

外刊赏读 | 《卫报》情感与文化相关,并非与生俱来



文章标题:Why our emotions are cultural – not built in at birth (为什么情感与文化相关,并非与生俱来)



I ①The time-honoured story of emotion goes something like this: we all have emotions built in from birth. ②They are distinct, recognisable phenomena inside us.③When something happens in the world, whether it’s a gunshot or a flirtatious glance, our emotions come on quickly and automatically, as if someone has flipped a switch.

II ①Modern science has an account that fits this story, which I call the classical view of emotion. ②According to this view, we have many emotional circuits in our brains, and each is said to cause a distinct set of changes – that is, a fingerprint. ③Perhaps an annoying co-worker triggers your “anger neurons”, so your blood pressure rises – you scowl, yell and feel the heat of fury. ④Or an alarming news story triggers your “fear neurons”, so your heart races – you freeze and feel a flash of dread.

III ①Emotions are thought to be a kind of brute reflex, very often at odds with our rationality.②This internal battle between emotion and reason is one of the great narratives of western civilisation. ③It helps define you as human. Without rationality, you are merely an emotional beast.④This view of emotions has been around for millennia. ⑤Plato believed a version of it. So did Hippocrates, Aristotle, the Buddha, René Descartes, Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin. ⑥Today, prominent thinkers such as Steven Pinker, Paul Ekman also offer up descriptions of emotions rooted in the classical view.

IV ①And yet there is abundant scientific evidence that this view cannot possibly be true. ②Research has not revealed a consistent, physical fingerprint for even a single emotion. ③When scientists attach electrodes to a person’s face and measure muscle movement during an emotion, they find tremendous variety, not uniformity.④They find the same variety with the body and brain. ⑤You can experience anger with or without a spike in blood pressure.⑥You can experience fear with or without a change in the amygdala, the brain region tagged as the home of fear.

V ①When scientists set aside the classical view and just look at the data, a radically different explanation for emotion comes to light. ②We find that emotions are not universal but vary from culture to culture. ③They are not triggered; you create them. ④They emerge as a combination of the physical properties of your body, a flexible brain that wires itself to whatever environment it develops in, and your culture and upbringing.


1.  distinct   [dɪ'stɪŋkt]   a.  清楚的,明显的;截然不同的

2. *flirtatious  [flɜː'teɪʃəs]   a.  轻浮的,调情的

3.  flip  [flɪp]  v. 快速地按动 (装置或开关)

4.  account  [ə'kaʊnt]  n. (对思想、理论、过程的)解释,说明,叙述

5.  trigger ['trɪgə] v.  触发,引起

6. *fury  ['fjʊərɪ]  n.  狂怒,暴怒

7.  flash  [flæʃ]  n. 闪光,闪现

8. *brute [bruːt]  a.  无理性的,动物的

9. *scowl [skaʊl]  v.  作怒容; 绷着脸

10. at odds with 与…不一致,与…不和

11. narrative ['nærətɪv] n.叙述,描述

12. tremendous [trɪ'mendəs] a. 极大的,巨大的

12.*spike [spaɪk]  n. (价格、数量的)突然上升,剧增

14.*amygdala  [ə'mɪɡdələ] n.杏仁核,杏仁体(大脑中的两个区域之一,与记忆、情绪及嗅觉有关)

15.*upbringing  ['ʌpbrɪŋɪŋ] n.养育,教养,培养



I ①The time-honoured story of emotion goes something like this: we all have emotions built in from birth. ②They are distinct, recognisable phenomena inside us.③When something happens in the world, whether it’s a gunshot or a flirtatious glance, our emotions come on quickly and automatically, as if someone hasflipped a switch.




II ①Modern science has an account that fits this story, which I call the classical view of emotion. ②According to this view, we have many emotional circuits in our brains, and each is said to cause a distinct set of changes – that is, a fingerprint. ③Perhaps an annoying co-worker triggers your “anger neurons”, so your blood pressure rises – you scowl, yell and feel the heat of fury. ④Or an alarming news story triggers your “fear neurons”, so your heart races – you freeze and feel a flash of dread.


点评:Ⅱ段基于上段,明确树立批驳靶子——古典情感观。①句从上文引出现代科学中描述的“古典情感观”。②-④句以According to this view引出古典情感观并说明其内涵。其中②句解释观点内涵,is said to 暗含不确定,暗示后文批驳。③④句以愤怒和恐惧时人体产生的反射性变化为例论证②句。

III ①Emotions are thought to be a kind of brute reflex, very often at odds with our rationality.②This internal battle between emotion and reason is one of the great narratives of western civilisation. ③It helps define you as human. Without rationality, you are merely an emotional beast.④This view of emotions has been around for millennia. ⑤Plato believed a version of it. So did Hippocrates, Aristotle, the Buddha, René Descartes, Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin. ⑥Today, prominent thinkers such as Steven Pinker, Paul Ekman also offer up descriptions of emotions rooted in the classical view.



IV ①And yet there is abundant scientific evidence that this view cannot possibly be true. ②Research has not revealed a consistent, physical fingerprint for even a single emotion. ③When scientists attach electrodes to a person’s face and measure muscle movement during an emotion, they find tremendousvariety, not uniformity.④They find the same variety with the body and brain. ⑤You can experience anger with or without a spike in blood pressure.⑥You can experience fear with or without a change in theamygdala, the brain region tagged as the home of fear.


点评:Ⅳ、Ⅴ段为第二段,以研究数据批驳上述观点。Ⅳ段转折展开批驳,指出古典情感观缺乏科学依据。①句用And yet …this view cannot possibly be true明确亮出作者观点:不认同古典情感观,abundant scientific evidence 表明作者不是空虚来风,而是基于大量科学研究。②句指出古典情感观不符合科学之处:即使同一种情感的物理指纹也是不一致的(与II段②句形成对照)。③句说明研究方式及研究发现, tremendous variety 与古典情感观认为的uniformity形成对比,说明在科学研究面前古典情感观站不住脚。④句补充说明研究发现:身体和大脑的变化相同。⑤⑥句再次举“愤怒”和“恐惧”两种情感为例进行论证。

V ①When scientists set aside the classical view and just look at the data, a radically different explanation for emotion comes to light. ②We find that emotions are not universal but vary from culture to culture. ③They are not triggered; you create them. ④They emerge as a combination of the physical properties of your body, a flexible brain that wires itself to whatever environment it develops in, and your culture andupbringing.


点评:Ⅴ段提出对情感的全新解释:情感是与文化相关的,人为生成的。①句顺承上段提出若只基于科学数据,对情感的解释则全然不同,radically different强调数据发现与古典情感观的差别之大。②-④句具体说明这一数据解释。②③句使用取舍结构(are not…but及 are not…),将科学发现(vary from culture to culture…you create them)与传统观点(universal…be triggered)进行对照,从而否定“情感是人类共通的反射作用”。④句最后总结指出:情感产生是机体物理属性,大脑对自身发展环境的翻译,文化及教养的共同作用。

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