



克里斯?加纳(威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 饰)用尽全部积蓄买下了高科技治疗仪,到处向医院推销,可是价格高昂,接受的人不多。就算他多努力都无法提供一个良好的生活环境给妻儿,妻子(桑迪·牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)最终选择离开家。从此他带着儿子克里斯托夫(贾登·史密斯 Jaden Smith 饰)相依为命。选段中,克里斯一路狂奔到股票投资公司参加实习面试,他穿得十分寒酸,甚至脸上还有油漆印,但是他的表现让面试官眼前一亮……


Secretary: Chris Gardner.

Chris: Chris Gardner. How are you? Good morning. Chris Gardner. Chris Gardner. Good to see you again. Chris Gardner. Pleasure. I've been sitting out there for the last half-hour trying to come up with a story that would explain my being here dressed like this. And I wanted to come up with a story that would [w]demonstrate[/w] qualities that I'm sure you all admire here, like [w]earnestness[/w] or [w]diligence[/w]. Team-playing, something. And I couldn't think of anything. So the truth is...I was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets.

Jay: Parking tickets?

Chris: And I ran all the way here from the Polk Station, the police station.

Interviewer: What were you doing before you were arrested?

Chris: I was painting my apartment.

Interviewer: Is it dry now?

Chris: I hope so.

Interviewer: Jay says you're pretty determined.

Jay: He's been waiting outside the front of the building with some 40-pound [w]gizmo[/w] for over a month.

Interviewer: He said you're smart.

Chris: Well, I like to think so.

Interviewer: And you want to learn this business?

Chris: Yes, sir, I wanna learn.

Interviewer: Have you already started learning on your own?

Chris: Absolutely.

Interviewer: Jay?

Jay: Yes, sir.

Interviewer: How many times have you seen Chris?

Jay: I don't know. One too many, apparently.

Interviewer: Was he ever dressed like this?

Jay: No. No. Jacket and tie.

Interviewer: First in your class in school? High school?

Chris: Yes, sir.

Interviewer: How many in the class?

Chris: Twelve. It was a small town.

Interviewer: I'll say.

Chris: But I was also first in my [w]radar[/w] class in the Navy, and that was a class of 20. Can I say something? I'm the type of person, if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer I 'm gonna tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what. I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer. Is that fair enough?

Interviewer: Chris. What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a shirt on and I hired him? What would you say?

Chris: He must've had on some really nice pants.

Jay: Chris, I don't know how you did it dressed as a garbage man but you pulled it off.

Chris: Thank you, Mr. Twistle.

Jay: Hey, now you can call me Jay. We'll [w]tale[/w] to you soon.

Chris: All right, so I'll let you know, Jay.

Jay: "You'll let me know, Jay"? What do you mean?

Chris: Yeah, I'll give you a call tomorrow sometime...

Jay: What are you talking...? You hounded me for this. You stood here...

Chris: Listen, there's no salary.

Jay: No.

Chris: I was not aware of that. My circumstances have changed some and I need to be certain that I'll be...

Jay: All right. Okay. Tonight. I swear I will fill your spot. I promise. If you back out, you know what I'll look like to the partners?

Chris: Yes, an ass... A-hole.

Jay: Yeah, an ass A-hole, all the way. You are a piece of work. Tonight.


1. come up with 

“我在外面坐了半个多小时,一直想编出个理由,向你们解释我这身打扮出现的原因。” 词组“come up with”在此意为“想出”,“编出”。其他还有“追赶上”,“比得上”,“准备好(钱等)”的意思。

2. pull sth. off

“Chris,我难以理解你穿成这样来面试,但是你刚才的表现很不错。” “pull sth. off”的意思为“胜利完成”,“表现出色”。Chris虽然穿得并不怎么得体,但是他的反应力,他的坚定,让面试官们眼前一亮。

3. hound sb. for sth.

“我明天会给你电话的。”“你说什么?是你找我要这次面试机会的!”“hound sb. for sth.”意为“不断骚扰某人因为某事”。Chris的确很需要这份工作,但是实习期的零工资,20人选一人的最终筛选,这一切都不容易。但是,他没得选择。

4. back out

“如果你不把握这机会,我保证,我马上给别人。如果你现在放弃,你知道股东会怎么看我吗?“back out” 的意思为 "不遵守(诺言、合约等)","打退堂鼓"。

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