






















TABLE 2. Parameter values in OA model. See Ref. 39 for component densities.





为了表征软骨在每个时间点的整体健康状态,我们定义健康组织为400 kPa测试载荷,实质应变35%,其中35%为经典的组织可耐受最大应变。测试载荷前提下应变大于35%,即转变为不健康,因此提示关节炎发病的潜在可能。凭借再生能力人们还可以构建一个健康替代品,以提高骨性关节炎发病风险的长期预防。



= 350kPa
450 kPa
0.12 Hz(高强度活动)以及
200 kPa 


FIGURE 6. Cartilage health (as defined in the text) during an abrupt shift from medium to high activity (left) or from medium to low activity (right). Grey lines are individual activity realizations; solid black lines are the means over all realizations, with 95% confidence intervals in dashed black lines. Red dash-dotted line indicates the zero health OA danger threshold.





FIGURE 7. Distribution of OA danger threshold hitting times in the high activity example of Fig.6.












Next, we formulate the damage and repair equations for the chondrocytes nt, aggrecan at and collagen ct. Chondrocytes can repair, to some extent, by proliferation; this is noticeable in osteoarthritic conditions, perhaps to replenish chondrocyte loss and increase the ECM repair capacity, though in healthy tissue chondrocyte turnover is low. Conversely, chondrocytes can be driven to apoptosis either by repetition of high load events or by one single extremely high load (traumatic) event, both of which result in a high level of the activity At. To model these two competing processes, we write

Where ρ(n) is a maximal proliferation rate per day up to a healthy number density n(0), and D(n)(Atis the chondrocyte damage function rating how deleterious the day’s activity At was on a scale from 0 to 1, with λ(n) the maximum fraction of chondrocytes potentially removed per day. The damage function is taken to be a shifted sigmoid function

with sigmoid gradient μ(n) and threshold position A(0). The latter encodes the onset threshold of tissue-affecting activity levels, and will also appear in other components as a universal threshold; the former encodes the suddenness of damage onset, whose value is chondrocyte-specific.


Aggrecan is synthesized by each chondrocyte at some activity-dependent rate. However, it is also lost through the tissue surface by degradation and pressure-driven advection. This loss rate will increase as the collagen content decreases, because collagen acts to retain aggrecan. We write

where R(a)(At) is the activity-dependent synthesis rate per cell, λ(a,0) is the baseline aggrecan loss rate when cc(0), with c(0) the baseline healthy collagen content, and λ(a,1) is the maximal additional aggrecan loss rate as collagen depletes. The activity-dependent synthesis rate is given by 

Where ρ(a,0) and ρ(a,1) are the minimal and maximal synthesis rates per chondrocyte, respectively, and A(0) is as for the chondrocytes.


Collagen is also synthesized by each chondrocyte. On the other hand, the collagen network has a natural rate of loss by proteolytic degradation, and can also be directly damaged through mechanical loading or excessive friction and wear. These processes are encoded as 

Where λ(c,0) is the baseline loss rate and λ(c,1) is the maximal daily damage rate. The synthesis rate, identical in form to the aggrecan, is 

with new rate coefficients for collagen. The damage function is identical in form to the damage for the chondrocytes, reading 

again with a new coefficient μ(c).



A statistical approach is to view some, or all, of the inputs (and/or model parameters) as randomly varying, and the model outputs, on repeated simulation runs, as realizations of an underlying probability distribution for the trajectory of the tissue health over time. This provides a more realistic and more person-alizable approach to OA prediction on longer time scales, as both uncertainty in parameter estimation and variability in different patients’ lifestyles can be incorporated readily. From this approach, onset predictions can be estimated once the model is tuned to a particular patient, and, importantly, mitigation strategies can be explored by altering these parameters.


The parameters we will use for this example are given in Table 2. While some variables are at least approximately known, such as cell and collagen densities, others, such as loss rates in response to activity, lack solid quantitative data. We have chosen variables that give plausible results for susceptible patients in order to illustrate the model, on the understanding that future work is necessary to verify and calibrate models like this. Exploring population uncertainty would then correspond to varying these parameters for each simulation run. In this instance, we will hold these parameters constant and instead explore individual uncertainty through randomly varying daily activity. For the distributions of the activity variables σt and ft, we choose normal distributions of respective means 

and respective variances 
Choosing different values of  
 then allows us to simulate low-, medium- and high-activity lifestyles.

We use the model to simulate an abrupt change in activity. In this scenario, a person switches lifestyle from ‘normal impact’ daily loading to either ‘high impact’ or ‘low impact’ loading distributions, characterized by adjusting the distribution parameters

.The normal impact loading is at a level permitting healthy tissue homeostasis, whereas the others are potentially injurious regimes: high impact represents overload damage (e.g., through obesity or abnormal activities), and low impact represents under-synthesis (e.g., through too sedentary a lifestyle).


