


第I卷(选择题  共60分)

第I卷 共45小题, 请将答案按要求填涂在答题卡上。

一、单项选择(本题共 15 小题; 每 小 题 1 分, 满 分 15 分)

从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1. My family have ________ breakfast together every day. This helps us start a day well.

A. 不填  

B. a  

C. an  

D. the

2. —I hear your brother will enter Tsinghua University this summer.

—Exactly, he was a born genius. He was able to read and write ________ the age of 4.

A. in  

B. on  

C. at  

D. of

3. Our monitor is ________. He never shows off before others.

A. organized  

B. modest  

C. generous  

D. energetic

4. Five-star hotels can ________ first-rate service,making passengers feel at home.

A. provide  

B. prevent  

C. protect  

D. prepare

5. Life is like a one-way race, ________ treasure every moment as time cannot be won again.

A. so  

B. and  

C. or  

D. but

6. —Must I return this book before Friday,Sir?

—No, you ________, dear. You can keep it for two weeks.

A. can't  

B. shouldn't  

C. mustn't  

D. needn't

7. —________ does May look like?

—She is a pretty girl with big bright eyes and long straight hair.

A. How  

B. What  

C. Which  

D. Who

8. —Have you decided what to write about Gulliver in Lilliput in the report?

—I'm not sure. Maybe I need to read some ________ about it before writing.

A.  reasons  

B.  rewards  

C. results  

D. reviews

9. —Honey, could you help me ________ the picture of colorful balloons from the paper?

—Ok, Mum. I'm coming!

A. cut out  

B. carry out  

C. turn out  

D. work out

10. —Simon, we can save energy by riding shared bicycles.

—That's true. ________, using air conditioners less is also a good way.

A. However  

B. Otherwise  

C. Anyway  

D. Moreover

11. —Miss Zhang seems quite familiar with Yunnan Province.

—Don't you know? She ________ a town school there as a volunteer teacher for over 2 years.

A. is in  

B. has gone to  

C. has been in  

D. has been to

12. The community worker is patient enough ________to the old how to use Health Code(码)。

A. explain  

B. explains  

C. to explain  

D. explaining

13. —Good news! The Underground Line 1 in Nantong ________ to come into service soon.

—That's great! Transport will become much easier for us.

A. will be expected  

B. is expected

C. expects  

D. is expecting

14. —A celebration for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC(中国共产党) will be held,and I'm wondering ________.

—Let's have a discussion about it this afternoon.

A. how will we get there  

B. which clubs will take part

C.  what we could do for it  

D. whether can we do something for it

15. —It is important for us to wear seat belts while driving cars.


A. That's a good idea  

B. That's all right

C.  I can't agree more  

D. Take it easy

二、 完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


“SPELL CHAMPION,”Scott told his older sister.


Unsure about it,Scott still cheered,“You'll __16__ the spelling bee!”

Lucy thanked,happy but __17__, wondering if her dog, Senator, who she got for her 11th birthday and never away from her for a week, would be looked after well.

“We'll keep him perfectly,” said Scott, dreaming of getting his own pet if he could __18__ himself.

The loudspeaker in the railway station announced the upcoming departure(出发). Dad wished Lucy good luck, “If you make the __19__, we'll come to see you.”

“See you in a w-e-a-k.”

“W-e-e-k,”Lucy __20__ Scott and said,“Bye!”

Each morning Scott woke up early to feed Senator, leaving a note to __21__ Dad, after that Scott continued to sleep. Scott even gave Senator a timely bath,during which he hoped Dad could notice how responsible(负责任的) he was with unwilling Senator.

Halfway Lucy __22__ back to tell her failure in the second round(轮次) and asked, “How's Senator doing?”

“Excellent!” Scott bragged.

But when Lucy returned, she found it __23__“He only started feeling sick this morning.”Scott felt __24__ but confused(困惑的), for he'd been a strict direction-follower.

They came to the veterinarian's(动物诊所). After the examination,Lucy was angry, “A terrible __25__!How could Senator have such a rapid two pounds in weight?”

Dad said, “I only fed him two scoops of dog food every morning.”

