


2023.06.22 甘肃



1.Lily has such a good ________ that most people like listening to her sing.


【详解】句意:莉莉的嗓音如此甜美,以致于大多数人都喜欢听她唱歌。根据后句“that most people like listening to her sing.”可知,空处应是voice“嗓音”,a后跟单数名词。故填voice。

2.—Many traffic accidents happened yesterday. Do you know?

—Yes, ice on the road was the ______ of the accidents.


【详解】句意:——昨天发生了许多交通事故。你知道吗?——是的,路上的冰是事故的主要起因。根据“ice on the road was the...of the accidents.”,可知这里表示事故的起因。cause可作名词,意为“原因,起因”。the cause of“……的起因”。故填cause。

3.—Are local doctors and nurses in poor areas invited on ________ by ORBIS?

—Yes, they can learn more about eye problems and help more people.


【详解】句意:——ORBIS是否邀请贫困地区的当地医生和护士登机?——是的,他们可以了解更多关于眼疾的知识,帮助更多的人。根据“ORBIS”及常识,可知,这是一种在飞机上给病人治病的组织,所以此处是指邀请医护人员上飞机,on board“在飞机上”,故填board。

4. — As a Chinese girl, have you traveled ________?

— Yes. I went to America last summer.


【详解】句意:—— 作为一个中国女孩,你去过国外吗?—— 是的。我去年夏天去了美国。根据“America”可知,是问去过国外没有,abroad符合句意。故填abroad。

5.Jenny came ________ and helped me with my homework.


【详解】句意:珍妮过来辅导我的家庭作业。根据空前的“came”及半句后“ helped me with my homework”可推知,此处指的是过来辅导我的家庭作业,came over意为“过来”。故填over。

6.The Internet can connect you ________ the other people all over the world.



7.A thief ________ my purse on the bus yesterday.



8.My grandma is a happy and healthy woman and she’ll live up ________ 100 years old.


【详解】句意:我奶奶是一个幸福健康的女人,她将活到100岁。根据“live up…100 years old”可知是,活到一百岁,up to“直至,多达”,固定短语,live up to…years old意为“活到……岁”。故填to。

9.Many people wear face masks in order to protect _________ against COVID-19.


【详解】句意:许多人戴口罩是为了保护自己免受新冠病毒的感染。根据句子的主语“Many people”可知,许多人戴口罩的目的是为了保护他们自己。故填themselves。

10.If you want to ________ your dream, you must work harder from now on.


【详解】句意:如果你想实现你的梦想,你必须从现在开始更加努力。根据“you must work harder from now on”可知更加努力的条件是想要实现梦想,realize/achieve one’s dream实现某人的梦想,want to do sth.想要做某事。故填realize/achieve。

11.The boy ____________ so he looked very worried.

【答案】was lost

【详解】句意:这个男孩迷路了,所以他看起来很担心。根据“so he looked very worried”结合备选词可推出男孩是迷路了,be lost“迷路了”;由“looked”可知用一般过去时,主语“The boy”是第三人称单数,be动词用was。故填was lost。

12.We want to _________ the art club.


【详解】句意:我们想去加入美术俱乐部。根据宾语the art club可知,此处表示加入美术俱乐部,join加入,want to do sth想要做某事,故填join。

13.I will ________ my teacher for advice and make a decision.


【详解】句意:我要向我的老师寻求建议,然后再做决定。根据“my teacher for advice”可知,此处应用ask,表示“寻求意见”。ask sb. for sth.“向某人询问某事”;will+动词原形,所以此处应用ask。故填ask。

14.This picture is very similar ________ that one. There are only a few differences.


【详解】句意:这幅画和那幅画很相似。只有一点不同。根据“There are only a few differences”可知此处指“二幅画很相似”;be similar to“与……相似”;故填to。

15.What do you think ________ the movie?


【详解】句意:你认为这部电影怎么样?What do you think of…? 你认为……怎么样?固定句型。故填of。

16.A boy _______ himself in P. E. class. The teacher and two students took him to the hospital at once.


