

【HP英语水平考试来了】Lose You Again(Part 2) | 预言家日报

Lose You Again

 [It was the world in Voldemort'spower,where Scorpius was trying to persuade Snape to help him save thehistory.]

Part 2

Professor Slughorn unfurled it carefully and lying in front of them wasa piece of badly torn parchment filled with an odd kind of rune."It was aguide written by centaurs."

"Uh...Have you figured out what that means?"

"Not yet...I'm not handy with strange characters...but I believeyou may be able to reveal the secret someday."He handed the parchment toSissy solemnly.

"You may help her,Severus.And I have total confidence that you'llsucceed in making the advanced potion."Professor Slughorn added to Snapefondly,"Is there anything beyond the only boy who managed to stew FelixFelicis?"

Dim silver moonlight sprayed through the window.Sissy was lying on hercozy bed in the dormitory,holding the old parchment upsidedown."Mary?Still awake there?"She whispered.

"Yeh...What's up?"

"Can you read runes written by centaurs?"

"Not sure...I've tried to learn for years.There isn't anydictionary translating it clearly.But it was recorded in some books aboutcentaurs or prophecies."

"Great!Come over and have a look at this!"

"Wha...t?!"Mary jumped down her bed excitedly,"Are youtelling me that you've actually GOT something written in the runes?"

"Wicked!"She was overjoyed as Sissy held up the parchment.

"Lumos."They examined it closely in the thin rays from wandtips.

"A...Guide...To..."Mary pointed at each mark and exerted herselfto make it out."Wow.Could it be the instruction to Rehab Potion?"

"Definitely.Professor Slughorn gave it to me a few hours ago."

"It's much more complicated than I expect.I can only understandparts of it since I've never read a whole article written bycentaurs."Mary frowned.

"I thought they only neigh!"

"Nope.They used to have runes after an extremely intelligentcentaur stroke up a friendship with humans.Undoubtedly he was banished from hisherd.He lived with humans and invented his own code.Then he took somepredicting methods down in the rest of his life as a superb seer."

"Cool.So is this written by him,too?"

"Fat chance.It is said that he was a know-all and was skilled inpotions-making as well."Mary explained in a respectful tone.

They continued to stare at the parchment fruitlessly.Sissy's head wasracing.She believed that she caught sight of some recognizable letters from acertain angle but they became obscured once her head moved a little.

"Maybe we can turn to Professor Flitwick tomorrow."

Knock.Knock."Come in!"Said Professor Flitwick in his squeakyvoice.

"Professor?"Sissy and Mary entered and peered around,"Wehave something to ask."

"Good."Flitwick dragged out his usual biscuits jar forstudents with questions as he climbed onto the desk(Rumor had it that he hadpart of goblin-bloodline,though none of the students had the nerve toask)."Have a biscuit."

"Thanks."They chewed those biscuits while pulling out theparchment."Professor,could you help us figure this out?"

"I see.Centaurs' runes,uh?"He scanned it,"Quitecomplex.Interesting to learn,though."He picked up his quill and drew somejagged marks on another parchment."It's kind of a code.If you look thisway and do some calculating..."

They all stared at the letters with their heads inclining to a certaindegree.

"Fabulous!"Gradually the secret revealed itself.Comparing tothe code chart Flitwick drew,they came to make it out.

"Severus!"Sissy ran towards a bunch of Slytherins out on theground.

Snape twitched but bent down his head against winds and walked on.

"I've got the guide translated!"Sissy didn't give up.

"Oops?Don't tell us you've got yourself another girlfriend sincethat Mudblood abandoned you,Severus!"Around them some bullies howled inlaughters,one of whom punched his shoulder.

"Don't.Call.Her.Mudblood."Snape argued back through grittedteeth.

"Feeling sorry for her?Ha."The tall boy who punched him jeeredviciously,"Let's see...Another ignoble girl with a ridiculous Muggle'ssurname!"

He peered down at Sissy and kicked her to the ground like kicking off acockroach."Too weak."

Sudden pain hit Sissy but she chose to glare back rather than wince.Shewas never the type of girls who would easily show the white feather.

"Perfect chance to try new dark art on her,guys!"The maliciousboy pulled out his wand,apparently irritated."Crucio!"

"Protego!"The green flash rebounded.Snape bit his lipstightly,kind of surprised at his outstretching wand.

