

新概念词汇随身听 第一册Lesson53:气候温和

1. [w]mild[/w]

It's mind, but it's not always pleasant.气候温和,但也不总是宜人的。

We had a mild winter this year.今年的冬天很暖和。

She is a mild woman.她是一个很温和的女人。

2. [w]always[/w]

She always has a smile on her face.她的脸上总挂着微笑。

You are always late for school.你上课总是迟到。

3. [w]north[/w]

The weather's often cold in the North and windy in the East.北部的天气常常寒冷,东部则常常刮风。

It's colder in the north.在北方,天气寒冷些。

He is from the north of China.他来自中国的北部。

4. [w]east[/w]

I have lived in the east for many years.我在东部生活了很多年。

That river is in the east of the country.那条河在国家的东部。

5. [w]wet[/w]

It's often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South.西部常下雨,南部有时则很暖和。

It's wet here in April.这里的四月份很潮湿。

The ground is wet, it must have rained last night.地面是湿的,昨晚肯定下雨了。

6. [w]west[/w]

His house is 200 metres to the west of ours.他的房子在我们的房子以西200米处。

I will travel to the west of country this summer.这个夏天我要去国家的西部旅游。

7. [w]south[/w]

I live in the south of the country.我居住在国家的南部。

Guangdong is in the south of China.广东在中国的南部。

8. [w]season[/w]

Which seasons do you like best?你最喜欢哪些季节?

Autumn is my favourite season.秋季是我最喜欢的季节。

There are four seasons in a year.一年分为四个季节。

9. [w]best[/w]

Which actor do you like best?你最喜欢哪个男演员?

He plays the best in the football team.他是队里踢得最好的。

10. [w]night[/w]

The days are long and the nights are short.白天长而夜晚短。

He came back late at night.他晚上很迟才回来。

It has been raining all night long.雨下了整整一个晚上。

11. [w]rise[/w]

The sun rises early and sets late.太阳升得早而落得晚。

Can you see smoke rising from the house?你看到那屋子冒烟了吗?

Prices are rising all the time.价格总在上升。

12. [w]early[/w]

He gets up early in the morning.他早上很早就起床。

They arrived earlier than expected.他们比预期的要早到。

13. [w]set[/w]

It's great to watch the sunset.看太阳落山真是美极了。

The tide sets.潮退了。

14. [w]late[/w]

Sorry, I am late.对不起,我迟到了。

He went out very late last night.他昨晚很晚还出去了。

15. [w]interesting[/w]

Our climate is not very good, but it's certainly interesting.虽然我们国家的气候并不很好,但又确实有意思。

This is an interesting book.这本书很有趣。

The name of the place is interesting.那个地方的名字很有趣。

16. [w]subject[/w]

It's our favourite subject of conversation.这是我们最喜欢谈论的话题。

She is a subject of gossip in the office.她是办公室闲聊的话题人物。

What's the subject of the speech?演讲的主题是什么?

17. [w]conversation[/w]

What's your conversation about?你们都谈了些什么?

It's personal conversation between her and me.这是我跟她之间的私人谈话。

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