【详解】句意:一个男孩在体育课上受伤了,老师和两个学生立刻把他送去了医院。根据下文The teacher and two students took him to the hospital at once.可知,此处句意为“一个男孩在体育课上受伤了”,“受伤”英文表达是hurt,hurt oneself弄伤自己;由于全句时态是过去时,所以这里也应用动词的过去式,hurt的过去式是hurt,故答案填hurt。

17.—Do you watch Peppa Pig on TV? It's so funny.

—Well, to be ________, I think it's quite silly.


【详解】句意:——你在电视上看小猪佩奇吗?它是如此有趣。——哦,说实话,我觉得它相当傻。be后接形容词作表语,根据“I think it's quite silly”可知,此处发表个人的观点,用to be honest表示“说实话”,故填honest。

18.I don’t care my best friend is the same ________ me or different.


【详解】句意:我不在乎我最好的朋友和我是一样的还是不同的。此处是固定词组,the same as“与……一致”。故填as。

19.For kids, doing chores at home can help to ________ their independence.


【详解】句意:对孩子来说,在家里做家务有助于培养他们的独立性。根据“doing chores at home can help to…their independence”可知,做家务有助于培养他们的独立性,develop“培养”,help to do sth“帮助做某事”,此空应填动词原形,故填develop。

20.The street is ________ enough for 3 cars to pass.


【详解】句意:这条街道的宽度足够三辆小汽车同时通过。根据“for 3 cars to pass.”和enough,可知本句是描述这条街道的宽度;该句为系表结构,此处应填形容词,作表语,wide意为“宽阔的”,是形容词,故填wide

21.Tom forgot to take an ___________ so he got wet when it was raining.



22. The beautiful song _________ me of the old days in my hometown.


【详解】句意:这首优美的歌使我想起了家乡的旧时光。根据“The beautiful song...me of the old days in my hometown”可知是指歌曲使“我”想起了家乡的旧时光,remind sb of sth“提醒某人某事”,动作已发生,应用一般过去时,故填reminded。

23.I think ________ are the most popular fruit in summer.



24.My father is a ________ in a restaurant. When he is at home, he always makes some delicious food for us.


【详解】句意:我爸爸是一家餐馆的厨师。当他在家的时候,他总是为我们做一些美味的食物。根据“ When he is at home, he always makes some delicious food for us.”可知爸爸是厨师,cook“厨师”,可数名词,被a修饰,应用单数,故填cook。

25.Nancy’s sister often goes ________ on business, such as Germany and Italy.


【详解】句意:南希的姐姐经常出国出差,比如德国和意大利。根据“such as Germany and Italy.”可知,比如德国和意大利,由此说明南希的姐姐经常出国出差。出国:go abroad;故填abroad。

26.We grew up in the countryside,surrounded(环绕) by the beauty of_________.


【详解】句意:我们在乡村长大,被自然的美景环绕着。介词“of”后面缺宾语,根据“countryside”及“the beauty”可知用名词nature表示“自然”,不可数名词。故填nature。

27.The passage is very important _______ it’s short.


【详解】句意:这篇文章虽然短,但很重要。根据“The passage is very important...it’s short.”可知此处是指文章虽然很短,但是很重要,though“尽管”,是连词,故填though。

28.Your room is in a ________, and you should tidy it up.


【详解】句意:你的房间很乱,你应该整理一下。in a mess乱糟糟。故填mess。

29.Tom lost his bike yesterday. Let’s go to cheer him ___________.


【详解】句意:汤姆昨天丢了自行车。让我们去让他振作起来。根据“Tom lost his bike yesterday.” 可知,这里应该是去让他振作起来,cheer up意为“振作起来”。故填up。

30.You can ask your teacher _______ the book.


【详解】句意:你可以向老师要这本书。此处是ask sb. for sth.“向某人要某物”,是固定短语,故填for。

31.Let me write it down while it’s still ________ in my mind.


【详解】句意:趁我还记忆犹新,让我把它写下来。根据“Let me write it down”可知,此处是指趁自己还记忆犹新。fresh“新近出现的,新近体验的”,形容词作表语。故填fresh。

32.—What’s the matter?

