




1. A. Where are mykeys?           B. John likeshamburgers.           C. They have two basketballs.

2. A. How much is thisskirt?       B. My birthday is inJuly.            C. Who’s your math teacher?

3. A. Can you play theguitar?            B. You can join the soccerclub.    C. Heworks at a radio station.

4. A. I usually get up at 7:00 am.  B. How doeshe get toschool?     C. Don’t run in the hallways.

5. A. Where are theyfrom?         B. Why don’t you liketigers?             C. We went boating yesterday.


6. A.                        B.                      C.

7. A.                     B.                       C.

8. A.                       B.                   C.

9. A.                      B.                              C.

10. A.           B.                     C.

C)在录音中, 你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。(5分)

11. A. He wentfishing.               B. He wentcamping.                  C. He played soccer.

12. A. Thisafternoon.                 B.Tonight.                                C. Tomorrow.

13. A. 30dollars.                       B. 40dollars.                             C. 50 dollars.

14. A. Bycar.                            B. Bybike.                                C. By bus.

15. A. Hisfather.                        B. Hisbrother.                                 C. His cousin.

D)在录音中, 你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍。(5分)

16. A. Because he was too tired.                 B. Because he had to cookdinner.     

C. Because he had lots of work to do.

17. A. In abook.                B. In amagazine.               C. In a dictionary.

18. A. About half an hour.        B. About an hour.                    C. About two hours.

19. A.Angry.                         B.Surprised.                         C. Afraid.

20. A. A picture of aman.       B. A picture of alion.           C. A picture of a house.

II. 读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。


21. I like ice-cream but I don’t eat it. I don’t want to be________ / fæt /.

    A. fat                      B. fit                   C. sit                    D. far


22. Mr. King is from the USA. He has blue eyes and a big________ / nəʊz /

A.note                B. neck                 C. nose                 D. north

23. May I ________ / lʊk / at your family photo, Mike?

    A.like                B.look               C. lock                D. luck

24. Bill is kind. He is always _______ / 'redɪ / to helpothers.

    A.red                  B. read                  C. rainy                D. ready

25. I think health is more  _______ / ɪmˈpɔ:tnt/ than money.

    A. improve              B. imagine           C.impolite         D. important

III.选择填空  从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)

26. –I don’t feel well. I think I have a cold.

–You should drink a lot of ________.

A.apple                   B.water                   C. bread          D. carrot

27. –Why don’t you like thecat?   

   –Well, ________ she’s kindof boring.

A.so                       B.but                      C.or                      D. because

28. Sam’s brother is a good boy. We all like ________.

   A.she                      B.her                      C.his                     D. him

29. –Is your son in Grade Five?

   –Yeah. He’ll be in Grade________ next year. Time flies!

   A.Two                    B.Three                  C.Six                    D. Nine

30. –Alice, do you have ________ sister?

–Yes, I do. Her name is Amy.

A.a                         B.an                       C.the                     D. /

31. –Do you know Mo Yan?

–Of course. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature ________2013.

A.in                        B.at                        C.on                     D. to

32. –Excuse me. Is this your model plane?

–No, it isn’t. My model plane is _______ than this one.

  A.new             B.newer            C.newest          D. worst

33. –________ is your birthday?

–It’s on May 24th.

    A.How                B.What             C.When             D. Where

34. Mr. Black lost his bag yesterday. ________, his keys and IDcard were not in it.

A.Carefully               B.Luckily                C.Quickly               D. Suddenly

35. –________, Sally! The school bus is coming.

–Oh, no! I can’t find my schoolbag.

    A. Comeon          B. Workon         C. Putoff          D. Turn off

36. Which of the following is a traffic sign?

A.     B.     C.       D.

37. –John, do you want to join me for dinner this evening?


A. Excuseme           B. I’d loveto           C. Yes,please.     D. Nice to meet you

38. It’s dangerous to _______ small children alone in a car.

    A.play                B.work              C.leave             D. learn



39. –Look at that girl under the tree. Is it Ann?

   –It________ be Ann. She isreading in the library now.

A.can                      B.can’t                C.must              D. mustn’t

40. –________ delicious food! Thanks, Mrs. King.

–I’m glad that you like it.

   A.What           B. Whata          C. Whatan        D. How

41. –What ________ do you like?

   –I like green.

