






这种训练对会身体产生特有的变化————快速减肥,更好的控制血糖,改善血管功能。慢速运动达不到这种效果。 “因为这些好处,间隔训练对于身体而言,或多或少的胜过传统的运动,”运动科学家乔纳,同时也是博士及助理教授说。 “这种间隔性训练,不仅对专业运动员有很好的帮助,对普通运动爱好者一样的有效。"




骨髓肌——是具有收缩能力的肌细胞,人体所有的活动几乎都是由骨骼肌收缩来完成,其强弱直接影响人体的力量和耐力。  骨骼肌还是人体糖分主要的储存场所。其对保持血糖水平是至关重要的。因为强烈的间歇训练可以更广泛的拉伸肌纤维,肌纤维本质上就是一个大海绵,有助于抵御糖尿病。它也加强心脏肌肉和血管,增加线粒体的数量(在肌肉燃料燃烧发动机),使得在燃料代谢体内更有效。其结果是:你有更多的精力,不仅是去跑步同时对做的其他一切的事情也有帮助。





                     Four Fast Speed Workouts for Any Runner

Think you can skip speedwork, that it's just for seasoned runners with specific time goals? No such luck.

Research suggests that 30-second to five-minute bursts of intense exercise interspersed with rest periods will yield unique physiological changes—from faster fat loss and better blood sugar control to improved blood vessel function—that slow runs cannot deliver as efficiently. "When it comes to these benefits,interval training is at least equal to and often superior to your traditional steady run," says exercise scientist Jonathan Little, Ph.D., an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia. "And it doesn't have to be an elite-athlete-type workout to be effective."

Picking up the pace periodically can also make your everyday runs feel easier, improve your running form, and foster "mental toughness," says Flagstaff-based coach Greg McMillan. Plus, for those who have trouble fitting in workouts, speed-work can provide a wealth of benefits in a short time.

Still hesitant? What's your excuse? (We'll shoot it down.)

"I run to improve my health, not to compete."

Skeletal muscle is critical for soaking up glucose from food and keeping blood sugar levels in check. Because intense interval training engages a broader range of muscle fibers, it essentially creates a bigger sponge, helping to fend off diabetes, says Little. It also strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels and increases the number of mitochondria (the fuel-burning engines in your muscles), making the body more efficient at metabolizing fuel. The result: You have more energy—for running and for doing everything else.

Warm up for 15 minutes. Run one minute at 10-K pace (a 7 to 8 on an exertion scale of 1 to 10). Walk or jog one minute, then repeat. Start with four to six reps. Build to 10 reps.

"I'm trying to lose weight, so I'm focused on running consistently, not fast."
"The faster you run, the more calories you expend," says Adam St. Pierre, M.S., an exercise physiologist with Boulder Center for Sports Medicine. Research suggests that interval training also prompts the body to burn more calories in the hours after exercise. It shouldn't replace moderate running entirely, says St. Pierre. You need both. But a weekly speed session can spice things up and utilize different muscles, potentially reducing your injury risk (provided you're careful to ease into speedwork and build workout duration and intensity gradually).

For weight loss, the longer the period of intensity, the better. Warm up, then run at 10-K pace for three to five minutes. Jog or walk three to five minutes. Repeat six to 10 times. Or set the treadmill grade to five percent and run at a moderate pace for three minutes. Then lower to zero and keep the same pace for three minutes. Repeat six to 10 times.




在一个一英里训练或者5公里训练之间加一个200米的加速跑,每周一次。随着时间的推移,尽量延长距离(5个五公里加四个200米加速跑,或者是十公里训练里加4个600米的加速跑 )。您在快速跑总里程不应超过你每周总里程的百分之五。 (每周跑20英里?你真牛,那你加速跑别超过一英里就好了)。



如果你想运行一个快速的五公里训练,短时间加速运动会提高你的有氧能力。你也可以做的比希望跑得更远的人们稍微多一点,这样对获得创造性和结合二者的优势更有帮助。 “你可以加入任何你想要的锻炼,”麦克米兰说。 “只有你比平时跑得更快更长才可以让你的身体作出有利的反馈。”

                                        Four Fast Speed Workouts for Any Runner

"I'm running my first half or full marathon, so I'm focused only on building distance."

It's the bane of many first-time marathoners: Near the end of a long run (or the actual race), they run out of fuel and their form falls apart. Fast repeats teach your body what it feels like to have a light, quick turnover—a biomechanical efficiency applicable to any speed or distance, says St. Pierre. Quick repeats also strengthen seldom-used "fast-twitch" muscles so they can be called upon when your other muscles are trashed at the end of a long race, he adds. And the workouts improve running economy, teaching the heart to pump more blood per minute and deliver oxygen to the muscles more efficiently, so that slow runs feel easier.

Start with six to 10 200-meter repeats at a one-mile to 5-K pace (or an 8 or 9 on an exertion scale of 1 to 10), with a 200-meter jog in between. Do this once a week. Over time, try lengthening the distance (5 × 400 at 5-K to 10-K pace, or 4 × 600 at 10-K pace). Your total mileage at a fast pace shouldn't exceed five percent of your weekly mileage total. (Running 20 miles per week? Run no more than one mile hard in speedwork.)

"I'm trying to finish my first 5-K, so I don't need to bother with speedwork."The shorter the distance, the more important speedwork is, and the more frequently you should do it, says McMillan. Whether you have a time goal or not, the improved blood sugar, cardiovascular fitness, and mental toughness gained will make your 5-K feel easier. And if you want to run a fast 5-K, short bursts will improve your aerobic power.

Since you can do speedwork more often than runners targeting longer races (maybe twice a week), get creative and mix it up. "Make up any workout you want," says McMillan. "Your body doesn't care as long as you are running faster and breathing harder than usual.

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