—I’m not feeling well. I think I have ________ fever.


【详解】句意:——出什么事了?——我觉得不舒服。我想我是发烧了。根据“I’m not feeling well”可知,觉得不舒服应该是发烧了,have a fever“发烧”,故填a。

33.What do you think of Liu Qian’s _________ show?


【详解】句意:你觉得刘谦的魔术表演怎么样?根据“Liu Qian”和常识可知,此处指魔术表演;magic“魔术的”,形容词作定语,修饰名词“show”。故填magic。

34.—I didn’t see you this morning. Where were you?

—I was ________ and went to see a doctor.


【详解】句意:——我今天早晨没有看见你。你去哪儿了?——我病了,去看医生了。此处作表语,应该填形容词。根据后文“went to see a doctor”,可知应该填ill/sick,意为“生病的”,是形容词,故填ill/sick。

35.Let your little daughter make some decisions by herself. It's important to develop her i__________.


【详解】句意:让你的小女儿自己做决定。培养她的独立性很重要。根据“Let your little daughter make some decisions by herself.”建议让自己做决定,可推出是要培养独立性;形容词性物主代词her后接不可数名词independence表示“独立”。故填independence。

36.My mother is in hospital, so I have to look ________ her now.


【详解】句意:我妈妈住院了,所以我现在不得不去照顾她。根据“My mother is in hospital”可知,此处考查动词短语look after“照顾”。故填after。

37.A: Do you have a library?

B: Yes. I often borrow interesting ________ it.

【答案】books from

【详解】句意:——你们有一个图书馆吗?——是的,我经常从里面借有趣的书。固定短语borrow...from“从……借”。books“书本”。故填books from。

38.—________ you from Canada?

—Yes, I am.


【详解】句意:——你来自加拿大吗?——是的,我是。根据“Yes, I am”可知,空处所在的一般疑问句是以be动词开头,主语you是第二人称,be动词用are,故填Are。

39.________ is the work such as cleaning, washing and making the bed.


【详解】句意:家务是像打扫、洗衣服和铺床这样的工作。句中缺少主语,根据“such as cleaning, washing and making the bed”,可知,打扫,洗衣服都是属于家务,housework“家务”,不可数名词,故填Housework。

40.I feel so bored that I want to find _______ interesting to do.



41.________ she is young, she knows quite a lot.



42.—________ ________ ________?

—Fine, thanks.

【答案】     How     are     you

【详解】句意:——你好吗?——我很好,谢谢。根据答句“Fine, thanks.”可知,问句询问近况,用How are you“你好吗”。故填How;are;you。

43.________ speaking, she stood up and went out.


【详解】句意:她一声不吭地站起来走了出去。根据“she stood up and went out.”及语境判断,她应该是没有说话,without speaking意为“没有说话”,without表示伴随,句子开头,首字母大写。故填Without。

44.We can’t get good grades _________ we study hard.


【详解】句意:除非我们努力学习,否则我们不能取得好成绩。根据“We can’t get good grades…we study hard”可知,除非努力学习,否则无法取得好成绩,用unless引导条件状语从句,故填unless。

45.It’s ________ for me to understand the passage. It is too difficult.


【详解】句意:我不可能理解这个段落,它太难了。It’s+形容词+for sb. to do sth.表示“对某人来说,做某事是……的”,用形容词做表语,根据“It is too difficult.”可知,因为它太难了,所以理解它是不可能的,impossible“不可能的”,是形容词,故填impossible。

46.My alarm didn’t go ________, so I woke up late.


【详解】句意:我的闹钟没有响,所以我醒得很晚。根据“so I woke up late”可知,起晚了,因为闹钟没有响,go off“(警报器,铃等)突然大作,发出声音”,固定搭配,故填off。

47.— How much did you ________ for this computer?

— Five hundred dollars.