     A.kind                B. size                   C. time                 D. color

42. –Do you like to eat a birthday cake or noodles?


A. Yes, Ido        B.No, we don’t     C. I eatnoodles.    D.A medium bowl.

43. –________ do you exercise?

   –Three times a week.

     A. How much          B. How many        C. Howoften        D. Howlong

44. –I want to buy some flowers.

   –There ________ a flowerstore across from the pay phone.

     A.is                         B.has                      C.are                      D. have

45. –What did you do on the farm?

   –We helped the farmer________ strawberries.

     A. pick                   B. picks                 C. picked               D. picking

46. Which of the following places should we go to if we want toborrow some books?

     A.    B.  C.   D.

47. –Summer vacation is coming. What’s your plan?

   –I ________ my grandparentsin the countryside.

    A. visit                   B. visited               C. will visit           D. was visiting

48. –________ the window, please. It’s hot here.


A. Open                   B. Opens                C. To open             D. Opening

49. Some animals are in danger. We must do ________ to protectthem.

A.nobody         B.nothing         C.somebody       D.something

50. Bob and Mary are from the UK. But ________ of them areinterested in Chinese culture.

A.All            B.Both            C.Neither         D.None

51. –Could you clean the living room, Tom?

–OK, but I have to _______ the tape player first. It doesn’twork.

    A. putup          B. makeup               C. fix up           D.cut up

52. They are ________ poor ________ build a new school for thechildren. We must help them.

   A. so;that         B. as; as           C.either;or         D. too; to

53. –Nick speaks Chinese very well.

–Yes. He has ________ China for many years.

A. goneto          B.been to         C. come to          D. been in 

54. We’ll go to climb the mountains if it ________ raintomorrow.

    A. doesn’t          B.won’t           C. didn’t           D.isn’t

55. –Excuse me, do you know ________?

   –Sure. You go east alongthis street and turn left.

A. where can I buy somemedicine      B. where the nearest hospital is

    C. how does David get toschool        D. how can I get to the station



IV.完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)

One morning last summer Joyce Andrews made some sausage(香肠)sandwiches for her husband’s lunch. There was one sausage leftover. Mrs. Andrews gave it to Henry, their little 56 . Henry ate it up quickly.

During the morning the dog got ill. He wouldn’t 57  shaking his head, andcouldn’t stand properly. Joyce thought, “He must have eatensomething  58 . Maybe that sausage…” shesuddenly remembered her husband’s lunch. She ran to the 59  and called Jim.

“Jim, I  60  youhaven’t eaten any of those sandwiches yet.” “Yes, I have …”“Youhave? Well, listen—don’t eat any more. I gave Henry the lastsausage,  61  nowhe’s ill. Go to the doctor, Jim.” “But I feel all right.” “Jim,don’t take a chance with your health. I’m sure the sausages arebad. Go to the doctor and tell him  62 the dog. Get some medicine.”

Jim came back at lunch time and went to bed. “I had a veryuncomfortable hour at the doctor’s,” he told Joyce, “and themedicine made  63  verysick.”

The next morning Jim was  64 . Henryseemed quite well again, too. At eleven o’clock the milkman camewith the milk.

“Morning, Mrs. Andrews,” the milkman said “ 65 is your dog this morning? I’ve been thinkingabout him…”

“Have you? Well, he seems all right now, but...”

“Yesterday morning he and I had a little accident. He jumped upat me, and I dropped a bottle of milk on his head.”

56. A.dog                          B.son                         C.cat                          D. sister

57. A.like                B.mind             C.stop              D. enjoy

58. A. bad              B. new                C. cold               D. easy

59. A.clock               B.photo              C.radio              D.telephone

60. A.find                 B.hope            C.hear             D.agree

61. A.if                 B.and                  C.though                    D. because

62. A.to                    B.from              C.with              D. about

63. A.me               B.him                 C.her                D. them

64. A.sad               B.ill                   C.fine               D. lazy

65. A. Who                     B.How                 C.Where               D. What

V.补全对话  阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)

A: Hello, Amy speaking.

B: Hi, Amy!   66    May I speak to Peter?

A: Sorry, he’s not here. He’s playing soccer at the park.   67    

B: Yes. Please tell him that I’d like him to come to my birthdayparty tomorrow evening.

A: OK.   68   

B: It’ll start at half past five.

A: Where will you have the party?