Scott __26__, “Dad! You fed him again? Didn't you read my note? It says I've fed him!”

It took Lucy a moment to understand before asking Scott how to spell fed.

“F-e-e-d? Scott! Fed is spelled f-e-d. But your note says f-e-e-d, telling Dad to feed the dog!”

“So Senator was fed twice?” Dad asked,“But why did he __27__ seem hungry?”

“All's fish that comes to his net!” Lucy looked down at Senator who was wagging his tail. “Let's see how you like eating Doggie Diet for a month!”

Senator's tail drooped.

Scott said sorry, “I just wanted to be responsible so I could get a dog for my next __28__.”

“It's OK. I'll teach you how to spell to __29__ myself for next year's spelling bee.” Lucy handed Scott the red leash to walk Senator.

“You have a few months to practise before you get one for your birthday.” Dad added.

Scott burst into laughter and reached down to pet Senator __30__.

“Having a little brother isn't so bad,” Lucy told Senator, “if you show him who's b-o-s-s!”

16. A. attend  B. finish  C. win  D. cancel

17. A. relaxed  B. worried  C. surprised  D. bored

18. A. prove  B. teach  C. serve  D. devote

19. A. finals  B. plans  C. changes  D. tasks

20. A. punished  B. warned  

      C. improved  D. corrected

21. A. wake  B. respect  C. praise  D. remind

22. A. flew  B. moved  C. called  D. went

23. A. wrong  B. opposite  C. common  D. same

24. A. lucky  B. crazy  C. guilty  D. silly

25. A. stomachache    B. headache  

      C. toothache         D. backache

26. A. nodded      B. smiled  

      C. cheered     D. screamed

27. A. never           B. always  

      C. sometimes  D. seldom

28. A. interview        B. term  

      C. competition   D. birthday

29. A. train       B. enjoy  

      C. explain   D. recommend

30. A. bravely    B. excitedly  

      C. politely    D. patiently

三、 阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



◆More than 22,000 pubs(酒馆) have a weekly quiz(智力测试) night. Some people say that the success of modern-day pub quizzes is caused by a board game from the 1980s, called Trivial Pursuit. In the game players had to answer questions about unimportant details. But whatever the reason, pub owners now say they hold quiz nights because quizzers drink like fish, so it is good business for them.

◆In the quiz, the quizmaster reads questions out loud and people answer questions in teams. A lot of the time, people choose funny names for their teams. There are normally several rounds, and a quiz can go on for 2 to 3 hours! Each round can be about a different topic, or questions can be mixed.Topics can be about nature, culture, life, health, food, science, sports, music and more.

◆Many pubs have old names referring to monarchs(君主), such as The King's Head or The Queen Victoria, but of course this doesn't mean they are only for kings or queens. Pubs have always welcomed people from all classes and parts of society. In some pubs you can get drinks on the house, meaning they are free. If you've paid to be in the quiz, there is usually a surprising prize.

◆More than half of the people in a recent survey on the Internet answered these questions incorrectly: How many countries make up Great Britain? What is the world's largest desert?

Study! Make sure you know the names of the winners of sporting events, Oscars and TV shows. Also there is need to have a look at the world map. Besides studying, it's very important to choose your team wisely. Try to have a mix of men and women, and no more than five people. Don't choose someone who is always completely sure that they're right, in fact sometimes they're wrong! Once you've got your team together, always trust your first answer, and don't think about it too much. Make sure that not everyone in your team drinks too much, otherwise the last round is going to get really difficult!

31. Pub owners are willing to hold the quiz night because________.

A.  it is held freely once a week to meet customers

B.  they can ask quizzers some difficult questions

C.  it can provide a good chance for their business

D. they believe Trivial Pursuit is still popular now

32. Which of the following is true according to Parts 2&3?

A.  Quizzers usually group their teams with funny names.

B.  Normally each round will go on for two to three hours.

C.  Pubs with names of monarchs are for kings and queens.

D.  Every quizzer will receive a surprising prize in the end.

33. In order to win the quiz, quizzers had better ________.

①have a complete understanding of different topics

②be in a mixed team no more than five members

③trust their first answers to the questions

④drink as much as they can till the last round

A. ①②  

B. ②③  

C. ①④  

D. ③ ④


We are what we eat. From high-calorie meals to low-fat lunches, much of our health depends on what we eat. We know about the benefits(益处) of eating fittingly for our physical health, but food, and cooking it, is proving to be good for our mental(心理的) health as well.

