

(总分:100分  时间:90分钟)
人教版七上期末测试听力 来自初中英语学习 00:00 06:23
(    )1.A.I’m fine, thanks.
B. Nice to meet you, too.
C. Hello.
(    )2.A.He’s my father.
B. It’s a cup.
C. They are my parents.
(    )3.A. Yes, it is .
B. It’s on my desk.
C. It’s my desk.
(    )4. A. It’s mine.
B. Yes ,It is.
C. It’s on the desk.
(    )5.A.It’s black.
B. It’s on the bed.
C. No, it isn’t.
(    )6.Whose(谁的) photo is it?
A. Kate’s    B. Frank’s   C. Jane’s
(    )7.Who is Frank?
A. Jane’s  brother
B. Jane’s friend
C. Jane’s cousin
(    )8.Is the girl Jane’s sister?
A. Yes, she is. B. Kate. C. No, she isn’t.
(    )9.Where is Mike’s ruler?
A. In his pencil box.
B. Under the desk.
C. In his school bag
(    )10. Who found the ruler?
A. Mike’s cousin
B. Mike’s friend
C. Mike’s mom
(    )11. Is the purple hat Lucy’s?
A. Yes, it is .
B. No, It isn’t.
C. I don’t know.
(    )12. Is the red hat Lucy’s sister’s?
A. Yes, it is.
B. No, it isn’t.
C. I don’t know.
(    )13. What color is Lucy’s hat?
A. White  B. Purple  C. Red.
(    )14. What color is Tom’s schoolbag?
A. White  B. Black. C. White and black.
(    )15. What’s Tom’s phone number?
A.369-8821  B.369-8812   C.639-8812
in the bookcase
radio and tapes
keys and 20._______________
In her school bag
一、单项选择 (共10分)
(    )21. This is ______ orange. ______ orange is 5 yuan.
A. an; An           B. an; The
C. the; The          D. the; An
(    )22. Ms. Brown is ______  now.
A. to    B. of     C. for    D. in
(    )23. Wang Mei is my friend. ______ is 12 and ______ English name is .
A. She; she          B. Her; she
C. She; her         D. Her; her
(    )24. Here ______ three nice pens for you.
A. am    B. are     C. is      D. be
(    )25. Are ______ your ______, Andy?
A. this; cup          B. this; cups
C. these; cup       D. these; cups
(    )26. Three and five is ______.
A. six    B. seven    C. eight    D. nine
(    )27. —Is this your sister?
—______. This is my cousin.
A. Yes, I am          B. No, I'm not
C. Yes, it is         D. No, it isn't
(    )28. —______?
—He is my uncle Tom.
A. Who's he           B. How's he
C. Is he Tom          D. What's that
(    )29. —______ your ID card number?
—______ 523079.
A. What's; It's         B. What's; It
C. What; It's           D. What; It
(    )30. —______?
—They're green.
A. How is the cup       B. What color is the cup
C. How are the cups    D. What color are the cups
二、  完形填空 (共10分)
Dear Kate,
How's it going? I'm in Beijing now and I live (生活) with Liu Na's  31  here. They are  32 to me and I like them very much. You 33  I like Chinese food, so I'm very happy to have lots of Chinese food. Oh, I have good eating  34   here. Let me tell you what I eat every day.
In the  35  , I have breakfast with Liu Na and her family. We always have bread and milk. I  36  lunch at school and my lunches are  37   great. I always eat vegetables and rice. My favorite fruit is bananas, so I eat a(n)  38  after lunch. In the evening, Mrs. Liu makes (做) dinner for us. After dinner, I  39   ping-pong with Liu Na and her brother. Then we watch  40   about ping-pong on TV. What do you eat every day? Please write to me.
(    )31. A. friend        B. teachers
C. family            D. classmates
(    )32. A. easy              B. welcome
C. tidy                 D. good
(    )33. A. say              B. know
C. find                 D. see
(    )34. A. habits           B. classes
C. questions              D. cards
(    )35. A. classroom       B. library
C. morning            D. afternoon
(    )36. A. ask             B. go
C. do                   D. have
(    )37. A. always            B. only
C. then                 D. sure
(    )38. A. apple          B. pear
C. banana               D. tomato
(    )39. A. play            B. call
C. help                D. watch
(    )40. A. photos            B. tapes
C. games                 D. books
Gina: Mom, we don't have much food at home. Let's go to the food store (商店) this afternoon.
Mom: OK. Let's make a list (清单) first.
Gina: OK. I want some bread and milk.
Mom: We can get some apple juice for your sister Anna.
Gina: Yeah. We need (需要) some fruit, too.
Mom: Let's get some bananas. Your dad likes bananas.
Gina: I like pears. Let's get some pears, too.
Mom: OK. I need some chicken to make lunch. Oh, I also need three tomatoes and two carrots.
Gina: Do we need any eggs, Mom?