【详解】句意:——你为这台电脑支付了多少钱?——五百美元。根据“Five hundred dollars”可知此处应是询问买电脑花了多少钱,pay for...“为……支付” 符合语境,而did为助动词,后续动词原形,故填pay。

48.In our school eighty ________ of the students like playing computer games.


【详解】句意:在我们学校80%的学生喜欢玩电脑游戏。根据“ eighty... of the students like playing computer games.”可知,80%的学生喜欢玩电脑游戏,因此percent符合题意,故填percent。

49.We all know that nothing is ______________ if you put your heart into it.


【详解】句意:我们都知道,如果你用心去做,没有什么是不可能的。is后接形容词作表语,根据“nothing is…if you put your heart into it”可知,只要用心去做,没有什么是不可能的,impossible“不可能的”,故填impossible。

50.I haven't seen him ________________ we met at the airport last year.



51.—Do you know what the _________ is today?

—Yes, it’s October 10th, Teachers’ Day.


【详解】句意:——你知道今天几号吗?——当然知道,今天是10月10日,教师节。根据“it’s October 10th”可知,此处问的是今天的日期,“date”表示“日期”,符合语境。故填date。

52.If you want more ______________, please call the center at 334-556.


【详解】句意:如果您想了解更多信息,请拨打334-556咨询中心。根据“If you want more…, please call the center at 334-556”可知,如果想要更多信息拨打咨询中心,information“信息”,不可数名词,故填information。

53.Jessie is an ________ girl. She never tells lies so we all believe what she says.


【详解】句意:杰西是个诚实的女孩。她从不说谎,所以我们都相信她的话。根据“She never tells lies”可知,她是一个诚实的孩子,故填honest。

54.Work hard and you can ________ your English.


【详解】句意:努力学习,你的英语就会提高。根据“Work hard”可知,此处应用improve,表示“提高英语”。improve“提高”,动词;情态动词后加动词原形,此处应用improve。故填improve。

55.My uncle has two sons. The ________ is 10 and the younger is 7.


【详解】句意:我叔叔有两个儿子。大的10岁,小的7岁。根据“and the younger is 7”可知,此处介绍叔叔的两个儿子中较大的一个;the elder“年长的”。故填elder。

56.Could you tell him to call me _______ when he arrives home?


【详解】句意:你能告诉他到家后给我回电话吗?根据语境分析,此处想要表达“回某人电话”call sb. back,固定搭配。故填back。

57.Most Americans remember what they were doing ________ the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists.


【详解】句意:大部分美国人都记得当纽约的世贸中心被恐怖分子毁坏时他们正在做什么。根据“Most Americans remember what they were doing”及“the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists”,可知,大部分美国人都记得当纽约的世贸中心被恐怖分子毁坏时他们正在做什么,空格处缺“当……时”的英文。when和while都表示“当……时”,when引导的从句可与持续性动词或短暂性动词一起连用,while只能与持续性动词一起连用,从句“take down”是短暂性动词,故答案为when。

58.Mr Smith and Mary will get married next month and they will have three days ________.


【详解】句意:Smith先生和Mary下个月就要结婚了,他们将有三天的假期。off是一个副词,这里是一个固定短语have…days off,表示休息几天。故填off。

59.They are twins but they have little in ___________.


【详解】句意:他们是双胞胎,但是他们几乎没有共同之处。从句子中的but可知,他们没有共同之处,“有共同之处”have…in common,故填common.

60.Excuse me. ______________ I have a look at the photo?



61.How can we protect ourselves ________ the earthquake? (用适当的介词或副词填空。)


【详解】句意:我们如何保护自己免受地震的伤害?根据“How can we protect ourselves ... the earthquake?”可知,此处指保护自己免受地震的伤害;protect ... from“保护……不受……”,固定短语。故填from。

62.—Congratulations! You passed the driving test.

—Thank you. But I know I couldn’t pass the test ________ your help.


【详解】句意:——恭喜你!你通过了驾驶考试。——谢谢你。但我知道没有你的帮助我无法通过考试。根据“Thank you.”可知,谢谢对方是因为没有对方帮助,自己就无法通过考试。without“没有”。故填without。

63.The old man lives ___________, so nobody talks to him every day.