He must had an illusion...Golden-scarlet rays from the setting sun dyedSissy's hair.That was Lily for sure...A strong impulse was rolling in his chestand his version blurred.

"Are you mad?You're definitely disgracing us!"Other Slytherinsspitted at Snape and stormed away.

No.She's not Lily.Snape assured himself.Or I would use"Sectumsempra" on them...

"Thanks."Sissy whisked the dust off her robe and walked up tohim,"Shall we meet on Saturday night to start on the potion,anyway?"

Snape grumbled vaguely.He tore his gaze off those green eyes and stalkedaway,half dreaming.

Sissy was left facing his receding figure dipped in the sunset.Do I holda soft spot for him?No...he would be my dad...She couldn't imagine him being aDeath Eater in the future...

The crimson foam of evening glow was fiddling with some fragments ofclouds.Sweet intoxication...

It was Saturday night.Snape lingered outside a deserted girls' bathroomon the first floor where he saw Sissy enters.What on earth is she playingat?Snape was about to change his mind when Sissy beckoned him inside thebathroom:"Severus?Is that you?Come in----this room is disused!"

Snape hesitated and then walked in,locking the door as he did so.

Cauldrons,knives,ladles and loads of ingredients were scattered on thefloor.Sissy was sitting among them,reading the guide over and over again.

"May I have a look,Clearwater?"Snape said coldly,"I'munder the impression that I know better than you do."

Sissy bit back the urge to retort and passed it to him."Thank youfor coming" was all she said.

Snape peered at the parchment,determined not to make eyes-contact withher.The Half-Blood Prince pulled out a quill and scribbled some notes in themargins."Let's start."

They cut ingredients and heated the oven in silence."Uh...I'm notsure but...isn't it said that we need to CUT those stuffs?"Sissy burstout.

"Better crush for more juice."Snape explained impatiently.

Silence again.Somehow Sissy enjoyed it.More ingredients were thrown intothe cauldron and she no longer made any comment at Snape's amending.

The liquid began to fume in light yellow when a transparent figurewhooshed out of a stall."Oops,sorry to disturb your date..."

"Moaning Myrtle?"Sissy gave a start.

"No need to add the 'Moaning'!"Myrtle perched on a commodecrossly."People are all laughing at me,throwing things at me----'fivepoints for her head and ten points if you shoot on stomach'!"

"Sorry...Myrtle."Sissy dropped her voice.

But Myrtle had already turned to Snape:"Oh----isn't that the boywho never washes his hair?Lily'll be heartbroken if she sees you twotogether..."

"Get out."Snape barked.

"Tut,tut.The poor girl used to weep and confide in me here..."

Snape paused."What did she tell you?"

"Nothing interesting.Always pitying for your access to dark art andcomplaining the Potter boy's ways of bullying and showing off."Myrtlewatched Snape's stricken face and went on,"As far as I am aware...she'sstill not able to throwing you off her mind as memories from childhoodcontinually grasp her,though a rude remark from you was torturing her all thesame."The ghost seemed satisfied to see Snape in sorrow and plunged intoanother stall merrily and vanished.

The potion bubbled and it was the only sound source in the room.

"Uh...Are you...okay?"Sissy stole a glance at a vacant Snape.

Definitely not.Snape was stuck in trance.Lily feels ashamed for me...Iwas such a hopeless idiot calling her "Mudblood"...perhaps she neverabandons me...His determination to join the dark side swayed.He knew perfectlywell that Lily would be his one and only love even if he was merely regarded asher best friend...or even less than that.Anyway,it was at least soothing to betold about Lily finding fault with Potter...

Snape stirred the liquid absentmindedly until Sissy's tender voice brokethe stillness:"Severus...perhaps the solitary Prince just makes wrongchoices..."She regretted for her words almost at once.

"Really?"Snape was slightly provoked.Pieces of memoriesstreamed into his mind before he could resist.The disappointed glance from Lilywhen he was sorted into Slytherin...and her voice saying "I don't likethose people you're hanging around with..."Are those stuffs concerningdark magic that I take a liking to the hinge that repels Lily?Is it possiblethat I chose the wrong road?Snape's head was swimming.Right in front of himwere Lily's eyes sparkling in the flare."You seem to know more than Iexpect."He barely moved his lips.

