


基于 Apache 的服务器




The Apache based Subversion server uses the WebDAV protocol which is supported by many other programs as well. You could e.g. mount such a repository as a “Web folder” in the Windows explorer and then access it like any other folder in the file system.







安装 Apache

The first thing you need before installing Apache is a computer with Windows 2000, Windows XP+SP1, Windows 2003, Vista or Server 2008.


Please note that Windows XP without the service pack 1 will lead to bogus network data and could therefore corrupt your repository!

  1. Download the latest version of the Apache web server from http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi. Make sure that you download the version 2.2.x - the version 1.3.xx won't work!

    The msi installer for Apache can be found by clicking on other files, then browse to binaries/win32. You may want to choose the msi file apache-2.2.x-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.x.msi (the one that includes OpenSSL).

  2. Once you have the Apache2 installer you can double click on it and it will guide you through the installation process. Make sure that you enter the server-URL correctly (if you don't have a DNS name for your server just enter the IP-address). I recommend to install Apache for All Users, on Port 80, as a Service. Note: if you already have IIS or any other program running which listens on port 80 the installation might fail. If that happens, go to the programs directory, \Apache Group\Apache2\conf and locate the file httpd.conf. Edit that file so that Listen 80 is changed to a free port, e.g. Listen 81. Then restart the installation - this time it should finish without problems.

  3. Now test if the Apache web server is running correctly by pointing your web browser to http://localhost/ - a preconfigured Website should show up.





If Apache does not have this permission set up, your users will get “Access denied” error messages, which show up in the Apache error log as error 500.

安装 Subversion

  1. Download the latest version of the Subversion Win32 binaries for Apache. Be sure to get the right version to integrate with your version of Apache, otherwise you will get an obscure error message when you try to restart. If you have Apache 2.2.x go to http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=8100.

  2. 运行Subversion安装程序,并根据指导安装,如果Subversion认识到你安装了Apache,你就几乎完成了工作,如果它没有找到Apache服务器,你还有额外的步骤。

  3. 使用Windwos资源管理器,来到Subversion的安装目录(通常是c:\program files\Subversion),找到文件/httpd/mod_dav_svn.somod_authz_svn.so,复制这些文件到Apache的模块目录(通常是c:\program files\apache group\apache2\modules )。

  4. 从 Subversion 安装目录将 /bin/libdb*.dll/bin/intl3_svn.dll 复制到 Apache 的 bin 目录。

  5. 使用记事本之类的文本编辑器修改Apache的配置文件(通常是 C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf),做出如下修改:

    去掉以下几行的注释(删除 '#'标记):

    #LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so#LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so

    将以下两行到 LoadModule 节的末尾。

    LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.soLoadModule authz_svn_module modules/mod_authz_svn.so


Now you have set up Apache and Subversion, but Apache doesn't know how to handle Subversion clients like TortoiseSVN yet. To get Apache to know which URL will be used for Subversion repositories you have to edit the Apache configuration file (usually located in c:\program files\apache group\apache2\conf\httpd.conf) with any text editor you like (e.g. Notepad):

  1. At the end of the config file add the following lines:

    <Location /svn>  DAV svn  SVNListParentPath on  SVNParentPath D:\SVN  #SVNIndexXSLT "/svnindex.xsl"  AuthType Basic  AuthName "Subversion repositories"  AuthUserFile passwd  #AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile  Require valid-user</Location>

    This configures Apache so that all your Subversion repositories are physically located below D:\SVN. The repositories are served to the outside world from the URL: http://MyServer/svn/ . Access is restricted to known users/passwords listed in the passwd file.

  2. To create the passwd file, open the command prompt (DOS-Box) again, change to the apache2 folder (usually c:\program files\apache group\apache2) and create the file by entering

    bin\htpasswd -c passwd <username>

    This will create a file with the name passwd which is used for authentication. Additional users can be added with

    bin\htpasswd passwd <username>
  3. 再次重启Apache服务。

  4. 将浏览器指向http://MyServer/svn/MyNewRepository(MyNewRepository是你此前创建的版本库名),如果一切正常,你会被提示输入用户名和密码,然后你会看到版本库的内容。

A short explanation of what you just entered:

表 3.1. Apache httpd.conf Settings

<Location /svn>意思是Subversion版本库的URL是http://MyServer/svn/
DAV svn告诉Apache是哪个模块响应那个URL的请求-此刻是Subversion模块。
SVNListParentPath onFor Subversion version 1.3 and higher, this directive enables listing all the available repositories under SVNParentPath.
SVNParentPath D:\SVN告诉Subversion需要查看的版本库位于D:\SVN之下
SVNIndexXSLT "/svnindex.xsl"Used to make the browsing with a web browser prettier.
AuthType Basic激活基本认证,就是用户名/密码
AuthName "Subversion repositories"用来说明何时弹出要求用户输入认证信息的认证对话框
AuthUserFile passwd指定使用的认证密码文件
Require valid-user指定只有输入了正确的用户/密码的用户可以访问URL

But that's just an example. There are many, many more possibilities of what you can do with the Apache web server.