B: At the restaurant next to Peter’s office.   69   

A: All right.

B: Thank you.   70   

A: Bye-bye.

66. A. This isSam.                                   B. How are you?

C. It’scloudy.                               D. How’s the weather?

67. A. What are you doingnow?            B. Could you sweep the floor?

   C. What’s wrong withyou?                  D. Can I take a message for him?


68. A. I’d loveto.                              B. What time will it start?

   C. Happybirthday!                      D. When is your birthday?

69. A. I can go withyou.                B. Let’s take the bus.

   C. He can walkthere.                D. You can’t miss it.

70. A.Good-bye.                                 B. See you then.

   C. You’rewelcome.                 D. Here you are.

VI.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(15分)


There was a very rich man named Mike. In his house, he had avery large room. “If anyone can fill my room in one day, I willgive him 20,000 dollars.” he said. Everyone in the town wanted tohave a try.

Mark tried to fill the room with stones. At the end of the day,he was very tired, but the room was still not full.

Martin tried to fill the room with wood. He worked all day, butthe room was not full. “That room is too big, no one can do this.”he said.

Alan said, “I can do it. It’s easy.” Everyone laughed. Theythought he could not do it. Then, he went to the park and playedall day. His friend asked him, “Why are you playing, you should beworking.” The man said, “Don’t worry.” At 8:00 at night, the mancame to the room with a small bag. The rich man said, “That bag istoo small. How will you fill the room?” The man took a candle outof the bag. He lit the candle and said, “You see, the whole room isfilled with light!”

71. Mike wanted someone to fill his large room in ________.

   A. oneday                           B. twodays                 C. threedays                D. half a day

72. Martin tried to fill the room with ________.

   A.stones                     B.earth                     C.wood                      D. water

73. What was in Alan’s bag?

   A. Anapple.                B. Acandy.               C. Abottle.                  D. A candle.

74. Why did Alan play all day instead of filling the room?

   A. Because he didn’t knowhow to fill the room.

   B. Because he liked playingbetter than working.

   C. Because he wasn’tallowed to work in the daytime.

   D. Because he had alreadyhad a good idea to fill the room.

75. How much money will Alan get from Mike?

A. Two thousand dollars.             B. Twenty thousand dollars.

C. Two milliondollars.                D. Twenty million dollars.


Recently, a network video called the most beautiful blind man inJinan picking up rubbish is popular on the Internet. The blind manin the network video is Bi Yukui. He picked up the rubbish on thestreet and threw it into the dustbin with his wife’s help andwalked away slowly. Many people were moved by his behavior(行为).

Why is the network video so popular? That is because even ablind man who happened to find the rubbish can pick it up. Hisbehavior really made a lot of people feel ashamed. Inreal life, we see some people throw rubbish everywhere. Some peopledon’t like walking a bit farther to put the rubbish into thedustbin. They just throw it on the road. They think it’s not a bigdeal.

Is this really the case? They harmed the environment. At thesame time, they made the street cleaners’ work more difficult. Doesit have nothing to do with them? No. If everyone throws rubbishlike them, the city will be full of rubbish. How dirty it will be!Although picking up rubbish is a small thing in life, we can know anation’s civilization (文明)from it. But some people think thingslike picking up the rubbish are not worth doing. In fact, this isnot right. Protecting the environment begins with small things. Wecan’t throw rubbish here and there. We can’t spit or smoke inpublic places, either.

So we should learn from the blind man. It’s everyone’s duty toprotect the environment.

76. In a network video, Bi Yukui is called the most beautifulblind man in Jinan because ________.

A. his job is picking uprubbish                   B. he tried to improve the environment

C. he is a very handsome blindman                    D. he helped his wife do chores every day

77. The underlined word “ashamed” most probably means ________in Chinese.

   A.惭愧的                           B.悲痛的                   C.恐惧的                   D. 哀伤的

78. According to the passage, some people throw rubbish on theroad because ________.

A. all the dustbins are full ofrubbish         B. they aretoo lazy to walk to the dustbin

C. they don’t like to walk on cleanroads         D. there are not enough dustbins in cities

79. According to the passage, which of the following istrue?

   A. Throwing rubbish on theroad is not a big deal.

   B. Only big things can helpprotect the environment.

   C. Things like picking uprubbish are not worth doing.

   D. We are not supposed tospit or smoke in public places.

80. What is this passage mainly about?

   A. Bi Yukui and his wifeare blind people living in Jinan.

   B. In order to becomefamous, Bi Yukui made a network video.

   C. Everybody should play apart in protecting the environment.

   D. People like Bi Yukuimake the street cleaners’ work difficult.


When I lived in Spain(西班牙), some Spanish friends of mine decidedto visit England by car. Before they left, they asked me for adviceabout how to find accommodation (住所). I suggested that they shouldstay at “bed and breakfast” houses, because this kind ofaccommodation gives a foreign visitor a good chance to speakEnglish with the family. My friends listened to my advice, but theycame back with some funny stories.