Sissy scrutinized as the air of bewilderment changed into grief onSnape's shattered face.A horrified feeling invaded her body like a bucket ofice despite the dancing fire.She came to appreciate what a mess she had made.Itwas totally wrong to overly intervene others' life in the past,especially hernever-would-be dad's...

The potion needed three months to ferment so all they should do waswaiting and stirring on a regular basis of time.

Christmas was in the corner as Hogsmeade was covered in snow on a chillyweekend.Students swarmed into the peaceful village in knots.

Sissy and Mary followed them,both looking up to the crystal bits ofsnowflakes dancing all over the sky with their mouths open in admiration.

"I love snowy days..."

"So do I...Such a wonder of nature."

They strolled on with heads raising until their necks became sour andnumb,not caring in the slightest that they might bump intosomebody."Follow your instinct"----That would do.

After a while they passed the Three Broomsticks and Sissy immediatelycaught sight of a familiar lonely black figure which was quite abrupt amongchattering crowds."Hey,listen.I need to see a guy in the pub so shall wemeet an hour later at Honeydukes?"Sissy stopped at the door withoutknowing what she would do.

"Fine.I happen to have some parchments to get since they arecontinually in lack for my new drawings,one of which concerns Erumpents----itshorn will explode if you give a tiny touch,you know."Mary saidcheerfully,"Want me to get you something in passing?"

"Uh...A bottle of ink,please."Sissy called over her shouldersand pushed open the door.

There sat Snape,alone and holding a bunch of lilies that he justconjured.The temperature of warm environment seemed to drop a few degreesaround him.

"Hi,Severus."Sissy approached hesitantly,"Uh...would youmind if I take a seat beside you?Everywhere else is occupied."

"Leave me alone."Snape said coldly,but somehow in the bottomof his heart he admitted that it was not bad to let her be a companion...

Sissy seemed to hear his psychology."Being lonely isn't thateasy."She sat down and ordered two cups of butterbeer.

"Why are you so interested in me?You are the second girl I talkedmost with."Snape stared at the lily and finally asked.

Sissy gave a sallow smile."Because I know you more than youdo."

Snape paused and asked no more.He peered at the mysterious girl as shewas sucking from her cup.She was even kind of cute with a circle of foam on herlips.

"Sev?"Lily burst in all of a sudden.Sissy barely had time toslid into a corner before she saw her.

"Lily!"Snape stood up tremulously.

"I'm sorry that I can't have lunch with you since James..."Shestopped abruptly as Snape's face shattered.

"Never mind.Actually I am the person to pardon over theyears..."He dropped his head and voice.

"Anyway...I should still say that I'm happy that you no longer takean active part in those dark art parties.I'll wait until the day you stopinventing your dangerous dark spells."

"Lily...you have no ideas how much you matter to me..."Snapemurmured,not recognizing his own voice.

"Yes I do.And to me you're once my best friend."Lily give hishands a fleet squeeze and then turned to leave.

She was halfway toward the door when Sissy caught up."Wait aminute,please."Sissy's memories about the other world stirred.

"Listen.Uh...He lives in remorse over the years.Severus Snape willalways love you.For a lifetime."Sissy took a deep breath and blurtedout."Just think you ought to know..."

Lily looked into an identical pair of eyes inbewilderment."Thanks.It's touching."And she glimpsed at Snape foranother split second.

"Let's get moving,Lily.No need to waste time on oldSnivellus!"James emphasized his last word and spared Snape a disgustingglance.A gang of Gryffindors roared with laughter before they exited.

"What did you say to her?"Snape asked as Sissy walked back.

"Nothing...and everything since you won't open your heart."

Words failed him as Snape's head was blank.He rose to his feet andstrode directly into chilly winds.

Sissy was left alone.Loneliness often makes people more fragile thanusual and thousands of feelings are about to explode beneath the hollowsurface,especially in a world that you don't belong to.She sighed and took a pieceof paper out of her cloak carefully.It was a photo.Snape and Lily were beamingat her with their arms around a little girl,forming a blessedly warm scene.

"Dad...I've fulfilled one of your instructions..."A gleamingdrop of tear magnified Snape's already big nose as the younger Sissy wavedbrightly.

