

The Statue of Liberty at 125 Years


On October 28th, one of America''s most famous monuments will close to the public. A look back at how the Statue of Liberty came to be


Lady Liberty

Designed by the French sculptor Frédéric Bartholdi, "Liberty Enlightening the World," known popularly as the Statue of Liberty, was dedicated on October 28, 1886, but parts of it were shown prior to the final construction at various places and times in order to attract interest in the project and help to raise money for its completion. Pictured here, the statue''s completed head was exhibited at the Paris World''s Fair in 1878; the arm, bearing a torch, was displayed in Philadelphia in 1876 for the city''s Centennial Exhibition, and moved to Madison Square Park in New York City for several years afterwards.


Hulton Archive

赫尔顿 阿奇夫

Portrait of the Artist

In creating the statue, the sculptor Bartholdi had hoped to present the United States with a commemorative gift on its centennial in 1876. After years of conversations about the statue, Bartholdi took his first trip to the United States in 1871. He hoped to select a location where the Statue of Liberty would be built, and later wrote Laboulaye excitedly that his choice—Bedloe island—was federal territory, a "land common to all the states," as he described the heavily trafficked island in New York harbor.


The Granger Collection

Liberty in the Workshop


Bartholdi was inspired in part by law professor and politician douard René de Laboulaye, who remarked that any monument raised to American independence should be a joint effort between French and American people. Though Laboulaye did not intend his after-dinner conversation to be taken as a formal proposal, he would become a strong ally of Bartholdi and crucial in rallying public support for the monument''s construction, the beginnings of which are pictured here in Bartholdi''s workshop, circa 1883.

巴特勒迪的灵感部分来源于法律教授和哲学家爱德华 雷尼 拉布莱,他曾说美国独立归功于法国和美国人民的共同努力。尽管拉布莱没有意料到他的饭后闲谈会被放到正式报到上,但他却因此变成巴特勒迪的坚定同盟以及为建造纪念雕像而集结公众支持的重要力量,下图摄于1883年,巴特勒迪的工作坊,雕像建造伊始。

The Granger Collection

Construction Challenges


Political difficulties in France during the 1870s posed a challenge to raising the necessary funds to complete the other pieces of the statue. In France, the government authorized a lottery that drew 250,000 francs for the project in addition to donated copper. As construction progressed and funds were raised, construction began in Paris on the final statue. In 1881, Bartholdi approached Gustave Eiffel about designing the steel skeleton that would support the statue, and the torch was shipped back from New York to be reunited with the rest of the sculpture as it rose above the Paris skyline. Pictured above, the statue of liberty nears completion, circa 1883.

法国在19世纪70年代时期,政治上的纠葛对为完成雕像其余部分筹集必要的资金一事造成了困难。在法国,除了捐献铜币外,政府授权彩票中心为这个项目引资25万法郎。随着工程的进展和资金的筹集,在巴黎的雕像建造进入最后阶段。在1881年,巴特勒迪接触了古斯塔夫 埃菲尔关于钢铁骨架结构的设计,这个骨架将作为雕像的支撑,随着雕像在巴黎地平线上立起,为了和雕像其余部分重新组装,火炬部分也从纽约运了回来。上图摄于1883年,自由女神像将近完工。

The Granger Collection

An American Base of Support


In America, the Panic of 1873 plunged the country into an economic depression that would continue for the next several years. After repeated attempts to allocate government funds for constructing the statue''s pedestal had been vetoed by congress, Joseph Pulitzer announced he would print the names of every contributor in his New York World and raised $102,000 within five months. As the pedestal''s construction progressed through the early 1880s, the Statue was disassembled in Paris and loaded aboard over 100 shipping containers to be taken overseas to New York. The pieces arrived in the U.S. on June 19th, 1885, and were assembled in time for an unveiling on 1886. Pictured here, the copper face awaits attachment to the main statue in 1885.

