

Commercialization of Christmas
In 2009 Britons spent £34.6 billion at Christmas. This begs the question: 'Is Christmas too commercialized in the UK?' Let's look at both sides of the argument before drawing a conclusion.

Let's visit the arguments in favor of Christmas being too commercialized. First, it is argued that the traditional meaning of Christmas has been eroded: it is no longer the most important thing. Instead, there are many aspects whose commercial origins, such as snowmen and reindeer, are valued more. Originally, these were used in advertising to promote products, but now you cannot think of Christmas without them. Secondly, there is evidence that overconsumption at Christmas increases weight gain. Christmas is a time when people eat and drink too much. And once people put on this weight they don’t tend to lose it during the rest of the year. In short, Christmas is making people fatter. Thirdly, Christmas is putting people in debt. There are many parents whose children demand the latest toys and games. Parents are under pressure to keep their children happy, and sometimes spend more than they have.

Now, let's consider the arguments against Christmas being too commercialized. First, it is good for the economy. We live in a world where people like to spend money. Why should we stop buying things during Christmas? Furthermore, there are people whose only holiday is Christmas. They work hard the rest of the year so that they can spend money and celebrate Christmas. Secondly, Christmas has evolved beyond its traditional meaning. People, Christians and non-Christians alike, enjoy it for many reasons, including the commercial aspects of giving gifts, putting up decorations, and so on. It doesn’t mean the traditional meaning has been lost; it means Christmas has changed to include more people. Finally, many festivals revolve around the dinner table. For many people Christmas is now an occasion when families and friends get together to eat and drink, even if that means they sometimes consume too much.

In conclusion, shopping is part of modern society. People like to spend money and buy gifts. It seems unfair to expect Christmas to be any different. Moreover, it can exist alongside the traditional aspects of Christmas. That said, we need to be careful of spending and eating too much. But rather than criticize commercialization, we should educate people to spend and eat within their means.
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