

英国女子检查背痛时得知怀孕 6小时后诞下女婴

When Kayleigh Renwick visited the doctors with agonising back ache, she assumed she had developed a kidney infection. But just six hours later she was giving birth in hospital.英国女子凯蕾-伦维克因背痛难耐去看医生,以为自己肾脏出现了什么问题。但6小时之后她竟然在医院生下了小孩。

Unbeknown to the 24-year-old nursery nurse, from Stanley, County Durham, already a mum to daughter Grace, she was five weeks overdue.这个来自达拉谟斯坦利的24岁护士,已经有个女儿名叫格瑞丝。而她此次已过了预产期五周,事前却对此一无所知。

Ms Renwick said she had not realised she was pregnant because she continued to have periods throughout her pregnancy and [w]bizarrely[/w] had actually lost weight. 凯蕾说她根本没有意识到自己怀孕了,因为在孕期她的例假一直正常,体重不增反而降了不少.

She said: 'You read about women not realising they were pregnant and think ‘how did you not know?’. I had no pram, no cot, nothing.她说:“你可能以前在书上读到有些女人没有意识到自己怀孕了,你就会想怎么可能不知道呢?我就是,我没买婴儿车没有婴儿床,什么都没准备。”

At first she thought her back ache was caused by a kidney infection and visited an out-of-hours medical centre for medication. But as she awaited the results of a routine urine test, a doctor asked her 'how far into your pregnancy are you?'事先她只以为是肾脏出了毛病,于是去了医疗中心做了检查。但当她等着尿液测试结果的时候,一个医生过来问她:“你怀孕多久了?”

She said she wasn’t pregnant, but was sent to the University Hospital of North Durham for a scan. She said: 'Just after 6pm I was seeing a doctor and by 7.30pm I was at the maternity ward having a scan.她说她没有怀孕,随即被送到北杜伦大学校医院进行检查。她说:“下午六点的时候我还在看医生,到了七点半我就到了产科病房做扫描了。”

'I couldn’t believe it. My body went into shock and I started throwing up. I had periods throughout the pregnancy and in February was sick a couple of times so did a pregnancy test and it came back negative. There were just no further symptoms.'“我完全不相信。我都惊呆了,开始呕吐。一直以来我的经期都很正常,2月份的时候我还感觉不舒服了几次,所以做了怀孕测试,但结果是没有怀孕,根本没有其他的症状。”

Kayleigh said: 'They didn’t know what Lucy had been surviving on and thought she was up to five weeks overdue. She was back-to-back and they think tucked behind my pelvis which is why I was getting the back ache.'她说:“他们不知道露西是怎么活下来的,说她过了预产期五周。她在我肚子里是背对背的,医生认为她在我的骨盆里蜷缩了起来,所以我一直感觉到背部疼痛。”

Now six-months-old Lucy has been diagnosed with severe Brachycephaly and Plagiocephaly, commonly known as Flat Head Syndrome (FHS), causing her head to misshapen.现在六个月大的露西被诊断出有严重的“扁头综合症”,使得她头部畸形。

While a baby’s sleeping position is the main cause of mild FHS other causes include factors in the womb such as a lack of amniotic fluid and the position of the baby.宝宝的睡姿是引起该病的主要原因,其他因素还包括在子宫中缺羊水以及姿势不正。

Kayleigh said: 'You could see straight away her head was misshapen and we didn’t want Lucy to have to grow up with this. Children can be so cruel and I didn’t want that for my little girl.”母亲凯蕾表示说:“你很容易就会发现她的头是畸形的。我们不希望露西长大以后还是这样。孩子之间童言无忌却会比较残酷,我不希望我的小女儿承受这些。”

Lucy will have to wear the [w]helmet[/w] 23 hours a day with the possibility of blisters on her head during the first seven weeks. Kayleigh will need to travel to Leeds every week at a cost of £116 a time for six weeks and then every fortnight after that so Lucy’s progress can be monitored.现在露西每天要戴23个小时的头盔,看看头内的水泡在七周之内会发生什么变化。凯蕾还需要连着六周每周花费116英镑去利兹,之后每两周去一次,这样才能确定露西的治疗计划。

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