

波提切利 | 他的画成了一个个完美和谐的图案


The Birth of Venus




Adoration of the Kings

50.2 x 135.9 cm

oil on panel


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Adoration of the Kings(细节大图)

The Birth of Venus

278.5 X 172.5cm

poplar wood, tempera


Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi

The Birth of Venus(Detail)

The Birth of Venus(Detail)

The Birth of Venus(Detail)

La Primavera (Spring)


poplar wood, tempera









Venus and the Three Graces Presenting Gifts to a Young Woman

211 × 283 cm

Fresco, detached and mounted on canvas


Musée du Louvre, Paris

venus and mars

69 × 173 cm

Tempera on panel


National Gallery, London




the story of Nastagio Degli onesti

138.5 x 82.5 cm

tempera on wood panel


Museo Nacional del Prado

the story of nastagio degli onesti

139 x 82.3 cm

tempera on wood panel


Museo Nacional del Prado

the story of Nastagio Degli onesti

83.5 x 142.5 cm

tempera on wood panel


Museo Nacional del Prado

Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius

64.8 x 139.7 cm

Tempera on wood


The National Gallery

Four Scenes from the Early Life of Saint Zenobius

66 x 182 cm

tempera on wood panel


Four Scenes from the Early Life of Saint Zenobius

66.7 x 149.2 cm

tempera on wood panel


Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius

67.3 x 150.5 cm

tempera on wood panel


four panels depicting the miracies of saint zenobius

tempera on wood panel


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four panels depicting the miracies of saint zenobius(细节大图)

The Story of Lucretia

Tempera and oil on wood

83.8 × 176.8 cm

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston


the calumny of apelles62 x 91 cm

tempera on woodpanel


Galleria degli Uffizi

scenes from the life of moses

558 x 348.5 cm

poplar wood, tempera


Sistine Chapel

the temptation of christ

570 x 348.5 cm

tempera on wood panel





Mary with the Child and Singing Angels

tempera on wood panel


National Museumof Berlin

Probably Alessandro Filipepi

Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist

tempera on wood panel

55.6 × 74.2 cm

Louvre Museum, Paris, France


Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist(detail)

Probably Alessandro Filipepi

Madonna and Child

tempera on wood panel

74.5 x54.5 cm

National Gallery of Art


The Virgin Adoring the Child

tempera on poplar panel

58.9 × 58.9 cm

National Gallery ofArt


madonna with the child

Tempera and oil on panel

40 x 58 cm

Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan


madonna with the Child and the baby san giovannino,angeli

tempera on wood panel


madonna with the Child and the baby san giovannino, angeli

madonna with the child

Tempera and oil on panel


madonna with the child

Tempera and oil on panel


madonna with the child

Tempera and oil on panel


Probably Workshop of Sandro Botticelli

The Virgin and Child

83.2 x 64.8 cm

tempera onwood panel


The National Gallery

The Virgin Adoring the Sleeping Christ Child

tempera on wood panel


The Virgin and Child

tempera on wood panel

29.5 x 19.7cm

The National Gallery


Probably Workshop of Sandro Botticelli

The Virgin and Child

88.9 x 55.9 cm

tempera on woodpanel


Harvard Art Museums

Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist

Tempera and oil on wood

68 × 68 cm

the Cleveland Museum of Art


Madonna and Child with Adoring Angel

88.9 x 68 cm

tempera on wood panel


Norton Simon Museum

The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist

95.3 x 94 cm

Tempera and oil on wood


The National Gallery

The Virgin and Child with Saint John and Two Angels

Tempera and oil on wood

114.3 x 113 cm

The National Gallery


The Virgin and Child with a Pomegranate

tempera on wood panel

67.9 x 52.7 cm

The National Gallery


The Virgin and Child with Saint John and Two Angels

Tempera and oil on wood

114.3 x 113 cm

The National Gallery


Madonna of the Magnificat

143.5 × 143.5 cm

tempera on wood panel


Madonna and Child with Angels

oil and tempera on poplar panel

86.7 x 57.8 cm

National Galleryof Art


The Nativity

tempera on wood panel

Columbia Museum of Art (South Carolina)