【详解】句意:这位老人一个人住,所以每天没有人和他说话。根据空后“so nobody talks to him every day”可知老人为独居,结合题干中“lives”可知这里要用副词修饰动词live,故填alone。

64.________ you don’t pass the exam in the end, your mother will be crazy.


【详解】句意:如果你最后没有通过考试,你妈妈会疯狂的。后半句“your mother will be crazy.”是将来时态,可知前面没有通过考试还没有发生,是一种假设,可以用if引导的条件状语从句。句子开头首字母要大写。故填If。

65.We’ll play basketball ________ Class 3 tomorrow.  (用适当的介词或副词填空。)


【详解】句意:明天我们将和三班打篮球。根据“We’ll play basketball ... Class 3 tomorrow.”可知,此处指明天将和三班进行篮球比赛;play against“同……比赛”,动词短语。故填against。

66.When we were a little kid, our parents looked after us well, so we have to take good care ________ them back when we grow up.


【详解】句意:当我们是个孩子的时候,我们的父母把我们照顾得很好,所以我们长大时必须好好照顾他们。take care of“照顾”,固定短语。故填of。

67.A person’s life is like a road ________ lots of difficulties. (用适当的介词或副词填空。)


【详解】句意:一个人的生活就像一条充满许多困难的道路。结合题干中“...lots of difficulties”可知要用介词with“具有”表示伴随,作road的后置定语。故填with。

68.—Would you m______ teaching me English?

—Not at all.


【详解】句意:——你介意教我英语吗?——一点儿也不介意。根据句子结构可知,该空应填动词;空后teaching是动名词形式,结合下面的回答“Not at all”可推知,这里考的是mind,意为“介意”,后常跟动名词形式作宾语。Would后用动词原形,故答案为mind。

69.Two five hundred is one _________.


【详解】句意:两个五百就是一千。根据“Two five hundred”可知,两个五百加起来就是一千,thousand“千”,前面有基数词one,此处不能用复数。故填thousand。

70.—You look unhappy. What’s the matter?

—I’ve had a bad cough, and the terrible weather makes me feel even ________.


【详解】句意:——你看起来不开心。怎么了?——我咳嗽的厉害,并且糟糕的天气使我感觉更糟糕了。根据“the terrible weather”可知此处应是咳嗽加重了,而由“feel”和“even”可知此处应用形容词比较级,bad的比较级是worse。故填worse。

71.Betty gets ________ the train and walks home.


【详解】句意:贝蒂下了火车,步行回家。根据“walks home”可知,是下了火车,get off“下车”符合句意;故填off。

72.Please be quiet. The little girl is _________.


【详解】句意:请安静。这个小女孩睡着了。根据“Please be quiet”可知,asleep“睡着的”符合语境,这是一个形容词,在句中作表语,表示状态。故填asleep。

73.Little Jimmy likes to play ________ his dog.


【详解】句意:小Jimmy喜欢和他的狗玩。根据“play...his dog”可知是和他的狗玩,play with...“和……玩”。故填with。

74.—How many ________ countries did you travel to this summer holiday?   

—None. I just travelled in China.


【详解】句意:——这个暑假你去了几个国家旅游?——一个也没有。我刚去过中国。根据“None. I just travelled in China”可知,此空应询问去了几个国家旅游,用形容词foreign“外国的”修饰名词countries,故填foreign。

75.Make _________ that the windows are closed when you leave the classroom.


【详解】根据设空处前后的内容可知,此处句子表达的意思为“确保当你离开教室时,窗户是关着的”。make sure“确保”。故填sure。

76.Lisa did quite well in the school singing ________________ last week.


【详解】句意:上周丽莎在学校的歌唱比赛上做的相当好。根据the school singing可知是歌唱比赛;故填:competition。

77.—Will you go to the sports centre tomorrow?

—It may rain, but I shall go there __________.


