


Analysis of the Relationship between ListedCompanies’ Earnings Quality and Internal Control Information Disclosure*

Jianfei Leng, Lu Li

School ofBusiness, Hohai University, Nanjing, China



  The casesof financial fraud lead to incalculable losses in these years, which arerelated to firms weak system ofinternal control. Now, both domestic and foreign have issued a series of legalnorms. For example, Sarbanes- Oxley (SOX) Act force listed Companies todisclose their internal control information, including internal controldeficiencies and internal self-assessment report and external auditors audit opinion. We formulate two important files: Shanghai Stock Exchange listed companies internal control guidelines and Shenzhen Stock Exchange listedcompanies internal control guidelines. These filesrequire companies to disclose internal control self-assessment report andcomments of external auditors audit, which greatlyimprove companys effectiveness of internal control andquality of financial information. Accounting earnings is the score and one ofthe most important elements in all of the accounting information, which mainlyrefers to the companys ability of forecasting futurenet cash flow. Higher earnings quality is the key to the effective function ofthe market and the insurance of the companys futurecash flow. The better quality of companys earningsinclined to disclose more internal control information and to get more outsideinvestment. Therefore, earnings quality is one of the most important factors toaffect internal control information disclosure. In this article, with theanalysis of multiple regressions, we examine the relationship of earningsquality and internal control disclosure of information in the sample of 1273nonfinancial firms in shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2010.

2. PriorResearch on Internal Control Information Disclosure

  Listedcompanies internal control informationdisclosure is mostly voluntary before 2002, but few companies are willing to doso. Since Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act is enforced, many listed companies areforced to disclose their information of internal control, which providing morematerial and information to scholars who study listed companies internal control. Researches on internal control informationdisclosure are mainly concentrated on the following four aspects:

1) The current situation and solutions of internal control informationdisclosure.

  There arelots of researches on the current situation of internal control informationdisclosure,Mc. MullenRaghunandan and Rama[1] studied 4154 companies during 1989-1993, suggesting that only 26.5%companies are willing to disclose their internal control information, and thatonly 10.5% provide their internal control report among those companies withdeficiencies on their financial reports. It shows that the proportion ofcompanies voluntarily disclosing their internal control information is little,and that the companies with deficient financial report are more unwilling toprovide the internal control self-assessment report. Hermanson [2] also didcorresponding empirical research on listed companysinternal control information disclosure and got the same conclusion. Minghui Li[3] and Dongmei Qin [4] made related researches on the current situation ofinternal control information disclosure. They believed that current listedcompanies enthusiasm of disclosing internal controlinformation is not strong, and much internal control information was notsubstantial but formal. Minghui Li [3] also drawn on the experiences of theUnited States in internal control information disclosure, and provided a seriesof suggestions and measures of improving internal control informationdisclosure. Hua Li, Lina Chen [5], Xiaofeng Dai and Jun Pan [6] analyzed thecurrent situation of internal control information disclosure with internalcontrol theories, and pointed out the problems and put forward thecorresponding solution. Xinhua Dai and Qiang Zhang [7] mainly did the researchon listed banks internal control information disclosure,finding that our listed banks system of internalcontrol information disclosure is not standardized and sufficient. Theyinterpreted the corresponding requirements of the US internal controlinformation disclosure set by Sarbanes-Oxley Act, suggesting China to promote the improvement of listed banks internal control information step by step. According to relevantprovisions of internal control information disclosure required by Shanghai Stock Exchange Guidelines and The Notice on Listed Companies AnnualReport in 2006, Youhong Yang and Wei Wang [8] analyzedthe internal control information disclosure of listed companies on ShanghaiStock Exchange in 2006 with descriptive statistics, and found many problems.

2) Impact factors ofinternal control information disclosure.

