


◆21. be able to


   ※ 情态动词后面都接动词原形。

  ⑴ We should ______ able to finish the work tomorrow .

  ⑵ I can ______ (play) the guitar .

  ⑶ He ______ able to play chess .

◆22.too many、too much和much too 的用法

  too many太多 — 修饰可数名词复数→ I have too many rules in my house .

  too much太多 — 修饰不可数名词→ Maybe you have too much yin .

  much too太— 后跟形容词或副词原级→ This coat is much too expensive .

  ⑴ Eating _____ ______ is bad for your health .

  ⑵ It’s ______ ______cold today . You’d better not go out .

  ⑶There are______ ______ students in the hallways . It’s dangerous .

◆23. have / has been to 用法

  意思为:去过某地 →He has been to Beijing . (现在不在北京)

  have / has gone to 去了某地 →He has gone to Beijing . (现在可能在北京,或在去北京的途中)

  have/hasbeen in / at在某地

  ⑴I have ever _______ ______ America twice .

  ⑵ He has ______ ______ Beijing for ten years .

  ⑶ —Where is your brother ?

    He______ ______ to Hainan .

  ⑷ _____ you ever ______ ______ Disneyland ?

◆24. used to do sth.用法

  used to do sth. 过去常做某事→ This river used to be very clean .

  be(get)used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 → I’m not used to getting up early .

  be used to do sth. = be used for doing sth.  被用于做某事→ Pens are used for writing .

  ⑴ XiaoGang ______ ______ ______ afraid of the dark .

  ⑵ Thebroom is ______ ______ clean the room . = The broom is ______ ______ cleaning the room .

  ⑶ He ______ ______ ______ living countryside .There is fresh air and sweet well .

  ⑷ Wood _____ _____ _____ making paper .

◆25. belong to + 名词 / 人称代词宾格 (属于)

   be + 名词所有格 / 名词性物主代词 (是)

  ⑴It must ______ Ning’s .= It must _________ Ning .

  ⑵ The pencil must be ______ (my) . = The pencil must belong to ______ (my) .

  ⑶ This ball ______ to me .= This ball is ______ .

◆26. can’t 不可能 表示推测、判断,可能性为零

  could/might 也许、可能 ,可能性为50﹪— 80﹪

  must 肯定、一定 ,可能性为100﹪

  ⑴ The CD _____ belong to Tony . because he likes listening to music .

  ⑵ The notebook ______ be mine .It has my name on it .

  ⑶ The toy ______ be my grandpa . After all .He is an old man .

◆27. be made from (由…制成)看不出原材料

  be made of (由…制成)看得出原材料

  ⑴ The table ______ ______ ______ wood .

  ⑵ Paper ______ ______ ______ wood .

◆28. prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事

  prefer sth . to sth. 喜欢…而不喜欢…

  prefer doing sth. to doing sth . 喜欢做…而不喜欢做…

  ⑴ I prefer ______ (swim) to ______ (play) balls .

  ⑵ He _______ fish to beef .

  ⑶ I prefer to ______ (walk) to work .

◆29. 一些表示人的情感或情绪的形容词 :

  —ed 修饰人

  —ing 修饰物

  ⑴ I want to go somewhere ______ (relaxing/relaxed) .

  ⑵ She is ______ in this ______ history story . (interesting/interested )

  ※ interesting(有趣的) — interested(感兴趣的)

   tiring(累人的)— tired(累的,疲倦的)

  boring (令人无聊的)— bored(无聊的)

  exciting(令人兴奋的)— excited(激动的)

  surprising(令人惊讶的) — surprised(惊讶的)

  relaxing(令人放松的) — relaxed(放松的)

  embarrassing (令人尴尬的;令人为难的) — embarrassed (尴尬的;为难的)

◆30. the number of + 名词复数 (…的数量)作主语, 谓语用单数。

  a number of + 名词复数 (许多、一些)= many

  ⑴ The number of students in our class______ 80 .

  ⑵ ______ number of students are in Helin Middle School .

◆31. for + 一段时间

  since + 时间点/过去时的句子

  ⑴ We have been studying English ______ three years .

  ⑵ He has been staying here ______ he was five years old . .

  ⑶ We haven’t seen each other ______ ten years ago .

  ※ for和 since 可以相互转换。如:Jenny has been collecting coins for several years .= Jenny has been collecting coins since several years ______ .

◆32. except 和besides 的用法区别

  except (不包括在内)→ Everyone could answer this question except Jim .

  besides (包括在内)→There are three girls besides me .

  ⑴ We all passed the exam ______ Li Yang .

  ⑵ Many other students like basketball ______ Guo Xiaojun .

◆33. already 用于肯定句中(已经)

  yet 用于疑问句末(已经)


  ⑴ Have you seen the film ______ ?

  ⑵ I haven’t locked the door ______ .

  ⑶ Mom has _______ watered the flowers .

◆34. 否定祈使句 Don’t + v.

  No + v.ing / n.

  ⑴ Don’t smoke here . = ______ ______ here .

  ⑵ Don’t take photos. = ______ ______ .

◆35. 也 too 放肯定句末和疑问句末

  →Do you play soccer every day , too ?

  either 放否定句末

  also 放肯定句中

  ※ also放在实意动词前,be之后。

  ⑴ She is a girl . I am a girl .______ .

  ⑵ He ______ likes collecting things .