Some people are now supporting the therapeutic value of cooking food. It's not just about the end result but also the experience someone goes through. Dr Mark Salter, a consultant psychiatrist, told the BBC: “Baking and cooking are good therapies. They help patients develop planning skills, short-term memories and social skills—lack(缺乏) of which may lead to mental illness.”

TV chef(大厨) and author Nadiya Hussain agrees that cooking is great for helping our mind. She loves to bake and became the champion of the TV show, The Great British Bake Off. She says that “Baking's always been about therapy... It's never really been about the cake.” And she thinks that baking is an important tool for our socialization and mental health.

Certainly, creating some delicious food takes our mind off things and gives us something to do, helping us get through the recent lockdown. People have said that mixing dough(生面团)to make bread, for example, has given them a sense of calm and control. Research has shown that doing creative tasks, like cooking, makes us feel happier. Nicole Farmer, who studies how food influences our biology, behavior and mental health, told BBC online that “Cooking represents the human experience of food, and growing people through food, so there is no doubt it can bring us timely positive feelings.”

Of course, cooking can be a very sociable activity and sharing the end result, a rewarding experience. Hopefully, as we start to mix with friends and family again, we can enjoy the benefits once more and put us all in the right state of mind.

34. What is baking in Nadiya Hussain's eyes?

A.  It's helpful for our mind.  

B.  It's a kind ofTV programme.

C.  It's always about the cake.  

D. It's a tool for physical health.

35. Creative tasks can help people get through the lockdown because they.

A.  give people a lasting sense of calm and peace

B. mark the start of the experience of cooking food

C. make people feel more confident and stronger

D.  help people take their mind off unhappy things

36. Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A. Dr Mark Salter is a consultant psychiatrist of the BBC.

B.  Hussain once got the first prize for her books on baking.

C.  The Great British Bake Off is a TV show about cooking.

D. Nicole Farmer is a British scientist who studies biology.

37. What is the article trying to convince(使确信) the reader of?

A. Eating fittingly for physical health.

B. Enjoying the course of cooking.

C.  Sharing delicious food with others.

D.  Developing our planning skills.


In December 2020, “the Super Apple” appeared at supermarkets across China, sweeter and juicier than usual ones, without pesticide residue(农药残留). Before reaching the market, the products had been tested over 500 times. Blockchain(区块链) technology in recording farmers' actions is widely used to avoid nonstandard pesticide use. Digital technology at the apple storage helps to group apples, which can keep the stability(稳定性)  in the quality. “The future of agriculture lies in the modern technology.” Huang Jikun, Professor of the China Centre for Agricultural Policy at Peking University, told Beijing Review.

At China's Central Rural Work Conference in 2020, President Xi stressed that efforts must be made to increase the quality of agriculture. Xi also pointed out the importance of speeding up technologies.

China's agriculture has entered a stage of high-quality development, as the country is meeting people's increasing need for high standard products. So agriculture should turn to technology.

Three years ago,Yuan Longping led a program of planting rice in saline-alkali(盐碱) soil in areas, including Xinjiang and Heilongjiang. Through hybrid technology, Yuan's team have been able to raise improved rice for saline and alkaline soils. If China could put 6.67 million hectares of saline-alkali soil into rice production, it would be very likely to increase by around 30 million tons, a huge contribution to the country.

In Lushui,Yunnan Province, one can rarely see farmers working on the farm.All common tasks are completed automatically(自动化地). Data(数据)  is gathered by the system to improve future production.

“More information and technology centres will be built so that basic data and big data can be improved,and technologies like 5G and the BeiDou Satellite Navigation System can be used in the field.”said Han Fujun, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Information Center of MARA.

Since 2010, the Chinese government has been organizing technology exchanges, training, field trips and other activities for the agricultural technology talents to better understand the situations of each area.

