

In the Harry Potter series, the Department of Mysteries is affiliated with the ministry of Magic, the (fictional) supreme governing body of the British magical community, and is responsible for a variety of major, secret magical matters, with a duty of utmost secrecy. 

To reach the Department of Mysteries one must pass through an elevator, and after stepping out of the elevator fence, a simple corridor leads to a plain black door. Open this pure black door and enter the circular black room.


Twelve identical, no tags, no black door handle each other separated by some distance, on the wall of the round black, some took the blue flame of the candle ornament on the wall, cold, when the door is closed to the circular room, the walls of the circular rapid rotation, let a person not sure from which the door.

十二扇一模一样、没有标记、也没有把手的黑色房门彼此隔开一些距离,嵌在四周黑色的墙壁上,一些冒着蓝色火苗的蜡烛点缀在墙上,冷冷的,  当通往圆形房间的门关上,圆形的墙壁就会快速的旋转,让人搞不清是从哪个门进来的。

Brain Room: This square room looks very bright. The room was almost empty except for a table, and in the middle of the room was a huge glass tank of dark green liquid, large enough for them to swim in.

A lot of white things were floating slowly around in it. As soon as the brain comes out of the tank of fluid, the tentacles of thought behind it immediately wrap around the person. This room also has doors to other rooms.


Death Chamber :The room was dimly lit, square, and hollow in the center, forming a huge pit of stone. There were no chained chairs in the centre of the pit. Instead, there was a raised stone platform, on which stood an archway so tattered that In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix harry wondered how it could stand still. A tattered black veil hung from it, and the air was cold and windless.

No one knew what was beyond the veil, or why Harry and Luna could hear voices. Of course we can guess that, just as we can see thestrals, the man who can hear beyond the veil may also have witnessed death.

Locked Room :The door of this room was locked, and there was no spell or magic thing that could be broken to open it. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry USES a magical knife (given to him by Sirius) that can unlock any lock, but the blade is melted and the door is still locked as it was.

According to Dumbledore, there was something in it, something more magical and frightening than death, than human intelligence, than the forces of nature. You have all the energy in that room, and Voldemort has none." This energy is love.

Time Room :The room was full of beautiful, diamond-like flickering light. Clocks can be found on every surface. Because of this, a rapid, ceaseless ticking filled the room. The diamond-like leap of light came from a towering crystal bell jar at the far end of the room.

The crystal bell jar was as tall as Harry's and stood on a table. There is also a glass-fronted closet with a wall covered with various hourglasses. Behind the bell jar was the only door to the hall of Prophecy.

The Prophecy was a vast, cold room, lined with lofty shelves filled with tiny, dusty glass balls. On the shelf below each of the marbles was a little yellow sticker. Some of them gave off mysterious, flowing light; others were vague and dark. More candlesticks are set on shelves at intervals, and the flames are as blue as the black hall.


The light in the hall was very dim and dim. The candles were placed at the end of each row of shelves, so that from one end you could see, and from the other far away it was pitch black. Some of the little marbles gave off a faint glow from the inside, while others were cold and dull. The prophecy involving Harry was placed at the end of row ninety-seven, a little further in.


Planet Room :A dark room full of planets. It was a strange place. When Harry is in the time hall in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: "There is a shout from a nearby room, then a crash and a scream."

行星室是一间满是行星的黑屋子,那真是个怪地方。在《哈利·波特与凤凰社》中当哈利在时间厅里时:“有来自附近一个房间的一阵呼喊声, 然后一阵碰撞声和尖叫声。”
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