

学习干货 | 小学英语1-6年级必备短语大全,还不赶快收藏起来!



clean the floor 扫地 

clean the house 打扫房间 

collect stamps 集邮 

come back 回来 

come from 来自…… 

come here 来这里 

come in 进来 

come on 过来 / 加油

 cook the meal 煮饭

 dig a hole 挖坑

 do housework 做家务 

do morning exercises 晨练 

do one's homework 做作业

 do some reading 读点书

 do sports 做运动 

draw a picture 画画 

drink some water 喝些水

 drive a car 驾车 

fall over 跌倒 

get off 下车 

get out of 走出(……之外) 

go and have a look 去看一看

go back 回去 

go boating 去划船

go fishing 去钓鱼 

go for a walk 去散步 

 go home 回家 

go out 出去 

go shopping 去购物 

go sightseeing 去观光 

go skating 去溜冰 

go skiing 去滑雪 

go straight on 直走 

go swimming 去游泳 

go to bed 去睡觉 

go to school 去上学 

go to the cinema 去看电影 

go to work 去上班 

have a bath 洗澡 

have a Chinese lesson 上语文课 

have a cold 感冒 

have a fever 发烧 

have a good time 玩得开心 

have a headache 头痛 

 have a look 看一看 

have a picnic 举行野餐活动

have a rest 休息 

have a stomachache 胃痛 

have a toothache 牙痛 

have a trip 去旅游 

have a try 试一试 

have been to 到过 

have breakfast 吃早餐 

have fun 玩得开心 

have lunch 吃午饭 

have some cola 喝些可乐 

have supper/dinner 吃晚饭 

have time 有时间

just a minute 等一下 

just now 刚才 

keep a diary 记日记 

let me see 让我想一想 / 让我看一看

listen to music 听音乐 

listen to the radio 听收音机 

make friends 交朋友 

make the bed 整理床铺 

next to 紧邻;在……近旁 

no problem 没问题 

paint a picture 涂画 

pick up 捡起 

plant trees 种树 

play badminton 打羽毛球 

play basketball 打篮球 

play cards 打牌

play football 踢足球

 play games 玩游戏

 play table tennis 打乒乓球 

 play tennis 打网球 

play the guitar 弹吉他 

play the piano 弹钢琴 

put away 放好 

put on 穿上 

ride a bike 骑自行车 

see a film 看电影 

surf the Net 上网 

take a message 传递信息 

take exercise 进行锻炼 

take medicine 服药 

take off 脱下 

take photos 照相 

turn off 关闭 

turn on 打开 

wait a moment 稍等一下 

wait for 等候 

wash clothes 洗衣服 

wash dishes 洗碟子 

watch a football match 看足球比赛 

 watch TV 看电视 

water the flower 浇花 

water the tree 浇树 

write a letter 写信         


a glass of 一杯…… 

a lot of 许多…… 

 a map of 一幅……的地图 

a pair of 一双…… 

a picture of 一幅……的画 

a plate of 一碟…… 

agree with 同意…… 

 all of them 他们大家 

all of us 我们大家 

 at first 首先 

at home 在家 

at last 最后 

at night 在晚上 

 at school 在学校 

at the top of 在……顶部 

at the weekend 在周末 

be good at 擅长于…… 

be made of 由……制造 

by the road 在路边 

by the way 顺便问问 

close to 靠近…… 

 different from 不同于 

fall down 跌倒 

far away from 远离 

from then on 从那时起 

from...to... 从……到……

full of 充满 

 get off 下车 

get on 上车 

get out of 走出……之外 

 get to 到达 

go on 继续 

 hand in 上交 

help...with... 帮助某人做某事 

 in English 用英语 

in front of 在……前面 

in the afternoon 在下午 

in the east / south / west /north 在 东 / 南 / 西 / 北面 

in the evening 在晚上 

in the middle 在中间 

in the morning 在早上 

in the sky 在空中 

in time 及时 

in trouble 遇到麻烦 

It's time to... 是该……的时候了 

late for 迟到 

look for 寻找 

not at all 根本不 

on foot 步行 

 on holiday 度假 

on Monday 在星期一 

on September 1st 在九月一日 

on the farm 在农场

on the left 在左边 

on the right 在右边 

on time 准时 

play with 与……玩 

put on 穿上 

sit down 坐下

stand up 起立 

start for 出发前往 

 talk to 和……交谈 

thank you for... 感谢你的…… 

wait for 等待 

 wake up 醒来    

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