Because of the COVID-19, companies begin to rethink better agricultural models,  as more people want to eat healthier foods. Science and technology will play a more important role in the future.

38. Which of the following makes ”the Super Apple” sweeter and juicier?

A. The apple storage.  

B. The modern technology.

C. The product test.  

D. The record of farmers'actions.

39. From the passage we know that________.

A.  traditional Chinese agriculture is out of date now

B.  farmers will pay less attention to technologies

C.  China's agriculture plays a lead role in the world

D. people now need more quality agricultural products

40. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.  Yuan's program is a huge contribution to China.

B.  Farmers are busy collecting the data in Lushui.

C. 5G and BeiDou system are rarely used in the centres.

D.  Talents organize activities to understand each area.

41. The passage mainly wants to tell us ________.

A. Yuan Longping is a great Chinese scientist in farming

B. China's agriculture develops fast to meet people's need

C.  science and technology improves China's agriculture

D. more agricultural models will appear after COVID-19


“Have you finished your lesson, George?” said Mr. Prentice to his son, who had laid aside his book and was busy making a large paper kite.

“No, father,”replied George,hanging down his head.

“Why not, my son?”

“Because it is so difficult, father. I am sure that I shall never learn it. Besides, I could not remember it after I had learned it, my memory is so bad.”

“If I were to promise you a holiday on the thirtieth of the month after next, do you think you would forget the date?”

“No, I am pretty sure that I should not.”

“You are first-rate at skating, and flying a kite, and playing at ball and marbles, are you not?”


“And yet you cannot learn your lesson! My dear boy, you are deceiving(欺骗) yourself. You can learn as well as anyone, if you will only try.”

“But have I not tried, father?” again urged George.

“Well, try again. Come, for this afternoon lay aside that kite you are making, and give another effort to get your lesson ready. Be in earnest, and you will soon learn it. To show you that it only requires perseverance,I will tell you a story----

“One of the dullest boys at a village school, more than thirty years ago, went up to repeat his lesson one morning; and, as usual, did not know it. 'Go to your seat!’ said the teacher angrily.

'If you don't pay more attention to your lessons, you will never be fit for anything.’

“The poor boy stole off to his seat, and bent his eyes again upon his lesson.

“'It is of no use; I cannot learm.’ he said in a whisper to a companion who sat near him.

“'You must try hard,’replied the kind-hearted boy.

“'I have tried, but it is of no use; I may just as well give up at once.’

“'Try again, Henry!’ Whispered his companion, in an earnest and encouraging tone.

“These two little words gave him a fresh impulse, and he bent his mind again to his task.

Gradually he began to find the sentences lingering in his memory; and soon, to his surprise and pleasure, the whole lesson was mastered!

“From that day,” continued Mr. Prentice,“there was no boy in the school who learned more rapidly than Henry. From that day till the present hour he has been a student; and he now urges his son George to 'try again’ as he tried. ”

“And was it indeed you, father?” asked his son, eagerly looking up into the face of his kind parent.

“Yes, my child.  That dull boy was your own father in his early years.”

“Then I will try again.” said George, in a decided tone; and, flinging aside his half-made kite, he turned and re-entered the house, and was soon bending in earnest attention over his lesson.

“Well, what success, George?”asked Mr. Prentice, as the family gathered around the tea-table.

“I learned the lesson, father!” replied the boy, “I can say every word of it.”

“Did you find it hard work?”

“Not so very hard, after I had once made up my mind that I would learn it. Indeed I never stopped to think, as I usually do, but went right on until I had mastered every sentence.”

“May you never forget this lesson, my son!” said Mr. Prentice, “You now get the secret of success. It lies in never stopping to think about a task being difficult or tiresome, but in going steadily on,with a fixed determination to succeed.”

42. The meaning of the underlined word“perseverance”is ________.

A.  the quality of continuing trying

B. the quality of being brave enough

C.  thinking about what will happen next

D.  thinking about what's the best thing to do

43. Which is the correct order of the things below?

a. Mr. Prentice told George his own story.

b. George learned the lesson successfully.

c. George was busy making a large paper kite.

d. George gave up his lesson halfway.

e. The family gathered around the tea-table.

