


1. rCarousel

2. AgileCarousel

Implement yourslideshow with the Agile Carousel JQuery plugin.Highly customizableso you can build according to yourrequirements. JSON data format isused to provide easierintegration with external data or data fromyour CMS. Use it foragile web development. This is an all newversion written fromscratch. JQuery UI effects and the ability toread files on theserver are no longer included. New features areadded, such as“Control Sets” which allow for a more customizablesetup. Nowposted on Github for faster development.

3. jCarousel

jCarousel is a jQueryplugin for controlling a list of items inhorizontal or verticalorder. The items, which can be static HTMLcontent or loaded with(or without) AJAX, can be scrolled back andforth (with or withoutanimation).

4. TinyCarousel

Tiny Carousel is alightweight carousel for sliding html basedcontent. It was builtusing the javascript jQuery library. TinyCarousel was designed tobe a dynamic lightweight utility thatgives webdesigners a powerfullway of enhancing a websites userinterface.

5. Theatre

Elixon Theatre is anextensible carousel/slideshow-like JQueryplugin supporting multipleanimation effects. Works with images orany other type of richformatted HTML contents. A best choice forportfolios, news tickers,image showcases and more. It provides youthe freedom of customcontrols. You can design your own controls asyou like. Or you canuse inbuilt support for button templates. Justcreate a buttontemplate and point Elixon Theatre to your buttontemplate using thepaging property.

6. StepCarousel Viewer

Step Carousel Viewerdisplays images or even rich HTML by sidescrolling them left orright. Users can step to any specific panelon demand, or browse thegallery sequentially by stepping through xnumber of panels eachtime. A smooth sliding animation is used totransition betweensteps. And fear not in taming this script to goexactly where youwant it to- two public methods, two custom eventhandlers, and three“status” variables are here for that purpose.Some highlights ofthis script:

7. CloudCarousel

There are someattractive Adobe Flash based solutions for this typeof UIcomponent, and while JavaScript versions exist (see this andthis),the commercial Flash products tend to have better aestheticsandpolish. To redress the balance in JavaScript’s favour, Ihavecreated this jQuerycarousel plugin.

8. JqueryMS Carousel

Why again a newjQueryCarousel? Well… I am not competing with anothercarousel but ofcourse it has so many features.

9. Barousel

Barousel is a jQueryplugin to easily generate simple carouselswhere each slide isdefined by an image + any type of relatedcontent.

10. jCarouselLite

jCarousel Lite is ajQuery plugin that carries you on a carouselride filled with imagesand HTML content. Put simply, you cannavigate images and/or HTML ina carousel-style widget. It is superlight weight, at about 2 KB insize, yet very flexible andcustomizable to fit most of ourneeds.

11. bxSlider

12. jQuery.carouFredSel

jQuery.carouFredSel isa plugin that turns any kind of HTML elementinto a carousel. It canscroll one or multiple itemssimultaneously, horizontal or vertical,infinite and circular,automatically or by user interaction.

13. 3DCarousel

Created a 3D Carouselfrom a list of images, with reflections andanimated by mouseposition.

14. InfiniteCarousel jQuery

Around the beginningof this month I released version 1.0.1 of theInfinite CarouseljQuery plugin. About a week later I received anemail asking if Icould add the ability for a visitor to jump to aspecific image inthe carousel. I’d seen this functionality inother carousels (nonethat run in infinite loops) where smallimages or some other userinterface was displayed that allowedsomeone to pick an image and godirectly to it. At first I thoughtsure, how hard could it be toenable this? If the current carouselcould flow infinitely pictureby picture, how difficult could it beto fast forward to a specificimage in the sequence? Little did irealize what I was in for.

15. Sandbox

This plugin wascommissioned by a client. The code base for thecarousel came from aCnet who generously provide an Open Source MITlicense. Please usethe comments to make suggestions for updatedversions, or contact medirectly.

16. jQueryFeature Carousel

This plug-in wasintended to be used to display feature stories ona home page of awebsite, but can be used for any reason and ishighly customizable.It will always display three images at thesame time, with all therest hidden behind the center image. I havedetailed instructionsfor using the plug-in, as well as a list ofall the options and somefrequent questions. If you have anyquestions about the carousel,please post a commentbelow.

17. jQueryLiquid Carousel plugin

Liquid carousel is ajQuery plugin intended for liquid designs.Every time the containerof the carousel gets resized, the numberof items in the list changeto fit the new width.

18. jQueryCarousel

19. imBannerRotater

I created simpleJQuery plugin that rotates images on a page.Actually, there arethree modes: random, rotate, carousel, andportfolio. In the defaultmode, random, the plugin will display arandomly selected image. Inthe rotate mode, the plugin will rotateimages on a page (fadingin/out). In this mode, you can select thespeed of the rotation. Inthe carousel mode, the images will moveto the left in a carouseleffect. I recently added a portfolio modethat using the samecarousel effect, but the images are displayeddifferently. The imagedata can be retrieved ajaxally (json or acomma separated list). Ifthe data is Json, a url can be added foreach image. You can alsoset the image title and set whether theurl will appear in aseparate window (target = ‘_blank’) or in thesame window (target =‘_self’).