  ⑶ Lily doesn’t like junk food . Her good friend doesn’t like it . _______ .

  ⑷ — I like soap operas . –I do , _____ .

  ⑸ —I can’t watch TV on school nights . –I can’t , _____ .

◆36. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

  be strict in sth . 对某事要求严格

  Miss Zhang _____ _____ _____ her work and she _____ _____ _____ her students .

◆37. 需要做某事 need to do sth 主语是人

  need doing sth 主语是物

  ⑴ The classroom _____ cleaning . It’s too dirty .

  ⑵ Children _____ to sleep a lot .

  ⑶ It’s very hot and dry . You need ______(wear)cool clothes and the flowers need ______ (water) .

◆38. through →介词: 从内部穿过 (park)

  across →介词:从表面穿过

  cross →动词(road. street. bridge)

  ⑴ Be careful when you ______ the street .

  ⑵ The manwent______ the forest .

  ⑶ The train goes ______ the tunnel(隧道).

  ⑷He swam _____ the river .

  ⑸ We drove _____ the desert (沙漠) .

  ⑹Take a walk _____ the park on Center Avenue .

◆39. Why don’t you do sth = Why not do sth .

  提建议的方式 How /what about doing sth .

  Let’s do sth .

  ⑴ Why don’t you have a cup of tea ? = _____ _____ have a cup of tea ?

  ⑵ Let’s _____ (go) out for a walk .

  ⑶ How about _____ (practice) conversations ?

◆40. So + 助/系/情态 + 主语 表示肯定意义(…也是如此)

  Neither + 助/系/情态 + 主语 表示否定意义(…也不)

  ※ 它们都属于倒装句。

  ⑴ My mother didn’t go to school .______ ______ my father .

  ⑵ James comes from theUSA .______ ______ Tom .

  ⑶ My pen pal can speak Japanese . ______ ______ I . = Me ______ .

  ⑷ My sister isn’t outgoing . ______ ______ I .= Me ______ .

◆41. both 两者都


  ⑴ The twins _____ are good students .

  ⑵ There are lots of colorful flowers on _____ sides of the streets .

  ⑶ There are five people in my family . We ______ like playing sports . My parents ______ love us . We are very happy .

◆42. alone 单独,独自一人

  →He is alone at home .

  lonely 孤独的,寂寞的。有一定的感情色彩 →He lives a lonely life in the country .

  ⑴ Sometimes he feels quite _____ because he has no friends .

  ⑵ She lives _____ in that large house .

◆43 in the tree 外来的

  →I saw a cat in the tree .

  on the tree 长在树上的→There are many apples on the tree .

  ⑴ How many monkeys can you see _____ the tree ?

  ⑵ There are a lot of bananas_____ the tree .

◆44. in the wall 指在墙体内

  on the wall 指在墙体表面

  ⑴ There is a map _____ the wall .

  ⑵ There is a door _____ the wall .

◆45. on the bed 指物品在床上

  →My bag is on the bed .

  in bed 指人躺在床上→Lily is ill in bed .

  ⑴ There is a jacket ___________ .

  ⑵ I have to be ________ by ten o’clock .

◆46. 引导结果状语从句:so和such(如此…以至于…)

  so是副词,后接adj和adv .句型:

  △so+adj/adv+that从句→He worked so hard that he got the first prize .

  △so+adj+a(n)+n.+that从句 = such+a(n)+adj+n.+that从句→That was so interesting a story that I read it twice .= That was such an interesting story that I read it twice .


  △such+a(n)+adj+n.+that从句→He is such a hard-working student that all the teachers love him .

  △such+pl./不可数n+that从句→It is such good weather that we can go swimming .

  ⑴ He runs ____fast ____ we can’catch him .

  ⑵ Lily is ____a kind girl ____we all love her .

  Tom is ____ a clever boy that he can answer the question .= Tom is ____ clever a boy that he can answer the question .

  The box is _____ heavy _____ I can’t carry it .

  ※ 在名词前有many / much / few / little这些词修饰时,要用so…that 。so…that句型的否定形式可用简单句too…to或not…enough to代替。如:

  He is so young that he can’t go to school .

  = He is too young to go to school .

  = He is not old enough to go to school .

◆47. 引导时间状语从句 :

  when + 延续性/短暂性动词→When I was watching TV , he came in . = When he came in , I was watching TV .

  while+延续性动词(多用进行时)→While I was in Shanghai ,I visited him .

  ⑴ _____ he was sleeping . Someone knocked at the door .= He was sleeping _____ someone knocked at the door .

  ⑵ _____ the boy heard his mother’s voice , he stopped crying .

  ⑶ My mother was cooking _____ I was doing my homework ..

◆48. at the age of 和 when 引导的时间状语可以互换。

  I began to play football when I was five years old . = I began to play football ________ ____ ____ five .

◆49. instead 放句首、句末

  instead of + n. /pron. /v-ing = rather than .

  ⑴ I will go to see her ______ you .

  ⑵ He doesn’t like beer ,give him coke ______ .

  ⑶ We often sing English song ______ reading aloud .

◆50. be famous as (作为…而知名) as + 职业/身份/地位

  →Yi Yuchun is famous as a super girl .

  be famous for (以…而著名) for + 出名的原因→Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake .

  ⑴ Li Bai is famous ______ a poet .

  ⑵ Jackie Chan ia famous ______ his action movies .

  ⑶ France ia famous _____its fine food and wine .

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