“We didn’t stay at ‘bed and breakfast’ houses,” they said,“because we found that most families were away on holiday.”

I thought this was strange. Finally I understood what hadhappened. My friends spoke little English, and they thought“VACANCIES” meant “holidays”, because the Spanish word for“holidays” is “vacaciones”. So they did not go to the house wherethe sign outside said “VACANCIES”, which in English means there arefree rooms. Then my friends went to the house where the sign said“NO VACANCIES”, because they thought this meant the people whoowned the house were not away on holiday. But they found that thesehouses were all full. As a result, they stayed at hotels!

We laughed about this and about mistakes my friends made inreading other signs. In Spanish, the word “DIVERSION” means fun. InEnglish, it means that workmen are repairing the road, and that youmust take a different road. When my friends saw the word“DIVERSION” on a road sign, they thought they were going to havefun. Instead, the road ended in a large hole.

English people have problems too when they learn foreignlanguages. Once in Paris, when someone offered me some more coffee,I said “Thank you” in French. I meant that I would like some more.However, to my surprise the coffee pot was taken away! Later Ifound out that “Thank you” in French means “No, thank you.”

81. My Spanish friends wanted advice about ______.

    A.telling funny Englishstories                   B. finding places to stay in England

    C.learning English in a cleverway              D. driving their car on English roads 

82. I suggested my Spanish friends should stay at “bed andbreakfast” houses because ________.

A. it would be much cheaper than staying at hotels

B. it would be convenient for them to have breakfast

C. they would be able to practice their spoken English

D. they would have a good chance to know foreign visitors

83. My Spanish friends didn’t go to the house where the signoutside said “VACANCIES” because ________.

A. they thought the house wasn’t beautiful enough

B. they thought the people in the house were strange

C. they thought there were no free rooms in the house

D. they thought “vacancies” was “vacaciones” in Spanish

84. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. The sign “VACANCIES”outside a house in England means it has free rooms.

  B. The sign “NO VACANCIES”outside a house in England means the house was full.

  C. The road sign “DIVERSION”in England can guide you to a good place to have fun.

  D. When we see the road sign“DIVERSION” in England, we should take a different road.

85. In France, if you say “Thank you” in French when someoneoffers you some more coffee, the person will think ________.

    A. youdon’t want any morecoffee          B. you are very kind and polite

    C. youwould like another cup ofcoffee       D. you don’t like the coffee pot


A.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空 (每词限用一次)。

up     use     only     world     thirsty



Once there lived a man in a small town. He often said, “If Ihave lots of gold, I will be the happiest man in the (86)____________.”

  One day he was traveling in the desert of North Africa. Helost his way and he was so hungry and (87) ____________ that hecouldn’t walk any more. There were (88) ____________ stones sandaround. Just then he saw a bag on the sand. He took it (89)____________. When he opened it, he saw it was full of gold. Heleft the bag on the sand and cried, “What is the (90) ____________of gold to a hungry man?”

do      be     say     start     introduce

B.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号 (每词限用一次)。


Do you know Liu Wei? The armless pianist (91) _________ quitefamous in the past few years.

Liu Wei lost both his arms in an accident when he was ten. Twoyears later, he (92) _________ to Beijing’s disabled swimming teamand learned to swim. But soon the doctor told him not (93)_________ too much sport. At the age of 19, he (94) _________ tolearn to play the piano with his feet. He learned it all byhimself. He kept practicing for seven hours every day. In 2010, hebecame the winner of China’s Got Talent Final.

Liu Wei often (95) _________, “Music is like water and air tome. I can’t live without music. I will always follow my dream.”

VIII.改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。请将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。(5分)

96. Tony is very busy on Friday. (改为否定句)

Tony ________ ________ very busy on Friday.