20. jMyCarousel

21. jQueryWaterwheel Carousel

This jQuery plugin candisplay images with a cascading waterfalleffect. It can bepositioned either horizontally or vertically, andcustom events canfired when an image rotates into the center or isclicked. Thecallback functions can be used to programaticallytriggerLightbox-type effects, or load specific content intoanother regionof the website. There are a lot of possibilitieshere.

22. Roundabout

Roundabout is a jQueryplugin that converts a structure of staticHTML elements into ahighly customizable turntable-like interactivearea. (And now, notjust turntables, but many shapes!)

23. jQueryk3dCarousel plugin

I needed a “3D”carousel to rotate images. The currently availablejQuery pluginsfor this purpose were either too large, toorestricted (showing only4 at a time is not good enough), or tooold (not working in jQuery1.4+).

24. Flash3D Carousel

At Bug Software welike jQuery and we like Flash! So we thought wecould combine themto to create some really cool stuff.

25. iCarousel

iCarousel is an opensource (free) javascript tool for creatingcarousel likewidgets.

26. RoundaboutShapes for jQuery

Roundabout Shapesprovide even more paths along which yourRoundabout can move. Thecurrent version of Roundabout Shapesoffers eleven additionalmovements.

27. WOWSlider

WOW Slider is a jQueryimage slider with stunning visual effects(Blast, Fly, Blinds,Squares, Slices, Basic, Fade, Ken Burns,Stack, Stack vertical andBasic linear) and tons of professionallymade templates. WOW Slideris packed with a point-and-click wizardto create fantastic slidersin a matter of seconds without codingand image editing.

28. CarouselSlideshow

Carousel Slideshow isa fabulous DHTML script for the showcasing ofimages on your site.It displays images in a 3D, carousel fashion.Highlights of thisscript other than its stunning appearanceare:

29. jQuerycarousel plugin

I’ve recently beenworking on a jQuery carousel script and I’vefinally found the timeto package it up as a plugin for yourconsumption. It’s been used ona number of live projects so it’sbattle tested and will run in allmajor browsers includingIE6.

30. AnythingSlider

31. jQueryUI Image Carousel Plugin

The image carouselplugin is a jQuery UI plugin that displays anunordered list ofimages as a carousel with forward and backbuttons.

32. Makinga Mosaic Slideshow With jQuery&CSS

When designing aproduct page, it is often necessary to present anumber of images ina succession, also known as a slideshow. Withthe raise of thejQuery library and its numerous plugins, there isan abundance ofready-made solutions which address this problem.However, to make alasting impression to your visitors, you need topresent them withsomething they have not seen before.

33. dualSlider

34. jDigiClock

jDigiClock is a jQueryplugin inspired from HTC Hero ClockWidget.

35. Slides

Slides is a slideshowplugin for jQuery that is built withsimplicity in mind. Packed witha useful set of features to helpnovice and advanced developersalike create elegant anduser-friendly slideshows.

36. Carousel

This is a carouselscript for jQuery that is easily configurable ina multitude ofways. The script also includes hooks for customtransitions, shouldyou wish to add them.

37. jQueryImage Cube

The image cubefunctionality can easily be added to a division withappropriatedefault settings. It then displays the images containedwithin thetargetted division in a cycle every two seconds. Arandom rotationis chosen each time to move to the next image.Highlights andshadows are used to enhance the 3D effect.

38. FullPage Image Gallery with jQuery

In this tutorial weare going to create a stunning full pagegallery with scrollablethumbnails and a scrollable full screenpreview. The idea is to havea thumbnails bar at the bottom of thepage that scrollsautomatically when the user moves the mouse. Whena thumbnail isclicked, it moves to the center of the page and thefull screenimage is loaded in the background. Now the user canmove up and downand the image will get scrolled automatically,giving him theopportunity to see all of the image.

39. HOWTO: Create a jQuery Carousel with WordPressPosts

Over the past fewmonths I have had various requests for contentsliders and carouselsthat integrate WordPress posts on eachslide.

40. JustAnother Carousel

41. Makingan infinite JQuery carousel

In this tutorial wewill make an infinite JQuery carousel. Inoticed that most oftutorials on how to make an infinite JQuerycarousel are quitecomplex, so i decided to show you how to make itmuch simpler.

42. Supersized

Supersized is afullscreen background slideshow built using thejQuerylibrary.

43. ThumbnailsNavigation Gallery withjQuery

In this tutorial weare going to create an extraordinary gallerywith scrollablethumbnails that slide out from a navigation. We aregoing to usejQuery and some CSS3 properties for the style. Themain idea is tohave a menu of albums where each item will reveal ahorizontal barwith thumbnails when clicked. The thumbnailscontainer will scrollautomatically when the user moves the mouseto the left orright.

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