Sissy couldn't bear the fact that this photo wouldn't exist at all.Itwas strange to know that you would never born while you're actually standing onthis world at the moment.And both of your parents would die without evengetting married to each other...Incredible.How she wished to just lie behindand live with them as if nothing had happened!But shecouldn't..."Sometimes costs are made to be borne."...The earth has toturn and time has to go on,swallowing everything as it goes by.Sissy whimperedfaintly on the table like a helpless child.

Sometimes we need to choose between what is right and what is easy...Lettears flow...Let the future remain in the past...

She pocketed the lilies that Snape left and went out of the pub atlast,listening to the heart-breaking sound of falling snowflakes.

The snowfall was slightly melted by the last drop of her hottears,forming a tiny vignette quietly.

Sissy's stricken face was pale as snow.There were tear stains bellow herpuffed eyes,though she tried hard to hide her sorrow.

She spotted Mary outside the sweets shop.She attempted to smileawkwardly but it must looked like a grimace since Mary's wide smile froze.

"Selene..."Mary opened her mouth apprehensively and then stoppedat once.Sissy did appreciate her habit of not inquiring about others.You don'tneed to recount your deepest feelings to a person who understands.

A pleasant scent of butter and sweets filled their nostrils as theywalked into Honeydukes,in which there were shelves upon shelves of the mostsucculent-looking sweets imaginable.

"Time to try some Drooble's Best Blowing Gum!"Mary was alreadypicking up goods joyfully,"I can't wait to have fun seeing it filling aroom with bluebell-coloured bubbles that refuse to pop for days!"

"Those must make great decorations for the holiday..."Sissywas slightly infected by her good mood,"Let me see...some tiny blackPepper Imps which enable you to breathe fire?"

"Pretty good for winter.I mean...at least I won't choose Ice Miceagain unless you want to hear my teeth chatter and squeak!"

Sissy laughed.She was surprised that laughter could still burst out fromsuch a depressed heart.

"Sometimes sweet things are necessary for everyone."Mary wasrelieved to see her face breaking into a smile."Hey,let's buy gifts foreach other separately here!"

"What?I'm terrible at selecting gifts----"

"Come on----just a game.Meet at the counter later!"Mary hadalready plunged into crowds surrounding various shelves.

Ten minutes later they closed their eyes and placed what they bought onone another's hands.

"Wow----I can hold a chocolate party now!"Sissy cried with joyas different kinds of chocolates filled her hands----Chocolate Frogs,charmchoc,chocoballs and chocolate wands...

"I know they'll always be your first choice."Mary was quitepleased with herself."And thanks for your creamy chunks of nougat,CauldronCakes and----Every Flavour Beans!My favourite!"She also squeaked out herdelight as she scanned those packages.

"You love them best?Personally I seldom dare to try thosebeans..."

"I don't mind a try...You never know which one you'll get nexttime.And you're even not given a choice to refuse in real life!"Mary toreoff the wrapping and threw a bean into her mouth,"Ah...Earwax!"

Lazy sunshine brought breeze with it as spring arrived,caressingpeople's cheeks halfheartedly.

"The potion is ready."Snape said curtly as Sissy brushed pasthim in a corridor.

Later that night the two of them spooned out some clear liquid withgolden foam floating on the surface and dripped it into a small bottle.

Sissy was suddenly reminded of her cork necklace.It was instinct thatled her to plug the bottle with the cork.She even didn't feel so shocked asthey matched perfectly.It could be luck.

The whole universe will reach out a helping hand if you put your fullheart into something.

Sissy wasn't used to getting up early but the flask hanging on her neckwas enough to give her a push.

The night is thick but not thicker than the darkness before the dawn.

Somehow Sissy loved the vague boundary between day and night wheneverything was dreamlike but still kept part of its true colour.

Outside the castle the serene canopy was so smooth that not a bird daredto bother.It assumed a tiny patch of rosy wash in the east as the sun began toclimb onto the grayish-blue sky.Sissy grasped the flask and meditated quietlyon one thought:Please help me mend the Time-Turner,which enables me to save theworld from darkness...The first sun-ray seemed to be absorbed toward her as theflask burnt hot for seconds.She held on,concentrating hard.

And then everything resumed quietude.Every cloud had a silver-lining.Thesun slowly pushed aside them and filled the sky with gradient.Sissy had nevertruly discovered how spectacular it was before.Her knees almost gave way forthe endless praise to the wondrous nature.