Bronson, carcello, Raghunandan andDoyle, Ge, McVay suggested that there is a correlation between corporateidentity and internal control information dis-closure. Company size, theproportion of institutional investor holding, the number of audit committee andthe speed of earnings growth have impact on internal control informationdisclosure. Many other experts did empirical study on such question. Ge andMcVay used a survey method to analyze the sample, discovering that thedisclosure of material defects is related to the complexity of the company butthere is no direct correlation with company size and profitability. Jifu Caimade a relevant empirical study of A-share listed companies to find impactfactors of listed companies internalcontrol information disclosure. The results showed that the companies with abetter operating performance and higher reliability of financial report aremore inclined to disclose its internal control information, and vice versa.This indicates that the companys operating performanceand reliability of financial report affect the listed companies internal control information disclosure. Adrew J. Lcone selectedlisted companies who disclosed material defects of their internal controlinformation in their annual reports as samples to study the impact factors ofinternal control information disclosure. The results show that the complexityof corporate structures, the changes in company structure and the inputs tointernal control are all the impact factors of internal control informationdisclosure. Shaoqing Song and Yao Zhang studied A-share listed companies onShanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2007, finding that there is acorrelation between corporate governance characteristics and internal controlinformation disclosure. Audit committee, annual statistics, company size andthe place of listing have a significant impact on internal control informationdisclosure. Bin Wang and Huanhuan Liang [15] studied 1884 listed companies on ShenzhenStock Exchange between 2001 and 2004. They made use of their rating reports ofinformation disclosure quality to examine the inherent relationship betweenlisted companies corporate governance characteristics,characteristics of operating condition and information disclosure quality,finding that corporate governance characteristics and characteristics ofoperating condition have a certain impact on internal control informationdisclosure.

3) The cost of internal control informationdisclosure.

  The studies on the cost of internal controlinformation disclosure are not very much. J. Efrim, Boritz, Ping Zhang thoughtthat the costs of disclosing internal control information is enormous, and themanagement did not believe that the benefits of internal control informationdisclosure would surpass the corresponding costs. Maria analyzed the samplewhich discloses their internal control information in accordance with SECrequirements, primarily study the relationship between the costs of disclosinginternal control information and the effectiveness of the internal controlsystem. It is found that the cost of disclosing deficiencies of internalcontrol information is far more than that of defect-free.

4) Correlation between internal control andearnings quality.

  There aremany researches on the correlation between internal control and earningsquality. Doyle [11] studied the relationship between internal control andearnings quality, and found that internal control is a motivation of earningsquality. The studies of Chan [18] and Goh and Li [19] are similar. Chan [18]discovered that earnings management of those who disclose the material defectsof internal control has a higher degree but the return on investment is verylow. Goh and Lis [19] also foundthat companys earnings stability can be increasedafter improving the defects of internal control. Lobo and Zhou [20] made acomparison on companies discretionary accruals betweenbefore implementing Sarbanes-Oxley Act and after implementing it, finding that companies discretionary accruals decreased a lot after the implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Doyle, Ge and Mcvay[10] divided the internal control defects into two aspects: corporate level andaccount level, finding that internal control defects on corporate level isinfluential to earnings quality, but there is no correlation between internalcontrol defects on account level and earnings quality. Guoqing Zhang [21]selected nonfinancial A-share listed companies in 2007 as a research object tostudy the internal control quality on earnings quality. The results have shownthat there is no close link between high quality internal control and earningsquality, but companys characteristics and corporategovernance factors may affect internal control quality and earnings qualitysystematically. Chunsheng Fang et al. [22]used questionnaire survey to examine the relationship between internal controlsystem and financial reporting quality, finding that financial reportingquality improved after implementation of internal control system. Jun Zhang andJunzhi Wang [23] selected listed companies on Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2007as sample, and used adjusted Jones model to calculate discretionary accrualsand found that discretionary accruals significantly reduced after the review ofinternal control. Shengwen Xie and Wenhai Lai [24] selected A-share listedcompanies on Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2007 and 2008 as samples. They analyzedthe relationship between internal control deficiencies and earnings quality byusing a paired study, and found that listed companiesinternal control information disclosure had an effect on earnings quality.

  Based on the above studies, we can see thatinternal control gets more attention after the promulgation of Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Currentresearches centralize on the defects of existing laws and regulations, thecurrent situations of listed companies internalcontrol information disclosure, the relationship between listed companies internal control information disclosure and their operatingconditions, financial report quality and earnings quality. Among the currentstudies, most have focused on descriptive statistics and the relationshipbe-tween internal control quality and earnings quality, while there is no studyuse earnings quality as explanatory variable to reflect its effect on internalcontrol information disclosure. Therefore, this article uses earnings qualityas main explanatory variable and disclosure of internal control as thedependent variable to do empirical study, which compensate for the lack ofcurrent research to some extent.

3. Method

3.1. Hypothesis

  Hypothesis: the better the quality ofearnings is, the higher the level of internal control information disclosurewill be.