在美国,1873年的金融恐慌使整个国家陷入了经济萧条,这种情况在接下来几年持续不止。在为雕像建造基座使用政府拨款一事上,国会反复尝试投票,约瑟夫 普利策声言他会把每一位贡献者的名字都印在《纽约世界报》上,于是在5个月内,他筹集到了10万2千美元。在19世纪80年代早期,随着基座的建造,女神像在巴黎拆件装船,100多个装着雕像散件的集装箱集体运往纽约。雕像散件于1885年6月19日到达美国,并即时进行组装,以赶上1886年的揭幕仪式。下图摄于1885年,为等待组装主雕像的零部件。

Edwin Levick

The New Colossus


The Statue of Liberty quickly became a symbol of freedom to immigrants and refugees, pictured, after its dedication in 1886. The statue''s location on Bedloe Island (renamed Liberty Island by an act of congress in 1956), in close proximity to the immigration port of Ellis Island, sealed its iconic status, as the statue was ofthe the first thing that many would see as they approached America


Hulton Archive

Liberty Leading the People


As early as World War I, the federal government had latched on to the Statue of Liberty''s symbolic qualities, using its image to suggest a preservation of freedom through supporting America''s war effort. The statue appeared on recruitment posters, war bond advertisements, and even advertisements for stamps.


Horace Abrahams / Fox Photos

Passing the Torch


In 1938, the statue was closed from May until December for renovations that removed rust from the structure, added reinforced concrete steps to the base and installed copper sheathing to prevent damage from rainwater. As part of the renovation, workers removed spikes from the crown, above.


Beatriz Schiller / Time & Life Pictures

American Bicentennial


In 1972, President Nixon dedicated the American Museum of Immigration, opened in the base of the Statue of Liberty, though shortcomings in funding its endowment closed the museum by 1991, when it was replaced by the current museum on Ellis Island. A new lighting system was installed prior to the American Bicentennial in 1976, when New York Harbor hosted Operation Sail which featured ships from around the world and a fireworks display around the statue.


Paul Demaria / AFP

Second Rennovation


President Ronald Reagan announced the creation of the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Centennial Commission to raise funds needed for restorations, the result of a study that found the right arm had been improperly attached and that the statue swayed substantially in strong winds. The torch, which had experienced leaks since 1916, was replaced with an exact replica of Bartholdi''s design.

总统罗纳德 里根宣布自由女神像暨埃利斯岛百年纪念委员会的创设因翻新雕像需要筹募资金,这次翻新是因为右手臂部分的不恰当的附着和强风对雕像造成的影响。而火炬自1916年出现裂缝,已被有巴特勒迪设计的一个复制品替代。

Diana Walker / Time & Life Pictures



Nancy Reagan visited the statue on Independence day weekend in 1986 to reopen it to the public. The new and improved statue featured updated lighting that highlighted the pedestal and statue, a renovated entrance, and an elevator installed to allow handicapped visitors to access the observation deck in the pedestal.

南希 里根于1986年的独立日的周末参观了雕像,出席其重新对公众开放的仪式。新的改善了的雕像以最新的照明系统为特色,照明系统突出了基座和雕像,翻新的入口处,也安装了一个能让残疾人士进入基座的瞭望台的电梯。

David Drapkin

September 11th


The September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center prompted the closing of the Statue of Liberty to visitors, due to security concerns; not only was access to the statue closed, but the island was also temporarily off limits to tourists. Access to Liberty Island was allowed by the end of 2001, but the pedestal and statue still remained closed, the pedestal reopening in 2004 and the full statue in 2009.


David Drapkin



The last day to visit the Statue of Liberty before it closes for a year will be October 28, 2011, marking exactly 125 years after the dedication of the statue by President Grover Cleveland, though Liberty Island itself will remain open for the duration of the renovations. The statue will get an upgrade in its technological and electrical systems, and additional fire-resistant updates in its elevators and stairwells. The renovation costs will reach $27.25 million, according to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, and the statue is scheduled to open once more to the public in October 2012.

自由女神像在其对外关闭前最后允许参观的一天是2011年10月28号,距总统格列夫 克里夫为雕像致辞整整125年,尽管自由之岛在翻新期间仍对外开放。雕像将在技术和电力系统上升级,另外电梯和楼梯井的防火设备也进行了升级。据内政部长肯 萨拉查透露,翻新的成本将高达二十七亿二千五百万,并且雕像计划再次对公众开放至2012年10月。

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