"Good morning,Miss Clearwater.Eventually I've found someone fanciesan early walk as I do. "

Sissy was not prepared for this sudden greeting.She wheeledaround,facing a beaming Dumbledore whose long silver beard shimmered in gold.

"Oh...Morning,Professor."She hastily stuffed the flask intoher robe.

"Pity that most of people usually miss this scene."Dumbledorestared at the horizon in an obsessed manner.

"Yeh...It's never possible for humans to create such awonder..."Sissy was making progress in small conversions during months.

"Nice point.And in case you've forgotten...It's also unwise forhumans to fool around with things beyond them since nature has its law,am Icorrect?"

Sissy's heart lost a beat under his incisive gaze.

"A person is a unit of time in some way..."Dumbledoresmiled,"By the way,has anyone told you that green eyes are beautifulindeed?I notice that some people always have a special addiction tothem...Mr.Snape,for instance."

He winked and turned to leave:"Ah...breakfast should be ready bynow.I'm staving."

A gust of breeze ruffled Sissy's hair as she was transfixed to thespot,goggling at the sage's back in astonishment.

The nightfall of Easter came.Sissy took out a lily that Snape left inthe pub and picked one of its petals carefully as if it was something holy.

Flowers bloom for short pass in exchange for the feeling.So do I...Sissysighed with profound resignation,remembering Mary's prophecy.

Her slender fingers uncorked the bottle and thrusted in the mellowpetal.The liquid glowed against the deep blue sky as it brimmed over the patchof white.

Sissy fell down to her knees and clasped her hands devoutly.She hopedagainst hope.She prayed for the first time in the way she learned from "ABrief History of Muggles":To God...It is a shame that most of us only turnto you for help rather than thank your grace.Nevertheless,it is frustrationsthat remind us how tiny and feeble humans are compared to the enormous space.Lifeis tough,but we can be tougher with pure hearts being guarded.Please bestow mewith the power to face what I must fulfill and may the world safe andsound...Thank you for allowing me to bloom briefly on the amazing world I loveand put trust in me by challenging me to save the history.And lastly,I beg youto do me a favour,to take care of my parents in paradise if I succeed...

Through tearful eyes,Sissy indistinctly saw a star twinkled.

May 2nd.It was the day.

Sissy's mind drifted far away all day.Her soul seemed separated from itsbody since a vacant feeling of observing the world from behind captured her.Itwas like an endless dream...

Leaning on the windowsill,she took down her necklace together with thebottle and surveyed the golden-brown liquid while uncorking and corking thebottle distractedly,wondering when the drizzle would stop.

"Oops!"Sissy made a swift catch but failed to prevent the corkfleeing out of the window from her fingertips.She watched it helplessly untilit fell onto a tree-top.

Tree-top?Isn't it where Luna found the cork necklace? Panic spread overSissy as the truth dawned on her."There'll be a huge mistake if you don'tkeep your eyes open..."Mary's prediction echoed in herears.Wrong.Everything was totally wrong because of her.A ripple in the pastcould sent surge to the future.It was not her dad that changed the history.Sheherself was the one who overly intervened the past and reversed Snape into adifferent person who picked up another view toward dark art for Lily andwouldn't become a Death Eater either(though it was bitter to expect that).Itwas she who enabled Lily to accept a brand-new Snape.It was she who indirectlybrought the darkness.

I caused my parents' marriage and I created myself...along with theVoldemort's world...Sissy's mind reeled.And I must do something to stop itbefore it's too late...Destroy your family and yourself?A wave of giddinessswept over her...There was no going back.

"Dear Mary,"Sissy scribbled,biting her lips,"Please don'tbe too shocked or sad if you come back and find a world without me.Forget aboutme and live on,I beg you.I'm no more than a shadow and will vanish soonenough.Thank you for being my light in the darkness. Love,Selene."Afterplacing the tear-stained letter on Mary's bed,Sissy cast a last wistful glanceto the dormitory and walked away with great determination.

"Meet me at midnight on lake-bank."Snape folded the anonymousnote and frowned.Somehow he vaguely know who wrote this.He checked his watchand slipped out of the castle soundlessly,being enveloped by darkness.