Mom: No, we have many. You can buy some hamburgers for yourself, Gina.
Gina: Wow, that's great. I like hamburgers.
(    )41. Who's Anna?
A. Gina's aunt.
B. Gina's mom.
C. Gina's sister.
D. Gina's grandma.
(    )42. What fruit does Gina's dad like?
A. Pears.
B. Apples.
C. Bananas.
D. Strawberries.
(    )43. What will (将) Gina's family have for lunch?
A. Rice.
B. Chicken.
C. Salad.
D. Hamburgers.
(    )44. How many carrots does Gina's mom need?
A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. Five.
(    )45. Which food isn't on the list?
I’m Ann. I'm English. I'm twelve. I was born on May 17th ,2005. I learn Chinese at Beijing No.1 Middle School. I have a good friend. Her name is Lucy. She is twelve too. We are in the same grade. But we are not in the same class. I'm in Class Two, and she is in Class Three. We have the same Chinese teacher. Her name is Zhang Ying. We both like her. Lucy's parents are English teachers in China. She has a sister. Her name is Lily. She is only five years old.
(    )46. Ann and Lucy are ______
A. classmates            B. sisters
C. brothers               D. friends
(    )47. Lucy was born in ________   .
A. 2002  B.2003    C. 2004    D. 2005
(    )48. Zhang Ying is Lucy's ______ teacher.
A. English blue    B. Chinese
C. math       D. music
(    )49. Lily's parents are in ________. They teach English.
A. England
B. China
C. America
D. Japan
(    )50. Lucy and ______ are in the same grade.
A. Ann                 B. Lily
C. Zhang Ying    D. her sister
There are twelve months in a year. My favorite month is October. October 1st is National Day. We have a seven - day holiday. During the holiday, my parents often take me to see my grandparents.
There are also some interesting school activities in October. On 12th, we have a soccer game. I don’t like basketball because it's difficult for me. But I love soccer. I love playing soccer and watching soccer games. We have a book sale on October 20th. I have three old books and I want to sell them. The art festival is fun. We have it on October 29th. My birthday is also on this day. October is a rally great month for me.
(    )51. The writer thinks basketball is _______
A. relaxing  B. interesting
C. difficult  D. boring
(    )52. The underlined word “it” refers to the _________
A. soccer game  B. book sale
C. school trip  D. art festival
(    )53. The writer's birthday is on __________
A. October 1st         B. October 12th
C. October 20th    D. October 29th
(    )54. How many school activities are there in October?
A. Two.  B. Three.  C. Four.  D. Five.
(    )55. The writer loves October NOT because __________
A. he can have a seven - day holiday
B. his birthday is in October
C. there are thirty - one days in October
D. there is a soccer game at school in October
A) 根据语境及括号内所给单词的提示填空。
56. —Do you want pears?
—No, I want two ______ (tomato).
57. I want some ______ (vegetable) for lunch.
58. —What ______ (food) do you like?
—I like burgers.
59. Four ______ (banana) are in the bag.
60. I can eat three ______ (egg).
B) 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。
star, question, want, eat, breakfast
61. Tony goes to school after ______.
62. —Who are they?
—They're soccer ______, and they are famous (出名的).
63. Larry ______ to be a teacher in the future (未来).
64. Thomas always ______ some bread in the morning.
65. The first ______ is very difficult for me.
五、选词填空 (共10分)
in  an   China   father  this  of  he  dogs  is  girl
Good afternoon , boys and girls. I'm Li Qiang. I'm  66   English boy. My English name 67David Smith and Li Qiang is my 68  name. Look, this is a picture 69  my family. The tall man is my 70 .     71  name is Ken Smith and 72 is my mother , Sandy. Who's that little  73  ? She is my sister, Linda. Wangwang is in my family, too. It is a 74  . Can you find me 75  the picture ? I’m the boy in blue.
六、书面表达 (共10分)
第一部分 听力部分
A. 1-5 BCACA
B. 6-10 CACCC   11-15 BAACB
C. 16. Cindy  17. 9  18. some books   19. on the desk    20. rulers
第二部分 笔试部分
一、21-25 BDCBD      26-30 CDAAD
二、31--35 CDBAC    36-40 DACAC
三、41-45 CCBAB   46-50 DDBBA    51-55 CDDBC
四、56. tomatoes     57. vegetables     58. food     59. bananas     60. Eggs
61. breakfast     62. stars         63. wants     64. eats     65. question
五、66. an   67. is   68. Chinese  69. of  70. father   71. His  72. this   73.  girl
74. dog    75. in
六、One possible version:
Hi, I'm Li Hua. I can play soccer, basketball and tennis, and soccer is my favorite sport. I always watch soccer games on TV in the evening. It's relaxing and fun. I have two soccer balls and a basketball. I play soccer and basketball with my classmates after school. I love sports very much.
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