  • 如果你希望所有人可以读你的版本库,但是只有特定用户可以写,你可以修改下面几行

    Require valid-user


    <LimitExcept GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT>Require valid-user</LimitExcept>
  • Using a passwd file limits and grants access to all of your repositories as a unit. If you want more control over which users have access to each folder inside a repository you can uncomment the line

    #AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile

    and create a Subversion access file. Apache will make sure that only valid users are able to access your /svn location, and will then pass the username to Subversion's AuthzSVNAccessFile module so that it can enforce more granular access based upon rules listed in the Subversion access file. Note that paths are specified either as repos:path or simply path. If you don't specify a particular repository, that access rule will apply to all repositories under SVNParentPath. The format of the authorization-policy file used by mod_authz_svn is described in “路径为基础的授权”一节

  • To make browsing the repository with a web browser 'prettier', uncomment the line

    #SVNIndexXSLT "/svnindex.xsl"

    and put the files svnindex.xsl, svnindex.css and menucheckout.ico in your document root directory (usually C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs). The directory is set with the DocumentRoot directive in your Apache config file.

    你可以直接在我们的代码库http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/contrib/other/svnindex中拿到这三个文件。如果访问这个链接需要认证,输入用户名称 guest,无需密码。

    The XSL file from the TortoiseSVN repository has a nice gimmick: if you browse the repository with your web browser, then every folder in your repository has an icon on the right shown. If you click on that icon, the TortoiseSVN checkout dialog is started for this URL.


If you used the SVNParentPath directive then you don't have to change the Apache config file every time you add a new Subversion repository. Simply create the new repository under the same location as the first repository and you're done! In my company I have direct access to that specific folder on the server via SMB (normal windows file access). So I just create a new folder there, run the TortoiseSVN command TortoiseSVN → Create repository here... and a new project has a home...

如果你使用Subversion 1.3或更高版本,可以使用SVNListParentPath on指示,这样当你使用浏览器访问父路径而不是具体某个版本库时就会显示所有版本库列表。


The mod_authz_svn module permits fine-grained control of access permissions based on user names and repository paths. This is available with the Apache server, and as of Subversion 1.3 it is available with svnserve as well.


[groups]admin = john, katedevteam1 = john, rachel, sallydevteam2 = kate, peter, markdocs = bob, jane, miketraining = zak# Default access rule for ALL repositories# Everyone can read, admins can write, Dan German is excluded.[/]* = r@admin = rwdangerman =# Allow developers complete access to their project repos[proj1:/]@devteam1 = rw[proj2:/]@devteam2 = rw[bigproj:/]@devteam1 = rw@devteam2 = rwtrevor = rw# Give the doc people write access to all the docs folders[/trunk/doc]@docs = rw# Give trainees write access in the training repository only[TrainingRepos:/]@training = rw


Authentication and authorization are separate processes. If a user wants to gain access to a repository path, she has to meet both, the usual authentication requirements and the authorization requirements of the access file.

使用 Windows 域认证


But there's a solution for that problem - at least if you're accessing the repository from inside a LAN with a windows domain controller: mod_auth_sspi!

The original SSPI module was offered by Syneapps including source code. But the development for it has been stopped. But don't despair, the community has picked it up and improved it. It has a new home on SourceForge.

  • Download the module which matches your apache version, then copy the file mod_auth_sspi.so into the Apache modules folder.

  • Edit the Apache config file: add the line

    LoadModule sspi_auth_module modules/mod_auth_sspi.so

    to the LoadModule section. Make sure you insert this line before the line

    LoadModule auth_module modules/mod_auth.so
  • To make the Subversion location use this type of authentication you have to change the line

    AuthType Basic


    AuthType SSPI

    also you need to add

    SSPIAuth OnSSPIAuthoritative OnSSPIDomain <domaincontroller>SSPIOmitDomain onSSPIUsernameCase lowerSSPIPerRequestAuth onSSPIOfferBasic On

    within the <Location /svn> block. If you don't have a domain controller, leave the name of the domain control as <domaincontroller>.

Note that if you are authenticating using SSPI, then you don't need the AuthUserFile line to define a password file any more. Apache authenticates your username and password against your windows domain instead. You will need to update the users list in your svnaccessfile to reference DOMAIN\username as well.


The SSPI authentication is only enabled for SSL secured connections (https). If you're only using normal http connections to your server, it won't work.

To enable SSL on your server, see the chapter: “用 SSL 使服务器更安全”一节


Subversion AuthzSVNAccessFile files are case sensitive in regard to user names (JUser is different from juser).

In Microsoft's world, Windows domains and user names are not case sensitive. Even so, some network administrators like to create user accounts in CamelCase (e.g. JUser).


The end result is that you may need at least two entries in your AuthzSVNAccessFile for each user -- a lowercase entry and an entry in the same case that Internet Explorer passes to Apache. You will also need to train your users to also type in their credentials using lower case when accessing repositories via TortoiseSVN.

Apache's Error and Access logs are your best friend in deciphering problems such as these as they will help you determine the username string passed onto Subversion's AuthzSVNAccessFile module. You may need to experiment with the exact format of the user string in the svnaccessfile (e.g. DOMAIN\user vs. DOMAIN//user) in order to get everything working.




