


The last time I sat in my stylist’s chair, she told me all about the most common hair care mistakes, making me feel a little guilty about the ones I know I commit from time to time. Now that I know them, of course, I’m trying to avoid them, but if you’re still in the dark, or just want to make sure you’re in the clear with your own stylist, keep reading! Here are the 9 most common hair care mistakes.上次我去做头发时,发型师跟我讲了最常见的护发误区,这让我对自己时不时犯过的错误感到不安。现在既然知道这些误区,那我肯定会尽量避免啦。但如果你对此还一无所知,或你想确认自己的发型师没让你犯这些错误,那就继续往下读,了解下护发最常见的9个误区吧!

1. Too much heat过分受热

The hair dryer, the flat iron, the curling iron: all of these can cause heat damage to your hair, so why do we use them every day, sometimes more than once a day? All of this heat, especially if you don’t use a product to protect your hair from heat damage, has earned itself a spot at the top of my list of the most common hair care mistakes. If you must use heat to dry, curl, or straighten your hair, use a product that protects your hair from heat damage.吹风机、直发棒、卷发棒——所有这些工具产生的热量都有损头发,那我们干嘛每天都用、甚至有时一天用几次呢?如果你还不使用产品加以保护,头发受到的热损伤会更严重。我自己就将以上所有热源列为常见护发误区之最。如果你必须使用电吹风、卷发棒或直发棒,请使用产品保护头发免受热损伤吧。

2. Washing too often 频繁洗发

Unless you have very oily hair, you don’t need to wash your hair every day. Over-washing can dry your hair, making it [w]brittle[/w], so only wash when you have to. I wash every other day, but if you have long hair, you might even be able to go another day between washings. Need a little boost between washings? Try a dry shampoo.除非你是油性发质,否则根本没必要天天洗。洗得太频繁会使头发干枯易断,所以还是控制一下吧。我自己每两天洗一次头。但如果你有一头长发,或许还可以再拖一天洗。不洗头怎么护理?试试干洗发露吧。

3. Skipping conditioner 不用护发素

When you do wash your hair, it’s important to use conditioner, every time. Skipping conditioner can make your hair dull, dry, and [w]prone[/w] to tangles.每次洗头发一定要用护发素,这非常重要。头发不涂护发素容易干燥分叉,而且看上去毫无生气。

4. Brushing too much频繁梳头

When my grandmother was young, she was taught to brush her hair 100 [w=stroke]strokes[/w] before bed each night. Now we know this is way too much to brush! Over-brushing can make your hair staticy, and it can lead to split ends and breakage. Brush only when you have to, and make sure you’re using the right brush for your hair.在我奶奶年轻的时候,据说每晚睡觉前得梳100下头发。现在我们知道那也梳太多了!头发梳得太多会起静电,最后分叉折断。需要时再梳头,而且一定要用对梳子哦。

5. Brushing when wet 湿着头发梳理

More about brushing: never, ever use a brush on wet hair! Instead, use a wide-tooth comb, which won’t damage your hair like a brush can. Start at the bottom, and work your way up, while your hair is still wet, and don’t tug at tangles (more about this later)!还是关于梳头:千万、千万别在头发湿着的时候用密齿梳梳头!相反应该使用阔齿梳,这样头发就不会受到像密齿梳造成的那种伤害。头发湿着的时候要先从发梢慢慢梳起,以免拉扯打结(详见后续)!

6. Skipping trims 不加修剪

This is the hair mistake I am most guilty of – skipping trims. Even if you’re trying to grow out your hair, regular trims are important to keep your hair looking and feeling healthy. In fact, if you are trying to grow your hair, like me, regular trims can help keep your hair in shape, and add style, so you’re not frustrated with it, and tempted to cut it again. Visit your stylist for a trim at least every 8 weeks.这是我最感愧疚的护发误区——不加修剪。即便你想留长发,定期修剪也很重要,这能使头发保持光泽健康。其实,要是你跟我一样想留长发,定期修剪不仅能使头发保持有型、跟进潮流,这样你就不会因为头发心烦,总想着要不要干脆再去剪短一些。每8周就该去发型师那儿修剪一次头发了。

7. Not going seasonal 不注意季节变换

The change of seasons may be pretty, but it can wreak [w]havoc[/w] on your tresses, so be sure to use products that protect your hair all year round. For instance, in summer, you might need a shampoo to get rid of chlorine from swimming in the pool, or a product with SPF to protect your hair from the sun. In winter, you’ll want a rich conditioner to prevent fly-aways and static. You’ll also want to use a de-frizz product on humid days.四季变换或许很迷人,但却有损秀发,所以一定要用产品全年呵护。比如,夏季你可能要用能去除游泳池漂白成分的洗发水,或使用防晒产品保护秀发免受日晒。冬季你则需要滋润的护发素防止秀发静电毛躁,而湿润的气候下又得使用防卷曲产品了。

8. Being too tough with tangles 头发生涩打结

Remember when I mentioned how to handle wet hair? I said it’s important not to tug at tangles. That goes for dry hair, too, not just wet hair! If you have a bad tangle, don’t just pull at it, since this can cause breakage (and a headache!). Use a de-tangling spray, then gently work the tangle out. That’s better!还记得上面讲的如何打理湿发吗?我讲到千万不要使头发打结。不仅是湿发,干了的头发也不能打结!如果你头发打结厉害,别去硬扯,否则不仅会扯断头发,还可能引发头痛。使用对付头发打结的喷雾,喷几下然后再慢慢梳理开来,这样会好很多!

9. Living la vita loca 作息不规律

I’m not suggesting you become a goody-two-shoes just for the sake of your hair, but smoking, drinking too much, and skimping on sleep can really take a toll on your body, including your hair. If you do over-indulge, and your hair pays the price, splurge on a hot oil treatment or deep conditioner to [w]mitigate[/w] the damage.我并不是要你为了一头秀发去当什么乖孩子,但过度吸烟喝酒或经常熬夜确实伤身,当然对头发也有害。如果你确实嗜好过度,头发肯定会受影响,最好选用热油护理或深层护发素加以修复吧。

I freely admit I do make some of these hair care mistakes on occasion, as my stylist can confirm, but I’m trying to take better care of my hair! Which of these hair care mistakes do you make? Or is there another hair-related sin you commit? Do tell! I promise I’ll keep it secret!坦白地说,我有时也会犯这些护发错误,我的发型师就可以证明。但是我也在努力更好地呵护秀发哦!以上这些护发雷区你可有踩过?是不是还犯过其他护发错误呢?说说看吧,我保证会保密滴!

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