

Edge of History – Pak Tsz Lane Park / Gravity Green

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Pak Tsz Lane entrance in the enclosed space   围合空间中的主入口




Feature pavilion with sculpture revealing the revolution  表现革命片段的雕塑


Prelude of the 1911 Chinese Revolution (Xinhai Revolution)

In commemoration of the revolution of 1911 (the Chinese bourgeois democratic
revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen which overthrew the Qing Dynasty), the Urban Renewal
Authority has commenced the Pak Tsz Lane project to celebrate Hong Kong’s link to
the Revolution.

Located among the neighborhood of Central and Western district on Hong Kong Island,
Pak Tsz Lane was a blind alley surrounded by old tenement building. As one of the
nodes on the Dr Sun Yat-sen Historical Trail mapped to introduce his activities in the
territory and hence highlight his close tie with Hong Kong, Pak Tsz Lane was home to
Furen Liberary Society, which its founder had also joined Dr Sun’s Revive China
Society (XinZhongHui). Its strategic position had made Pak Tsz Lane a post where
frequent revolution meetings took place, and hence known as a cradle of the Revolution.

The historical and cultural background of the site formed the centre of the design
concept and approaches, that Pak Tsz Lane was revitalized to become a park in
Central district to retrace the old urban fabric and the veiled Furen Literary Society. The
“Origin of Chinese Revolution” was therefore adopted as the design theme for the Park.


Exhibition room one adjacent to the main entrance 主入口附近的展室


The concept calls for a variety of exhibition items and spaces to create a clear address
for the tangible and intangible heritage and, simultaneously, to give the entire space a
distinct identity, to provide a sequential route for visitors to experience the history and to
enhance the characters of Pak Tsz Lane laneway. Laneway entrances, enclosed open
space and the terraced walkways form a unique space for enjoyment, recreational and
communal aspiration.

The Park comprises three main sections: a feature pavilion area, an exhibition corridor
and a historically themed play area. Apart from to the green elements, sculptures and
recreational facilities, the Park also incorporates exhibition features and interactive
facilities tracing the progression of revolution. While the site is adjacent to the old
gathering place of the Society, the division of exhibition rooms in the Pak Tsz Lane
Park reflects the historical aspects of the site, imitates the revolutionary room, and
recongregate the spirit of revolution. The ambience of Pak Tsz Lane in early years is
also re-created, and the visitors are encouraged to walk through the old footprints and
to learn about history.

Pak Tsz Lane Park binds together the individual buildings and sustainable
developments in the district. The revitalization work promotes visual linkage at different
levels, as well as accessibility for various local populates and tourists visitors. In
addition, it raises the public awareness of the local history, connecting the past and
creating the future.


Existing tree at the first point of the journey experience  被细心呵护的树木


Exhibition room two about the stages of revolution  展区主要分为两个坡段


Exhibition room three with the exhibition panel demonstrating the route of revolution 


The historical corridor as exhibition spaces and served as a disable access within the terraced condition


Sitting area as space for enjoyment 


(left) Visual connection of upper level and lower level (the feature pavilion area) 上下段的视觉联系 
(mid) Direct linkage between the upper and lower level  楼梯联系有高差的公园
(right) The combination of planting and exhibit item  植物配置与展览内容相融合


Exhibition features and interactive facilities tracing the profession of revolution


类型 / 公共开放空间
甲方 / 市区重建局
设计 / 2009
竣工 / 2012
用地面积 / 1600平方米
奖项 / 香港园境师学会2012年度 - 银奖

Project name:  The Revitalization of Pak Tsz Lane Park
Location:  Central, Hong Kong
Landscape Architect:  Gravity Green Limited
Architect:  Ronald Lu & Partners (HK) Limited
Client:  Urban Renewal Authority, Hong Kong
Design date:  2009
Completion date:  2012
Site area:  approximately 1,600 square meters
Award:  The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, Silver Award 2012


Landscape master plan inspired by the historical footprint of the site 


(left) The relationship between the landscape design and the site condition  剖面
(right) Perspective at early stage, showing the design concept of the space 设计克服现场高差


Unique laneway and enclosed site character of Pak Tsz Lane Park 


MORE:  Gravity Green

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