


It may be a new year, but is it really a new you? Let's face it -- it's unlikely that you've suddenly acquired a new [w]wardrobe[/w], started a new career, found a new family, or overhauled your personality.新的一年要开始了,你是不是也要盖头换面啦?好吧,我的意思并不是你突然换了身行头,开始了新工作,有了个新家庭,又或者对自己的人格彻底反省。

Do not despair. You don't need a life makeover to experience more happiness. By putting a few simple habits in place, you will increase your happiness every day.先别沮丧,想要更快乐其实并不需要翻天覆地的变化。只要养成一些简单的习惯,你就能提升每日的快乐心情啦!

And don't worry, these habits are simple and easy shortcuts to inner peace -- no daily kale drinks or hours at the gym required.也别担心,这些习惯都十分简单,可以让你迅速达到内心的平静,也不需要每天喝蔬菜汤又或在健身房锻炼。

1. Say a Morning Affirmation 在清早鼓励自己

The first thought in your head should not be "ugh" or "Is it Friday yet?" Try an upbeat intention instead, such as, "This day is going to be wonderful," "I'm lucky to be alive today," "I have gifts to share today," or "I'm going to have a terrific experience." Keep Post-Its with positive affirmations next to your bed or on your bathroom mirror to remind yourself to fill your head with positive thoughts.早晨醒来,你脑海中闪过的第一个念头不应该是“啊”或“星期五了么?”,试试乐观点的吧,比如“今天一定超级棒” “能活着是多么幸运的事情” “今天有些礼物可以分享”又或“我今天一定要经历什么大好事”。坚持做下去,在床边或浴室镜子前面说的乐观向上的话,会提醒你多给自己一些点积极思想。

2. Say "I Love You" Every Day每天都说我爱你

Before you leave the house, say "I love you" to a loved one in person, by text, or on email. Say it to your spouse, to your children, or to your pets. Look in the mirror and say it out loud to yourself. Open your heart to love and watch your mood improve. We are designed to connect with other beings and when we do, we feel better.离开家时,用手写或者发邮件来对每个人说我爱你,你的伴侣,孩子甚至是宠物。也对着镜子大声的对自己说出来,敞开心扉去爱,你的心情也会变好。我们不是孤岛,我们和别人密不可分,所以做这些时,我们会感觉更快乐。

3. Smile微笑

Whenever anyone asks you, "How are you?" bring to mind at least one way that life is grand. Say "I'm terrific" and notice how people around you respond. When you say this with zesty energy and a smile, you send a message to your brain that you're happy.无论什么时候别人问你“最近怎么样?”你脑子里需要想到的至少是生命很美妙,说“我好极了”,看看周围人的反应。如果你的回应充满了能量并附上一个微笑,你就向大脑传递了信息——你很快乐。

4. Wish Others Well as You Commute通勤时也希望别人一切顺利

When you're in your car, on the train, in the subway, or walking to work, look around at other people and wish them well. Wish them peace, joy, and love. Each person you see is fighting his or her own battles (with health, with finances, with fear, with loneliness, with aging, with loss). Open your heart with [w]compassion[/w] to others and your happiness level will rise.当你开着车子,坐着火车、地铁或步行去上班时,看看周围的人,顺便也祝他们也一切顺利吧。希望他们平静,幸福和有爱。你见到的每个人都在自己的战场上厮杀着(为了健康、金钱、恐惧、孤单、衰老和失去)。打开心胸把你的情感传递给他人,你的幸福指数也会提高。

5. Breathe Deeply深呼吸

Whenever you take a break to snack, drink coffee, or go to the bathroom, take a moment for a deep, cleansing breath. Try "Take Five": breathe in for five, hold for five, and exhale for five. Breathing deeply calms the body and the mind, making it an ideal shortcut to inner peace.无论什么时候你要休息一会,吃点零食、喝喝咖啡或去一下洗手间,都别忘了深深吸一口气。试试“五秒原则吧”:吸气五秒,屏气五秒,再呼出五秒。深呼吸能平静身心,让你迅速达到内心的宁静。

6. Be Grateful, Every Night每天晚上充满感激

As you're falling asleep, review your day and recall three things for which you are grateful. It could be a relationship, good news, or a happy email. Be grateful for food on the table, for a warm bed, for electricity, or for your eyesight. You will definitely rest in peace when you count your blessings instead of sheep.睡觉之前回想下今天,想想哪三件事是你最感激的。可以是一段关系,一个好消息或一封开心的邮件。对桌子上的食物、温暖的被窝、电和你的视力都要充满感激。相比睡眠而言,当你庆幸你所得到的一切时才是最平静的时候。

Intentionally make these six simple habits a regular part of your day and you can look forward to a very happy new year.每天养成这六个简单的小习惯,新的一年你就会更加的快乐。

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