筑工作室Block 722设计了这个位于希腊锡罗斯岛极具吸引力的度假住宅。无论对希腊本地人还是对外地人来说,锡罗斯岛都是很著名的夏日旅游胜地。毗邻的锡罗斯1号和2号,每一栋住宅都能为一个家庭及其客人提供充足的空间,因为每栋住宅里都有与主屋较为分离的客房,同时室外也有宽敞的空间来交流放松。在这里,可以尽情地欣赏到Plagia海湾令人窒息的风景,这两栋住宅与周边的地形都融合得很好,而且还用了当地的石材以及基克拉迪文化的建筑特色。

Athens-based architecture studio Block 722 designed this attractive pair of holiday houses on the Greek island ofSyros, a popular summer destination for Greeks and foreigners alike. Dubbed Syros I and Syros II, each of the two houses is spacious enough to accommodate a family and their guests, since they both have guest rooms that are discreetly detached from the main house, as well as ample outdoor space for socialising and relaxing. Ideally aligned with the breathtaking view over Plagia bay, the two residences merge gracefully with their surroundings by adapting to the topography and the use of local stonework and other Cycladic architectural characteristics.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.


More specifically, Syros I can be accessed from the back of the house through a series of small courtyards that have been planted with local herbs. A central volume houses the living area and kitchen, attached to which is the master bedroom and two guest rooms, ideal for friends or family members. Two additional guest rooms are situated next to the main building, enjoying privacy but also easy access to the common areas and pool. In a similar way,Syros II consists of the main house that can accommodate a family of four, and a guesthouse at the back with two bedrooms and a shared kitchen. Ultimately, what steals the show in both houses is of course the two spectacular swimming pools that appear to suspend dramatically over the Aegean.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.


Block722是一个雅典本土的建筑工作室,在2009年由Sotiris Tsergas、Katja Margaritoglou和Konstantinos Korfiatis创立。Block722除了现在的建筑设计,还有室内设计、施工服务等,从而在设计以及建造过程中保证了一个完整建筑成果的诞生。该工作室的作品还包括工程管理、住宅设计以及零售业务部门。

About the architects
Block722 is an Athens based architectural practice, founded in 2009 by Sotiris Tsergas, Katja Margaritoglou and Konstantinos Korfiatis. Through its side office Block722+, the studio also incorporates interior design and construction services, ensuring a unified architectural result and quality control throughout the design and building process. The studio’s portfolio includes project management and design in the residential, retail and business sectors.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

Block722在雅典中心人口最密集的Patission 57号诞生。这个区域有着强烈的文化特色以及不同国家的差异,这在一定程度上增强了Block722工作室与城市现状的联系以及因不断适应产生的新的有趣的设计元素。现在工作室所处的位置,722街区,已经不再只是数量众多的街区中的一个,而是发展成为代表城市地位的元素。

‘‘Block722 was founded in the heart of Athens, on Patission 57, one of the most densely populated areas of the capital. The area is characterized by intense cultural and national variety, enhancing the practice’s relation to the city’s reality and constant adaptation to new and interesting design elements. The office’s location, urban block 722, becomes more than a city planning number – it evolves into an element of identity.’’

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

Syros I. Photo ? Ioanna Roufopoulou.

项目名称:Syros I and Syros II
责任建筑设计师:Sotiris Tsergas & Katja Margaritoglou
设计团队:Dora Felekou, Anna Perela
室内设计:Katja Margaritoglou
结构工程:Isidoros Rossolatos

Name: Syros I and Syros II
Type: Residential
Architects: block722
Location: Syros, Greece
Architects in charge: Sotiris Tsergas & Katja Margaritoglou
Design team: Dora Felekou, Anna Perela
Interior design: Katja Margaritoglou
Structural Engineer: Isidoros Rossolatos
Area: 200 sq.m. (each residence)
Year: 2014
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