

第十六课:Full of Surprises

Hello. What can I do for you? 你好。我能为你你做点什麽
Hi. Fill 'er up. 嗨 把油箱加满满
I need a full tank. 我要满满一箱 陀汀
Check the hood? 要不要检查一下下机
No, thanks. 不用了 谢谢。
Whereabouts are you headed? 你要去哪
Pete Waters's farm, near Chesterton. Pete Waters的排┏ 在Chesterton附近。
I know it well. 我对它熟得很。
Pete Waters's lived around here almost as long as I have. Pete Waters住栽谡 差不多跟我一样久了。
How long is it going to take for me to get there? 到那 还需要多多久时
About fifteen minutes. 大约十五分钟吧吧
There's a shortcut--if you know it. 假如你识路的话话 有一条近路可走
No, I don't. 不 我不识路。
Could you tell me how to use the shortcut? 你能告诉我怎麽麽走这条近路
Sure. You take the next left turn. 当然。你在下一一个路口左
You'll see a stop sign. 会看到有个停车车再开标
Make a right at the stop sign. 就在停车再开标标 那 向右拐
Stay on that road, and you'll cross a blue bridge. 沿著路开下去 你会经过一座蓝色的桥。
Then you'll see a big old red barn. 然後你就会看到到一座旧的红色大 仓
That's the back of Pete Waters's place. 那就是Pete Watters住处的後面。
That's quite a difference from the directions that Pete sent me. 这和Pete寄给我我的路 指示完全不同
Now, if you take that route, it's probably a lot simpler, 哦 假如你走这这条路的话 可能会简单得
but it'll take you ten minutes longer. 但会多花你十分分钟的时间
OK. Let me repeat it. 好吧。让我重 一遍。
I take the next left turn to the stop sign. 我在下个路口左左转弯 到一个停车再开标
Then a right across a blue bridge, 然後右转 经过过一座蓝色的桥
and then a big red barn. 然後就是一座大大的红色 仓
Can't miss it. 错不了的。
How much do I owe you? 我应付你多少钱
Well, that'll be eighteen dollars and seventy cents. 嗯 十八美元七七毛
Well, that'll be eighteen dollars and seventy cents. 嗯 十八美元七七毛
No charge for the cleanup. 清洗不用付费。
It's on the house. 这是免费的。
Well, here's a twenty. 嗯 这是二十美美元
Ah. OK. That's a dollar and thirty cents change. 啊 好啦。这是是一美元三毛零钱
There we go ... will make twenty. Thanks. 你看……加起来来正好二十美元。谢谢了
Thank you. 谢谢。
And thanks for the directions. 谢谢你给我指了了路
This must be Pete's barn. 这一定是Pete的的 仓了
Turn right to the house. 向右拐就到他的的房子了
Hi. 嗨
Hi. What can I do for you? 嗨 我能帮你吗
Is this the Pete Waters farm? 这是Pete Waterrs的农场吗
It is. 正是。
I'm a friend of Pete's. 我是Pete的朋友友
I'm looking for the house. 我正在找他的房房子
It's just over yonder. 他的房子就在那那边
Keep along this road 沿著这条路
till you get to the end of the fence. 到栅栏的尽头。
You'll see the chicken house. 你会看到 舍。
His house is on the left. 他的房子就在左左边
Well, thanks. 好的 谢谢你。
"Have gone to the railroad station. “去火车站。
"Have gone to the railroad station. “去火车站。
Back soon with a surprise. 接一个惊喜即回回
Make yourself at home. 勿客气。
Have a look around. Pete." 到处看看。Petee”
Same old Pete Waters. Pete Waters还适 老样子。
Always full of surprises. 总是出人意表。



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