【详解】句意:——你明天要去体育中心吗?——可能会下雨,但我无论如何要去那里。根据“It may rain, but I ...”可知是无论如何都会去体育中心,anyway无论如何,不管怎样。故填anyway。

78.Linda didn’t go there and ________ did I.



79.I don’t agree ________ you.


【详解】句意:我不同意你。根据句意可知考查固定短语agree with sb.同意某人,故填with。

80.As my children grow up, there isn’t enough ________ for us to live in this house. We are going to look for a bigger one.


【详解】句意:随着孩子们长大,我们住的房子没有足够的居住空间。我们要找一个更大的房子。根据“As my children grow up”及“We are going to look for a bigger one.”可知我们住的房子空间不够,结合题干中“there isn't enough”可知要用不可数名词。故填space/room。

81.The book _______ on the sofa yesterday evening.


【详解】句意:昨天晚上那本书在沙发上。主语the book是第三人称单数形式,故谓语用第三人称单数形式,根据“yesterday evening”可知此处用一般过去时,故填was。

82.There are quite ________ few people in the city library every weekend.


【详解】句意:每个周末,市图书馆都有很多人。quite a few表示“许多”,相当于many。因此此处应填入不定冠词a。故填a。

83.—_________ is Father’s Day?

—It is on the third Sunday of June.


【详解】句意:——父亲节是什么时候?——在六月的第三个星期日。根据“It is on the third Sunday of June.”可知,是问父亲节的时间,应用when“什么时候”提问。故填When。

84.The Sahara is the biggest ________ in the world.


【详解】句意:撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。根据“The Sahara”及常识可知此处讲世界上最大的沙漠,desert“沙漠”;由“is”可知,空处用单数形式。故填desert。

85.Alexander Bell ________ (发明) the telephone in 1876.


【详解】句意:亚历山大·贝尔在1876年发明了电话。invent“发明”,根据“in 1876”可知,是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填invented。

86.—Why do you like pandas?

—________ they are cute.



87.Soap operas are too long, most people can’t __________ them.


【详解】句意:肥皂剧太长了,大多数人都不能忍受。根据“Soap operas are too long”可知,因为肥皂剧太长,大多数人都不能忍受。stand“忍受”,动词,因为空格前有情态动词“can’t ”,故空格上用动词原形。故填stand。

88.—Is your brother a Party member?

—Yes, he has ________ in the Party for ten years.


【详解】句意:——你哥哥是党员吗?——是的,他入党已经十年了。根据“for ten years”可知,一段时间要与现在完成时连用,且动词要用延续性动词,根据“Yes”可知,哥哥已经入党了,用be in the Party表示“入党”,has与过去分词构成现在完成时结构,故填been。

89.Although we didn’t have enough time, we still ________ to finish the work in time.


【详解】句意:虽然我们没有足够的时间,但我们仍然设法及时完成了工作。根据“Although we didn’t have enough time”可知在时间不充足的情况下,依旧设法完成工作,manage to do sth.设法做某事。根据“didn’t”可知要用一般过去时,manage的过去式为managed。故填managed。

90.Work hard, _____________ is impossible.


【详解】句意:努力吧,没有什么是不可能的。结合“Work hard”和“...is impossible.”可知,努力应该能使所有事情都成为可能,也就是没有什么事情是不可能的,所以此空应填不定代词“nothing(没有什么)”。故填nothing。

91.Sandy’s flat is on the sixth floor and mine is on the eighth floor, so she lives two floors ________me.


【详解】句意:桑迪的公寓在六楼,我的公寓在八楼。所以她住在我下面两层。根据Sandy’s flat is on the sixth floor and mine is on the eighth floor可知,桑迪住在我的下面。故填below。

92.Sometimes it is difficult for us to ________ some problems by ourselves. But we can ask parents, teachers and friends for help.


【详解】句意:有时我们很难自己解决一些问题。但我们可以向父母、老师和朋友寻求帮助。根据“we can ask parents, teachers and friends for help.”可知我们可以向父母、老师和朋友寻求帮助来解决难题,即solve the problems;it is adj. for sb. to do sth.“对某人来讲做某事是……”。故填solve。

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