  According to agency theory and signalingtheory, corporate trustee has obligation to report relevant information to thecorporate capital owners, which give help to the operation of business. In theprocess of reporting, corresponding information is to pass the corporaterelevant signal to the capital market. The signal can make the operator affectthe flow of resources in capital market in a certain extent to improve theenterprise’s interests. There is the mutually reinforcing relationship betweeninternal control information disclosure and the quality of earnings. A companythat can fully disclose its information of internal control means that itsmanagers have a good description of ethics. Meanwhile, a company that can takethe initiative to show its internal control information in detail indicatesthat its company has a higher self-confidence, which will attract more capitalmarket resources, increase its cash flow, enhance the quality of earnings, andimprove management capabilities. Conversely, companies with good earningsquality will choose to voluntarily disclose their information of internalcontrol in detail. They can distinguish themselves to the companies withinferior earnings quality and get more favor from investors.





















    关于内部控制信息披露现状的研究有很多,如Mc. MullenRaghunandan Rama 1989年至1993年期间的4154家公司进行了研究,研究表明在那些财务报告存在缺陷的公司中,只有26.5%的公司愿意披露内部控制信息,只有10.5%的公司提供内部控制报告。这一结果表明,上市公司自愿披露内部控制信息的比例很少,而且财务报告存在缺陷的公司更不愿意提供内部控制自我评估报告。赫曼森也对上市公司的内部控制信息披露做了相应的实证研究,得到了相同的结论。李明辉和秦冬梅对内部控制信息披露的现状也做了研究。他们认为,目前上市公司披露内部控制信息的积极性不高,且大部分内部控制信息流于形式没有实质性意义。李明辉还借鉴了美国在内部控制信息披露上的经验,为完善我国上市公司内部控制信息披露提供了一系列建议和措施。李华,陈丽娜,戴晓峰和潘军运用内部控制的理论分析了内部控制信息披露的现状,指出了存在的问题并提出了相应的解决方法。戴新华和张强主要对上市银行内部控制信息披露进行了研究,发现我国上市银行内部控制信息披露体系不够规范和充分。他们对《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(SOX)中有关美国内部控制信息披露的规定做了解释,建议中国应分步实施上市银行内部控制信息的改进完善。根据《上海股票交易所的指导方针》和《2006年上市公司年报要求须知》中关于内部控制信息披露的有关规定,杨有红和王卫运用描述性统计分析了2006年上海证券交易所上市公司内部控制信息披露的情况,发现了许多问题。




至今关于内部控制信息披露成本的研究还比较少。J. EfrimBoritz和张平认为,内部控制信息披露的成本是巨大的,而且管理者不相信内部控制信息披露收益会超过相应的成本。玛丽亚以按照证券交易委员会的要求进行内部控制信息披露的上市公司为样本进行分析,主要是研究内部控制信息披露成本和内部控制系统的有效性之间的关系。研究发现,内部控制信息披露不足产生的成本远高于内部控制信息披露无缺陷产生的成本。


    有很多关于内部控制与盈余质量相关性的研究。多伊尔研究了内部控制与盈余质量之间的关系,发现内部控制是盈余质量的一个促进因素。K. C. Chan B. W. Goh D. Li的研究是相似的。K.C.Chan 发现,披露内部控制重大缺陷的上市公司具有较高的盈余管理水平但投资回报率很低。B. W. Goh D. Li的研究也发现改善内部控制缺陷可以增强公司盈余的稳定性。G. J. Lobo J. Zhou对公司的操控性利润在《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》的实施前后进行了对比,发现在《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》实施以后公司的操控性应计利润下降了很多。多伊尔,GE和麦克维将内部控制缺陷分为两个方面:企业层面和核算层面,发现企业层面的内部控制缺陷对公司盈余质量水平是有影响的,但核算层面的内部控制缺陷与盈余质量并没有相关性。张国清博士选择2007A股市场非金融上市公司为研究对象对盈余质量与内部控制质量的关系进行了研究。结果表明,盈余质量与高质量内部控制之间没有密切的联系,但是公司的特点和公司治理因素可能会系统性地影响内部控制质量与盈余质量。方春生等人采用问卷调查的方式来研究内部控制制度和财务报告质量之间的关系,发现财务报告质量在内部控制制度实施后有所提高。张军,王郡治选择2007年上海证券交易所的股票上市公司为样本,采用修正后的琼斯模型计算操控性应计利润,发现在内部控制评审后操控性应计利润显著降低。谢盛文和赖文海选取2007年和2008年上海证券交易所A股股票上市公司作为样本。他们采用配对研究的方法分析了内部控制缺陷与盈余质量之间的关系,发现股票上市公司内部控制信息披露会影响盈余质量。













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