97. The plane to New York takes off at 7:50 p.m.(就句子画线部分提问)

   _________ _________ doesthe plane to New York take off?

98. “Do you ride your bike to school?” My cousin asked me.(改写句子,句意不变)

   My cousin asked ________ I________ my bike to school.  

99. To our surprise, Maria didn’t accept Amy’s invitation todinner. (改写句子,句意不变)

   To our surprise, Maria________  _______ Amy’s invitation to dinner.

100. It takes her a lot of time to look after the baby.(改写句子,句意不变)

A lot of her time ________ ________ looking after the baby.

IX.完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。请将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。(5分)

101. 他们不想在家看电视。

They don’t want to _________ _________ at home.

102. 你父母对你要求严格吗?

Are your parents _________ _________ you?

103. 我们期待在高中结交新朋友。

We’re _________ _________ to making new friends in senior highschool.

104. 她通常在晚上入睡之前把当天所学的知识回顾一遍。

She usually reviews what she learns in the day before she_________ _________ at night.

105. 随着互联网的发展,网上购物日渐流行。

With the _________ of the Internet, it’s getting more and more_________ to shop online.

X.任务型阅读  阅读短文,按要求完成各题。请将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。(5分)

Have you ever experienced this moment? You are attending aparty, but you know few people there. When others are happilytalking, you feel like an outsider. In fact, many people have thisexperience. But there is a way to win people over—small talk.

Small talk is a light conversation for social occasions. It isthe starting point of friendships.

In fact, small talk is not hard to make. “How are you doing?”“The weather is nice, isn’t it?” “Nice to meet you.” These are alltypical small talks. You have used these before, haven’t you? Thisis usually how a conversation starts.

The next step is to introduce yourself. This helps you findthings in common with others. A good introduction also helps tomove the conversations forward, “I am in Class 2. My math teacheris Mr. Black.” The other person will probably say: “Oh, really? Heis also my math teacher. He is great fun…” See? It’s easy, isn’tit?”

Then, when you want to make talks more diverse(多样的), you need tolook for more topics. But you need to be careful about one thing:Don’t talk too much about yourself, or people may feel that you area little self-centered.

At last, when it’s time to say goodbye, let the person know thatyou are leaving. You can say something like this, “I really must begoing soon. It has been very nice talking with you.” If youlike, you can exchange your telephone or QQ numbers with eachother.

“A golden rule about having a successful small talk is that youdon’t have to be brilliant—just nice,” says Bernardo J. Carducci,director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana UniversitySoutheast, US.

106. 根据短文内容回答问题(限10个词以内)。

    What is short talk?

107. 根据短文内容回答问题(限20个词以内)。

    Why is it necessary for you to introduce yourself after you start aconversation?

108. 根据短文内容回答问题(限15个词以内)。

        Whycan’t you talk too much about yourself? 

109. 把短文中画底线的句子译成汉语。

110. 根据短文内容 (限15个词以内)回答问题。

        Whatis this passage mainly about?





参考词汇:receipt 发票












VII. 86.world             87. thirsty        88.only               89. up       90.use

     91. hasbeen    92. was introduced  93. todo          94.started     95. says

VIII. 96. isnot    97. What time   98. if,rode    99. turned down  100. is spent

IX. 101. watch TV  102. strictwith   103. lookingforward    104.falls asleep

105. development, popular

X. 106. Small talk is a light conversation forsocial occasions.

107. Because it helps you find things in commonwith others, and it also helps to move the conversationsforward.

108. Because people may feel that you are a littleself-centered.

 109. 如果喜欢,你们可以互相交换电话号码或QQ号。

110. It’s about small talk and how to make smalltalk.

XI. 评分标准:




4) 书面表达可分为四个等级:

    (1) 9-10分 短文内容符合每幅图画情景,语句通顺,情节连贯,书写工整,无语法错误,字数符合要求。

    (2) 7-8分  短文内容基本符合图画情景,语句通顺,情节较连贯,书写工整,语法错误较少(1-2处),字数基本符合要求。

    (3) 5-6分 短文内容基本符合图画情景,语句尚通顺,情节较连贯,书写较工整,3-4处语法错误,字数在60词左右。

    (4) 5分以下 短文内容不能紧扣图画情景,语句不够通顺,语法错误较多,书写一般,字数在50词以下。



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