To characterize the overall health of the cartilage at every point in time, we define the tissue health as the difference of consolidated strain from 35% under a 400 kPa test load, with 35% chosen as a typical tolerable maximal tissue strain. A strain greater than 35% under the test load then translates into a negative health metric and therefore indicates potential OA onset. One could also construct a health surrogate based on regenerative capacity, say, to highlight longer-term regimes of OA danger.


Figure 6 shows the effects of switching from medium activity to high activity or low activity. After a stable period at  

 = 350 kPa and 
= 0.1 Hz, the activity distribution is abruptly switched to either 
 = 450 kPa and  
 = 0.12 Hz (high activity) or  
= 200 kPa and  
 = 0.02 Hz (low activity).  In high activity case, an initial rise in tissue health from increased activity-driven synthesis is soon outweighed by the long-term effects of damage leading to a slow but persistent decline in tissue health. In the low activity case, the decrease in activity-driven synthesis is sufficient to quickly drop the tissue below the indicated danger threshold; though it does not keep decreasing like in the high activity case, the tissue is now more susceptible to sudden impact loading and may be at increased risk of age-related OA. These two circumstances correspond to respectively shifting either the load or resistance curves in Fig. 5, as discussed earlier.


The high activity switch exhibits a range of different potential OA onset thresholds depending on the particular realizations of the daily activity distribution. This information can be best presented to a patient through statistics of the distribution of OA onset hitting times; that is, the first time at which a particular trajectory crosses the zero health axis. For our example data, this distribution is given in Fig. 7, which predicts an OA onset time of 345 ± 47 weeks.



We have argued that combining mechanistic computational models with statistical approaches under the umbrella of structural reliability analysis provides a promising framework for overcoming the current challenges in providing subject specific recommendations for avoiding OA onset and conservatively managing OA progression. Although multiscale subject-specific models are likely needed to encompass more of the salient characteristics that OA patients may present with, the example model presented here does develop tissue changes that may well represent the OA cartilage degradation process. We believe that by using such models, stronger OA patient-specific risks will be found if direct metrics for the tissue mechanical environmental stressors, such as consolidation and fluid exudation, rather than indirect measures like BMI and physical activity, are used.


While reliable patient-specific predictions are not yet possible, how quickly they will emerge depends mainly on the speed with which high quality patient-specific data becomes available at an affordable price. At present, getting sufficient information to feed into a mechanistic model is a challenge. However, technology is evolving rapidly. With the ongoing developments in high-throughput genomic and proteomic technologies and imaging technologies (including computer vision of gait), alongside musculoskeletal data obtained from gait laboratories and activity monitors in mobile phones, data to drive patient-specific models may become available sooner than one may think. Indeed, high quality complete genome sequencing can now be accomplished for less than one thousand dollars, proteomic analysis is developing rapidly, and it is now possible to analyze the blood and synovial fluid to better understand inflammatory drivers of OA. Furthermore, MRI imaging can now quantitate damage to the collagen network following joint trauma and track collagen network recovery over a number of years.


Model development and validation will likely be both iterative and opportunistic. It will be iterative in the sense of a Bayesian approach: a new data set is first used for validation, then folded into the model calibration by updating model parameters, so the model is always improving with each data cycle. On the other hand, development will be opportunistic in the sense that when a new technology arises, such as phone applications that faithfully record a person’s activity levels, then improvements in this aspect of the model may be driven ahead of others. New data is arriving all the time from population and lab based studies, as well as community wide projects such as the Knee Osteoarthritis Initiative. We can dream of a time when, in contrast to these relatively uncoordinated data collections, the OA community starts collecting data specifically to inform a model. This is beginning to occur in the study of other diseases.


Finally, it is important to remember that when people refer to patient-specific models or risk predictions, it is not expected that everything is known about the individual. A compromise must always be made as to what data can be obtained, and at what financial cost and patient inconvenience. The question should then be: what data is most informative about the risk of OA amongst that which can be reasonably measured? In such an approach all other unknown variables would be assumed to be either at the population average, or better sampled randomly from an assumed population distribution. Naturally, the clinical utility of this approach rests on whether or not the obtainable data yields a risk assessment more accurate than that already known for population risk as a whole. This is yet to be seen. However, there is utility beyond immediate clinical application. As with bridge designers, simply putting the risk assessment into this mechanistic-statistical frame-work of structural reliability analysis helps to define the problem, allowing us to identify new and efficient strategies to minimize the risk of failure.

由MediCool医库软件 王露黔 编译

原文来自:Predicting Knee Osteoarthritis

Ann Biomed Eng. 2016 Jan;44(1):222-33.

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