

ArchiPlan Wins Competition to Design Kim Tschang

ArchiPlan has won first prize in an international competition for a contemporary art museum designed solely for the work of Korean painter Kim Tschang-Yeul. Slated for completion in 2015 on the volcanic Jeju Island, a province in South Korea, the single-story museum is designed to be the physical manifestation of Kim’s philosophy regarding the water drop.

“We spent a long time understanding [Kim] – understanding his life, intention and his philosophy,” described the architects. “It is necessary to transform his philosophy into a constructed architectural space.”



“While many marveled at the substance of the water drops set against canvas, only a few are able to recognize the water drop as merely a medium by which to reveal the surface. As the water drop reveals the surface as a medium, this museum also becomes a medium and abstracts the idea of returning to the mother earth.”

Courtyard. Image ? ArchiPlan

Light and Shadow

“Kim’s water drop exists through light and shadow. The water drop becomes the ‘giver,’ origin, and the void of the light and the darkness at the same time. The darkness is empty, though, it’s full of potentials for life. The courtyard of Light at the center of the museum is the most symbolic space, where the light constantly appears and disappears through an ambiguous boundary.

“The act of painting water drops is to dissolve everything inside them and return them to a state of nothing. When everything like anger, anxiety and fear is brought to the point of nothing, we experience a state of peace and comfort.” - Kim Tschang-Yeu

Plan. Image ? ArchiPlan

Competition: Kim Tschang Yeul Museum Competition
Award: First Place
Architects: Archiplan
Location: Jeju-do, South Korea
Architect In Charge: Jae seung Hong, Tae hoon O
Design Team: Il kwon Park, Soo yeon Choi, Ju yeon Park, Seol i Kim, Young woo Cho, Hun young Lee
Client: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (Cultural Policy Division)
Area: 1900.0 sqm
Year: 2015
Photographs: ArchiPlan

? ArchiPlan
? ArchiPlan
Courtyard. Image ? ArchiPlan

Lobby. Image ? ArchiPlan
? ArchiPlan
? ArchiPlan

? ArchiPlan
Site Plan. Image ? ArchiPlan
Plan. Image ? ArchiPlan

Elevation. Image ? ArchiPlan
Section. Image ? ArchiPlan
Concept 1. Image ? ArchiPlan

Concept 2. Image ? ArchiPlan
Concept 3. Image ? ArchiPlan
Concept 1. Image ? ArchiPlan

Concept 2. Image ? ArchiPlan
Concept 3. Image ? ArchiPlan
Concept 4. Image ? ArchiPlan

Concept 5. Image ? ArchiPlan
Concept 6. Image ? ArchiPlan
Concept 7. Image ? ArchiPlan

Concept 8. Image ? ArchiPlan
Concept 9. Image ? ArchiPlan
Concept 10. Image ? ArchiPlan

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