A. c-d-a-e-b  

B. c-d-a-b-e

C. d-c-a-b-e  

D. d-c-a-e-b

44. According to the passage, we can see Mr. Prentice ________.

A.  was encouraged by his teacher  

B.  was a top student at first

C.  is always impatient with his son  

D. is a kind and wise father

45. Which can be the best title for the passage?

A. A dull boy  

B. Try again

C. A strict father  

D.  Finish your lesson

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共60分)

四、 词汇 (本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。

46. Keeping a ________(日记) is a good way to improve our writing skills.

47. A Chinese saying is written at the ________(底部) of each page in this book.

48. The nurse took the thermometer(体温计), ________(move quickly from side to side, up and down, etc.) it and put it under my armpit.

49. Parents should teach their children to behave ________(in a correct way) in public.

50. On the ________Ninth Festival this year, we'll visit the old people's home near our school.

B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。

certain forty it close direct

51. As the ________of the popular film Hi, mom, Jia Ling is welcomed by more people.

52. Wendy once spent a year in Los Angeles for further study in her ________.

53. My pet cat likes playing with ________ tail while my pet dog loves running after balls.

54. Marie Curie's success in the discovery of radium is ________ connected with her hard work.

55. Millie asks Andy to fix her broken bicycle, however, he is ________ about it.

C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。

control allow reply weigh wait

56. —Excuse me, where is Mr. Wu?

—He ________ for the foreign students at the school gate.

57. —I ________ myself yesterday, and I'm much lighter than before.

—Really? Are you on a diet?

58. The central computer ________ the traffic lights, now let the students go first.

59. —I called you yesterday evening, but you didn't answer me.

—Sorry, I ________ to my pen friend far in Moscow.

60. Liu Hao always works tohigh standards,and he never ________ himself behind others.

五、 句型转换 (本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


61. He has to walk to school when there's no bus service.(改为一般疑问句)

________ he ________ to walk to school when there's no bus service?

62. The farmer put an end to poverty by selling products on  Tiktok.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ the farmer put an end to poverty?

63. It is really a pleasant time to have a picnic on a warm sunny day.(改为感叹句)

________ ________ pleasant time it is to have a picnic on a warm sunny day!

64. Amy often donates money to charities.She is helpful.(保持句意基本不变)

It is ________ ________Amy to donate money to charities.

65. You can't borrow books from the library without a membership card.(改为复合句)

You can't borrow books from the library ________ you ________have a membership card.

六、 短文填空(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


The Chinese life is colorful with many interesting folk ways. The Lantern Festival is on the 15th day of the first lunar month, it has a Chinese name Yuanxiao Festival. Yuanxiao comes from the f__66__ that people call the first lunar month the Yuan Month and night Xiao. The night of the 15th day of the first lunar month m__67__ the beginning of the first full moon. On the Lantern Festival, the Chinese people have the custom of e__68__ lantems and eating glutinous rice dumplings. There is a common saying that“Playing on the Lantern Festival.”

The custom started during the Han Dynasty,and has a h__69__ of more than 2000 years. On that night, every place is decorated with lanterns and streamers(饰带) and there is a bustling atmosphere. As night f__70__, people go in crowds to the sea of colorful lanterns: palace lanterns,wall lamps, figure lanterns, flower lanterns, revolving horse lanterns, animal lanterns, and toy lanterns, of all types and c____71__. Some lanterns have riddles(谜语) on them,which encourage people to try to be the f__72__ to find the answer.

It is a__73__ a traditional custom to eat glutinous rice dumplings at this time. As early as the Song Dynasty,there was such a kind of food, a round ball  m__74__ of glutinous rice flour with a filling of sugar and kernels(果仁). Since it is eaten on the Lantern Festival,people call it yuanxiao.The Chinese people hope that e__75__ is satisfactory (yuanman in Chinese), and to eat glutinous rice dumplings on the first night with a full moon in a year is to wish that family members will remain united, harmonious, happy and satisfied.

七、 阅读与回答问题(本题共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Protecting the Habitats of Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees are not only social animals living in communities and work together, but they are smart in many different ways. For over 40 years, people have been studying chimps both in the wild and in captivity. One thing they have learned is that chimpanzees and their natural habitats-or where they live in the wild-need to be protected.