Adoration of the Magi

111 cm × 134 cm

poplar wood, tempera


Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi

The Adoration of the Magi

tempera and oil on poplar panel

68 x 102 cm

National Gallery of Art


The Adoration of the Kings

Tempera on poplar

130.8 x 130.8 cm

The National Gallery


mystic nativity

108.6 x 74.9 cm

Oil on canvas


The National Gallery

The Bardi Altarpiece

185 x 180 cm

tempera on wood panel


San Marco Altarpiece

tempera on wood panel

378 x 258 cm

Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi



tempera onwood panel



tempera on wood panel

49.5 × 58.5 cm

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow



19 x 31 cm

tempera onwood panel


Metropolitan Museum of Art

Annunciazione di San Martino alla Scala

243 x 555 cm

tempera on wood panel


Sandro Botticelli

tempera on wood panel

107 × 71 cm

Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan


The Mourning of Christ

tempera on wood panel


Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Saint Francis of Assisi with Angels

tempera on wood panel

49.5 x 31.8 cm

The National Gallery


pallas and the centaur

148 x 207 cm

tempera on wood panel


pallas and the centaur (detail)

the return of judith to bethulia

24 x 31 cm

tempera onwood panel


the discovery of the murder of holophernes

63.5 x 77.5 cm

temperaon wood panel


Judith Leaving the Tent of Holofernes

tempera on wood panel

36 x 20 cm

Rijks museum, Netherlands, Amsterdam


The Last Communion of Saint Jerome

Tempera and gold on wood

34.3 x 25.4 cm

The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Christ on the Cross

tempera on wood panel




Christ Crowned with Thorns

tempera on wood panel

48 x 32 cm

Carrara di Belle Arti Bergamo Italy,Bergamo


Probably Workshop of Sandro Botticelli

Salvator Mundi

tempera on wood panel

57.2 x 34.9 cm

Harvard Art Museums


The Thorn Crown of Christ

tempera on wood panel


Saint George and the dragon

tempera on wood panel

65.7 cm × 41 cm

Location Victoria and Albert Museum, London


portrait of a young man with a trecento medallion

58.7 x 39.4 cm

tempera onwood panel


Portrait of a Man with a Medal of Cosimo the Elder

tempera on wood panel

57.5 cm × 44 cm

Uffizi, Florence

~ 1474-75

Allegorical Portrait of a Woman

58.5 x 40.5 cm

tempera on wood panel

Private collection

Salvator Mundi

tempera on wood panel

54x 36 cm

National Museum of Berlin


Giuliano de' Medici

tempera on wood panel


Giuliano de' Medici

75.5 x 52.5 cm

tempera on wood panel


National Gallery of Art

Portrait of a Youth

43.5 x 46.2 cm

tempera on wood panel


National Gallery of Art

portrait of a young woman

35 x 47.5 cm

tempera on wood panel


Portrait of a Woman

tempera on wood panel

49.5 x 35.6 cm

Private collection


la bella simonetta

41 x 61 cm

tempera on wood panel


portrait of a woman

82 x 54 cm

tempera on wood panel


A Lady in Profile

tempera on woodpanel

59.1 x 40 cm

The NationalGallery


Portrait of a Young Man

37.5 x 28.3 cm

tempera on wood panel


The National Gallery

Portrait of Lorenzo di Ser Piero Lorenzi

tempera on wood panel

50 x 37 cm

Philadelphia Museum of Art


Portrait of Dante

54.7 x 47.5 cm

tempera onwood panel


Private collection

La Carte de l'Enfer

tempera on wood panel


part of the 8th circle of Hell. Dante and Virgil

32 x 47 cm

tempera on wood panel



桑德罗·波提切利(Sandro Botticelli;Alessandro Filipepi 1446-1510)是15世纪末佛罗伦萨的著名画家,欧洲文艺复兴早期佛罗伦萨画派的最后一位画家。受尼德兰肖像画的影响,波提切利又是意大利肖像画的先驱者。在15世纪80-90年代,他是佛罗伦萨最出名的艺术家。人文主义思想明显,充满了世俗精神。后来的绘画中又增加了许多以古典神话为题材的作品,多为古希腊与罗马神话题材。风格典雅、秀美、细腻动人。他的反叛精神对以后绘画产生了极大的影响。《春》和《维纳斯的诞生》是最能体现他绘画风格的代表性作品。

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