

the important day in my life

The Most Memorable Day in My Life

It was a very scorching hot day and even it’s hard forme to have courage to walk into street. However, I made up my mind to do thatpart-time job that asked me to hand out a large amount leaflets under the sunin the street to passers-by and finish it on time, in order to earn some pocketmoney and experience the hardship of my parents.

As we all know, all things are difficult before theyare easy. Looking at people passed by me one by one. I couldn’t encourage me tohand out the leaflet to passers-by successfully, especially when some peoplerefused me. Hard as it was, some people avoiding walking towards me when theysaw me afar, and even some people should treated me like air and didn’t neglectmy words to them at all, I didn’t want to give up to myself and I stillinsisted on doing that job. I persuade passers-by to receive my papers, for Iam a girl who doesn’t like to compromise.

At that moment, an old couple that seems like morethan 60-year-old and the old man ridded a tricycle with his old wife passedthrough me and asked me to give him a piece of leaflet. Of course, I give himone happily without hesitation and said thank you very much to him with myheartfelt thank. After all, he helped me decrease the amount of the leaflets. However,I still had a large amount of leaflet, I continued handing out them. When Ifelt a little disappointed, I see the old woman that I met before walking tome, at that time, I also found that she lose the flexibility of body like anormal people. She asked me give her a piece of leaflet just like her husband. Igave her a piece of the leaflet with smile. Then she left without any words.After about two hours, I became more and more frustrated, and the old coupleappears my light once again, to my surprise, the man asked me to give him a secondone, and I did as he asked. And then, he asked me to give his wife another one.In the end, they didn’t say any words to me, just leaving in the distance. I sawthe back of the old couple, disappearing gradually in my slight, and feelingsomething wet out my eyes.

That day is the most memorable day in my life. Maybe,it’s a very scorching day indeed, but I felt the sun is very special beautiful.There are plenty of good people just like the old couple who are willing tohelp you without any profits with kind heart in the world. I will remember themin my deep mind, and I will deliver my love to every place and every people whoneed help and sprinkle the beautiful sun to every corner in the world.

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