In 1960, a researcher named Jane Goodall began to live with and study wild chimpanzees in Africa. She learned that they are highly intelligent animals that communicate with gestures and physical contact. They make tools to find food, they possess innate decision-making skills, and they make choices about which groups to join and what foods to eat. Chimps cooperate to hunt and often share the food they have caught. In captivity, where they live in zoos and science centres, they can be taught American Sign Language so that they can communicate with their hands. There have even been experiments which show that a few chimpanzees have learned to use computers and to play games! Some scientists argue that chimpanzees can show emotions such as happiness or sadness.

Although chimpanzees are impressive and intelligent animals, their safety is in danger every day. In the wild they can be found in 21 different African countries, living in forests. Chimpanzees are able to adapt(适应)  to changes in their environment. They can move to a new place, make new nests, and find new foods. Yet people are destroying their natural habitats. By cutting down trees for firewood and using the space to build houses, humans leave chimpanzees with smaller areas to live in.

Chimpanzees are in danger, and all eyes should be on them. Fortunately many organizations and researchers have started to take steps to protect them.Everyone should be aware of their work and it is important to help these amazing animals.


76. According to the passage, why should people help chimpanzees?


77. How do chimpanzees communicate in their natural habitats?


78. How do chimpanzees adapt to changes in their environment?


79. What does the writer want to tell us by saying “all eyes should be on them”?


80. What can you do for chimpanzees?(请自拟一句话作答)


八、 书面表达 (本题满分20分)



1. 词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。

Art plays an important role in our life. _____________________



















46. diary 47. bottom 48. shook 49. properly 50. Double 51. director 52. thirties 53. its 54. closely 55. uncertain 56. is waiting 57. weighed 58. controls 59. was replying 60. allows


61. Does; have 62. How; did 63. What a 64. helpful for 65. if; don’t


66. food 67. means 68. enjoy 69. history 70. falls 71. colours 72. first 73. also 74. made 75. everything

七 、阅读与回答问题

76. Because people are destroying chimpanzees’ natural habitats and they are in danger. 

77. They communicate with gestures and physical contact. 

78. They can move to a new place, make new nests, and find new foods. 

79. Chimpanzees are in danger. It’s important to help these amazing animals. 

80. We can make a poster about them and call people to help them./ We can make a WeChat group to discuss how to help them...(开放性题目)


One possible version:

Art is an important part of our life. My favourite art is making kites.

According to my grandparents, when I was young, I looked forward to flying. One year, when spring came, my grandfather made a kite for me. That made me quite excited. When I held a line to let my kite fly into the sky, I knew my dream of flying came true.

As I’m growing older, like a kite, I will leave my parents. But I know the line is still in my parents’ hand. With them behind me, I can fly farther and farther.

   Art teaches us a lot. It makes our life rich and colourful.
















46. diary 47. bottom 48. shook 49. properly 50. Double 51. director 52. thirties 53. its 54. closely 55. uncertain 56. is waiting 57. weighed 58. controls 59. was replying 60. allows


61. Does; have 62. How; did 63. What a 64. helpful for 65. if; don’t


66. food 67. means 68. enjoy 69. history 70. falls 71. colours 72. first 73. also 74. made 75. everything

七 、阅读与回答问题

76. Because people are destroying chimpanzees’ natural habitats and they are in danger. 

77. They communicate with gestures and physical contact. 

78. They can move to a new place, make new nests, and find new foods. 

79. Chimpanzees are in danger. It’s important to help these amazing animals. 

80. We can make a poster about them and call people to help them./ We can make a WeChat group to discuss how to help them...(开放性题目)


One possible version:

Art is an important part of our life. My favourite art is making kites.

According to my grandparents, when I was young, I looked forward to flying. One year, when spring came, my grandfather made a kite for me. That made me quite excited. When I held a line to let my kite fly into the sky, I knew my dream of flying came true.

As I’m growing older, like a kite, I will leave my parents. But I know the line is still in my parents’ hand. With them behind me, I can fly farther and farther.

   Art teaches us a lot. It makes our life rich and colourful.

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