Fortunately the rain ceased and the mist was dispersed by freshwinds,revealing a clear velvet sky.Sitting beside the vast tranquil lake,Sissygave way to the gorgeous night which absorbed her in.Every cell relieved underthe starry canopy.It was marvellous that a galaxy of twinkling stars couldcoexist with a bright moon.Pure miracle...Her full heart was captured by thebroad night spangled with stars.It was the harmony which dreams along couldwrite.

Looking up to the sky means seeking our way back to ourselves.We are allno more than stardust among the enormous universe which started with a BigBang...Sissy's mind was swimming with realization.I'll vanish into nothingnesslike a dust...and I no longer exist in the space...It's sheer desperation for anegligible person who tries hard to embrace the beloved world.Those thoughtskept popping up in her head for months and they were really unnerving.But nowshe felt more at ease than ever.I'm going home...Each star is the wholeuniverse...

Snape moved slowly towards the lake without awareness.There she was,herelegant outline slightly elegiac in the moonlight.

She looked up with dreamy gentleness and smiled at his haunted face.Acool current surged through his body as stars sprinkled in the limpid greenorbs.Snape wished this moment to last forever with Lily's eyes gazing at hisdeep dark ones.

"Severus..."Sissy's soft voice pulled him back toearth,"Today is the day."

Snape measured her with confusion.

"Be brave like my mum...like Lily.You'll fight like a hero despitebeing a Death Eater for your permanent love."She whispered.

"What the hell are all these stuffs about?"

"The future...and the past."

"Nonsense.What's wrong with you,Clearwater?"Snape shook hishead in bemusement.

"Call me Sissy.Sissy Snape.Dad..."Scalding tears burst forthfrom her eyes.

It must be the first time Sissy exposed her weakness in front of him andSnape was utterly stunned.

Finally he reached out a hand uncertainly and pushed aside Sissy'scurtains of hair and wiped her cheeks without any hint what was going on.

Sissy could bear no more.She flung her arms around a totally panickedSnape and muttered into his greasy hair:"Severus...Forget about me andforgive me,please.Life should go on normally without me as if nothing hashappened."

They broke apart and Sissy held up the shining bottle of Rehab Potion.

Seven petals swirled in the gleaming liquid.Sometimes flowers weren'tborn to perish."Lily..."

Sissy sat down and took out the broken Time-Turner.Snape gasped.Shedripped the liquid onto the center of it with tremulous hands."ReparoMirakkulously!"Sissy waved her wand and cried.A blazing seven-pointed starleft her wand-tip and descended.

All of a sudden the Time-Turner burned in dazzling gold against the night,illuminatingthe surroundings.Sissy feared that it was all wrong again before the flamecooled down into a patch of serene blue.And there lied the goldenTime-Turner,good as new."We've done it!"

Snape was about to burst out his questions when Sissy pointed her wandat him."What are you..."

"I'm sorry,Severus."Tears were streaming down herface."But it's the only way...Forget all about me.Remember to try new darkart and love Lily till the very end..."


The green eyes found the black.They stared as if they were going toentrust each other with deepest dreams.

"Obliviate..."Sissy fought to steady her wand and somethingsilver seemed to be extracted from Snape's pale temples."Bye...for thevery last time."She enclosed her fingers on the Time-Turner and flippedit,smiling wryly to the thick night.

Snape saw a girl's reflection swayed on the lake and puffed like smokethrough a blurred vision.Who was she?He massaged his dizzy head.Not Lily,atleast.

The moon continued to spill its light on the ground and the lakeshimmered.There was vaguely a tiny star shooting past the canopy in thedistance.

And time stopped.And then it turned over,thought a bit,and beganspooning forwards,slow at first...Then it sped up.

Warm sunlight pushed against Sissy's eyes.It was the TriwizardTournament for sure since there came Ludo Bagman's booming voice:"Ladiesand gentlemen,welcome to the second task......Now Cedric Diggory dives!Cleverboy----he uses a Bubble-Head Charm!"

Sissy peered around desperately into the lake.Two vague figures werelurking under the surface----Scorpius and Albus.She was too quick for them.Aperfect Shield Charm got in the way of the curse they sent.Yes...It worked.I'verestored the history,dad...She beamed to herself before she was pulled into thevibrating Time-Turner again.

Everything went dark.

A pure-white lily with seven petals was in full blossom on Snape'sgrave,everything was at peace.Upon the spacious sky there seemed to be a starwinking at it.

Written by YYQ


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