  • To enable both Windows domain and passwd file authentication, add the following entries within the <Location> block of your Apache config file:

    AuthAuthoritative OffSSPIAuthoritative Off

Here is an example of the full Apache configuration for combined Windows domain and passwd file authentication:

<Location /svn>  DAV svn  SVNListParentPath on  SVNParentPath D:\SVN  AuthName "Subversion repositories"  AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile.txt# NT Domain Logins.  AuthType SSPI  SSPIAuth On  SSPIAuthoritative Off  SSPIDomain <domaincontroller>  SSPIOfferBasic On# Htpasswd Logins.  AuthType Basic  AuthAuthoritative Off  AuthUserFile passwd  Require valid-user</Location>

用 SSL 使服务器更安全

Even though Apache 2.2.x has OpenSSL support, it is not activated by default. You need to activate this manually.

  1. In the apache config file, uncomment the lines:

    #LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so

    and at the bottom

    #Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

    then change the line (on one line)

    SSLMutex "file:C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/logs/ssl_mutex"


    SSLMutex default
  2. Next you need to create an SSL certificate. To do that open a command prompt (DOS-Box) and change to the Apache folder (e.g. C:\program files\apache group\apache2) and type the following command:

    bin\openssl req -config bin\openssl.cnf -new -out my-server.csr

    You will be asked for a passphrase. Please don't use simple words but whole sentences, e.g. a part of a poem. The longer the phrase the better. Also you have to enter the URL of your server. All other questions are optional but we recommend you fill those in too.

    Normally the privkey.pem file is created automatically, but if it isn't you need to type this command to generate it:

    bin\openssl genrsa -out conf\privkey.pem 2048

    Next type the commands

    bin\openssl rsa -in conf\privkey.pem -out conf\server.key

    and (on one line)

    bin\openssl req -new -key conf\server.key -out conf\server.csr -config conf\openssl.cnf

    and then (on one line)

    bin\openssl x509 -in conf\server.csr -out conf\server.crt                 -req -signkey conf\server.key -days 4000

    This will create a certificate which will expire in 4000 days. And finally enter:

    bin\openssl x509 -in conf\server.cert -out conf\server.der.crt -outform DER

    These commands created some files in the Apache conf folder (server.der.crt, server.csr, server.key, .rnd, privkey.pem, server.cert).

  3. Restart the Apache service.

  4. 将你的浏览器指向https://servername/svn/project ...

SSL and Internet Explorer



  • define a separate <Location /path> directive in the Apache config file, and add the SSPIBasicPreferred On. This will allow IE to authenticate again, but other browsers and Subversion won't be able to authenticate against that location.

  • 也提供未加密(没有SSL)认证的浏览,奇怪的IE在没有使用SSL的认证时没有任何问题。

  • In the SSL "standard" setup there's often the following statement in Apache's virtual SSL host:

    SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*"              nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown              downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

    There are (were?) good reasons for this configuration, see http://www.modssl.org/docs/2.8/ssl_faq.html#ToC49 But if you want NTLM authentication you have to use keepalive. If You uncomment the whole SetEnvIf you should be able to authenticate IE with windows authentication over SSL against the Apache on Win32 with included mod_auth_sspi.

强制 SSL 访问

When you've set up SSL to make your repository more secure, you might want to disable the normal access via non-SSL (http) and only allow https access. To do this, you have to add another directive to the Subversion <Location> block: SSLRequireSSL.

An example <Location> block would look like this:

<Location /svn>  DAV svn  SVNParentPath D:\SVN  SSLRequireSSL  AuthType Basic  AuthName "Subversion repositories"  AuthUserFile passwd  #AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile  Require valid-user</Location>

Using client certificates with virtual SSL hosts

Sent to the TortoiseSVN mailing list by Nigel Green. Thanks!

In some server configurations you may need to setup a single server containing 2 virtual SSL hosts: The first one for public web access, with no requirement for a client certificate. The second one to be secure with a required client certificate, running a Subversion server.

Adding an SSLVerifyClient Optional directive to the per-server section of the Apache configuration (i.e. outside of any VirtualHost and Directory blocks) forces Apache to request a client Certificate in the initial SSL handshake. Due to a bug in mod_ssl it is essential that the certificate is requested at this point as it does not work if the SSL connection is re-negotiated.

The solution is to add the following directive to the virtual host directory that you want to lock down for Subversion:


This directive grants access to the directory only if a client certificate was received and verified successfully.

To summarise, the relevant lines of the Apache configuration are:

SSLVerifyClient Optional### Virtual host configuration for the PUBLIC host ### (not requiring a certificate)<VirtualHost>  <Directory "pathtopublicfileroot">  </Directory></VirtualHost>### Virtual host configuration for SUBVERSION ### (requiring a client certificate)<VirtualHost>  <Directory "subversion host root path">    SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY} eq "SUCCESS"  </Directory>  <Location /svn>    DAV svn    SVNParentPath /pathtorepository  </Location></VirtualHost>
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