




Artist Profile:

Lan Jian, Associate Professor and Deputy Director of Oil Painting Department, Nanjing University of the Arts, and member of Jiangsu Oil Painting Society.



Ancient European painters have already adopted optical equipment to assist sketching and painting, but the emergence of true images completely impacted the traditional arts such as painting, while the new changes constructed by mankind technology are still unfolding. Although photographic technology is already mature and the difference in imaging quality and the effect change of images in a short span of ten years is significant differences, the visual exploration of mankind has never stopped. Nowadays we are living in an image world based on a highly developed consumer society, facing with these situations, what traditional paintings should do? This is certainly not a new problem, and there even have been views and controversies about whether the photography industry has seen the end in recent years in photography world. Photography and painting are faced with similar problems. Artistic creation requires both spiritual and mental support on the one hand, and the upgrading of wisdom and technology on the other hand.


《沧浪》Surging Waves

(150cm x 195cm ),布面油彩,蓝剑,2014

《荷风四面》 Lotus Pond

(180cm x 128cm )布面油彩,蓝剑,2009

《长虹卧波》 The Water Gallery

(160cm x 115cm),布面油彩,蓝剑,2012

《桃园》The Peach Garden

(155cm x 210cm),布面油彩,蓝剑,2012

《春水》 Lake in Spring

(155cm x 83cm),布面油彩,蓝剑,2015

《湖山含翠》 Lake and Hills

(155cm x 83cm),布面油彩,蓝剑,2015

《夏日》 Summer

(155cm x83cm ),布面油彩,蓝剑,2015

《四月花》 April

(155cm x 83cm ),布面油彩,蓝剑,2015


Scholars' evaluation:


中国油画学会常务理事 南京艺术学院教授


In terms of the selection of subject matter of painting, the works of Lan Jian seems to possess certain fashionable elements. He has drawn some works that express the daily life scenes of young people, and sometimes even a little surreal implication is added. Even the recently painted landscapes and still objects are very striking because of the novelty of the material selection and composition. A lot works of similar subjects adopt intense and bouncing patterns of manifestation, by contrast, works of Lan Jian are calm and restrained with harmonious combination of soft light, rigorous modeling and light strokes, and there is a kind of warmth slowly exuded from the painting by exquisite and delicate layer changes. –Shen Xinggong (executive director of China Oil Painting Society, professor of Nanjing University of the Arts)


南京艺术学院院长 国务院学位委员会美术学科评议组召集人


Lan Jian attempts to find a possibility between photography and painting to make an alternative interpretation of images by endowing the realistic scenery with subjective color, and he chose south Chinese gardens as the objects of crossover experiment, which is closely related to his aesthetic pursuit. His works of south Chinese gardens are rather surreal instead of realistic, and super-reality seems to be more close to his Eden of art. –Liu Weidong (Dean of Nanjing University of the Arts, convener of the art appraisal group of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council)


著名美术评论家、策展人 、《美术》杂志主编


In terms of the poetic presentation of southern scenery, like many other artists in Nanjing University of the Arts, Lan Jian is greatly influenced by Shen Xinggong and pursues elegant and peaceful scenery scheme, and they demonstrate scheme differentiation because of their different cultural backgrounds and personalities. Lan Jian is more like a setting master of southern natural space, spontaneous scenes of the changing weather, romantic themes make the modification of image more subjective and transcendent, particularly the use of brick red makes the image disperse an unreal state. His portrait of southern scenery gets rid of the naturalistic realism and pursues the abstract expression of the scene by noema. Illusion may be also an attitude to reflect the nature, which revitalizes the peaceful view with mysterious and deep spirituality. —Shang Hui (famous art critic, curator, editor-in-chief of Arts Magazine)




In the context of explicit and implicit commercial exhibitions at all places in the current society, purely academic exhibitions appears to be a luxury and can only be protected in the greenhouse of art colleges. Lan Jian has a solid foundation of realistic painting, but this time he presents a series of refreshing products receiving both praises and critiques, and this controversy is exactly the surprise this moderate artist brought to the public. At the moment of easel painting facing with crisis and oil painting industry in Jiangsu expecting revitalization, this test and trial is supposed to earn more tolerance and encouragement instead of suppression and disregard. Although this attempt of exploring the new possibilities of painting is not unusual in modern art field, for in-system painters, especially painters in colleges emphasizing inheritance, seeking a breakthrough requires innovative courage besides abilities and confidence. –Shang Yong (famous art critic, curator)



蓝剑的作品在展览中引起了观众的极大兴趣。尽管艺术家本人强调文化穿越意义上的“油画画园林”, 但观众在乍一面对这样的作品时, 往往会感到有些手足无措——照相写实、数码处理、油画笔触甚至是某种糖水片式的甜腻效果集于一身之后, 意义反而被一定程度的消解了。这不禁令人联想起德国艺术史家汉斯·贝尔廷的观点, 他认为媒介上的开放是当代艺术的特点之一但又不仅仅限于此, 当代艺术尽管使用日常生活中的媒介, 但它之所以仍然属于艺术, 正是因为它具有跟大众媒介中的图像相对抗的性质——在蓝剑的作品里, 多种大众媒介的性质综合呈现后, 反而拉开了其与大众媒介间的距离, 而这种张力本身 (从当代艺术理论的角度来看) 就是富有意义的。

The works of Lan Jian have drawn much attention from the audience. Although Lan Jian himself emphasizes “portraying gardens with paintings”, audience will feel confused when facing with the works for the first time—with the combination of realistic photos, digital processing, oil painting touches and even the sweet and cloying effects, the meaning is resolved to some extent. This involuntarily reminds us of the ideas of the German art historian Hans Belting, who thinks that medium openness is more than one of the characteristics of modern arts. Although modern arts will adopt real-life media, which is still an art form because it contrasts to the images in mass media—the properties of multiple public media in the works of Lan Jian are comprehensively represented, which instead enlarges the distance between the works and mass media, and this tension itself (in terms of modern artistic theories) is meaningful. –Zhao Jian (young scholar)

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