

来源The role of Enterprise Resource Planning systems in organizations


Confronting the arrival of the information age, standing on furious tides of a high speed development, we seize the information technology as the most important arms to gain us a leading position in the information war. Every enterprise is the economical organization which pursues for interests and benefits normally. Especially, once one organization owns a big structure, its information management would become necessary for the need of development in the information era. In fact, the outcome of one enterprise information management has already been regarded as the key factor to adjust whether or not the undertaking could grow faster and more efficiently than ever. Regarded as the advanced methodology which is complied with a modern management philosophy in the comparative environment, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is considered as the most powerful weapon which can help an enterprise to accomplish the revolution of its development.


Another of those buzzwords that everyone talks of but no one seems to know much about. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is not just about planning your resources more about how the various divisions in your Enterprise function. An ERP solution aims to provide single software which will integrate all the divisions in your organization planning, manufacturing, sales, marketing, finance, HR and yet fulfill each division information and planning needs.


(Appssolutions, 2005)


The research mainly answers questions on what ERP is, why it can be important in the sociality nowadays, what kind of position it takes in the enterprise; moreover, which role ERP plays?


Key words: MRPII、ERP、Case Study

关键词:MRPⅡ、ERP、Case Study

What is ERP?


There are various explanations from different people on ERP. Regardless the traditional angle of the functional management, it would reach a common agreement on the perspective of management characters of the Knowledge Economy Era. ERP is the initials of Enterprise Resource Planning. Confronting with the supply chain, It is the tool of management which can utilize information technologies in order to apply for features of the modern information economy era—Clients, Competition and Change; moreover, it can integrate all resources within and outside enterprises. ERP has remarkable features of this information age and re-defines the business processes of the undertaking. In the economic times it uses the new concept of Process to take the place of the bureaucracy management model in the old economic era, in order that it creates the management idea which put customers and staff on the core position.


Thanks for the information technologies; the big amount of enterprises’ data can be shared. Using information to replace the stock, it decreases warehouse’s cost and risk; moreover, by means of computer, these basic data could be searched and analyzed so as to improve the speed and accuracy of decisions. It embodies the idea that can predict and plan in advance, control during the process, and calculate & analyze afterwards. In the knowledge economy times, ERP system emphasizes its Open Resources characters mostly. Therefore, it could increase the employment effectiveness of Human Resources and Time Resources, solve the problem of information overflow, and improve the precision of the decision-making.


An ERP system basic includes:


Supply chain management


Customer relations management


Supplier relate the management


Product production cycle management


Commercial intelligence


Financial control


Human resources management


Profession solution


Motion commerce


And so on. ( Scott Hamilton,2003,p97)

其他(Scott Hamilton,2003,p97)

ERP has been created from the concept developed by Gartner Group which described manufacture business system and material requirement planning (MRP II) ( San Jin,2005 ). It will include client/sever structure, using graphic user interface and applying for opening system design. Besides the standard function set up already, it covers other characters: such as quality, process operation management, and reports adjustment, etc.. Especially, the basic technology adopted by ERP provides users independence both in software and hardware which could be upgraded more easily than ever (Stedman, C. 2005,p54 p55). The key factor of ERP is that it could tailor to all customers’ requirements and boast for its easy usage.

EPR是从高德纳咨询公司关于商业生产系统概念的发展和原料需求规划(MRPⅡ)(San Jin,2005)的理论中诞生的。它包括了终端机/服务器结构,使用图形用户界面和申请开放系统设计。除了已经建立的标准功能以外,它还涵盖了其他特点,诸如:质量、进程运行管理和调整报告等。特别的,ERP采用的基础技术提供了使用者独立的硬件和软件,意味着它能够比过去更容易的升级(Stedman,C.2005,p54 p55)。ERP的关键特点是它能够适应所有顾客的需求并且使用很简单。

There are four standard functions of ERP carried by Gartner Group: ( Khalid Sheikh, 2003,p80 )

高德纳咨询公司提到了ERP有四个基本功能:(Khalid Sheikh,2003,p80)

1. The Strong Integration function which exceeds to the range of MRP II.


It contains the quality control, the laboratory management, the process management, the formulation management, the product data management, the maintenance management, the control report and the stock management.


2. Supporting Hybrid Manufacture Environment & Configuration


It includes either discrete or continuous process making environment, ability to combine service procedures according to the objected-oriented service models and to apply them internationally (Asokan Anandarajan, Cadambi A Srinivasan, Murugan Anandarajan, 2004,p143).

它包含了离散的或连续的进程制定环境,能够使一个基于面向对象型服务模式的服务过程同它们的国际化应用合为一体。(Asokan Anandarajan,Cadambi A Srinivasan,Murugan Anandarajan,2004,p143)

3. Supporting motivated monitoring ability and improving business performance


It covers the adaptation of the controlling and engineering methods, simulation function, decision-making support and graphic ability of production and analysis.


4. Supporting opening C/S computing environment


It embraces c/s architecture, Graphic User Interface (GUI), Computer-Aided Design Engineering (CASE); object-oriented techniques; SQL querying to relational database; internal integration engineering system, business system, electronic data interchange (EDI). ( Wu Hong,2002,p23-33 )

它包含了客户端/服务器架构,图形用户界面(GUI),计算机辅助设计策划(CASE);面向对象型基础;相关数据库的SQL查询;内置的集合工程系统,商业系统,店里数据互换(EDI)。(Wu Hong,2002,p23-33)

Hence, functions and techniques of ERP system have greatly surpassed the traditional MRPII. It is the enterprise resource planning which is customer-oriented, timing based, opening to the whole supply chain.


Thoughts of ERP system management


The core of ERP system management thoughts is to realize its effective supervision of the entire supply chain. Three parts followed are contributed to this idea:


1. Managing the total supply chain resources. ( Carol A.Ptak, Eli Schragenheim, 2004,p212 )

1.管理整个的供应链资源。(Carol A.Ptak, Eli Schragenheim, 2004, p212)

It would compete ineffectually within the market if one undertaking relies on its own resources alone. They should put all participants, such as supplier, manufactories, distribution network and clients, into a close-linked supply chain in the business process. This enables to arrange efficiently actives of produce, supply and sale; and to meet the requirements of enterprise, ability to utilize all marketing resources of the whole society in order to produce and manage fast and effectively. Moreover, it will help increasing the efficiency, achieving the leading position on the market. Applying ERP system into the management of the entire enterprise’s supply chain is the call from the marketing competition in the knowledge economy era.


2. Lean Production, Synchronous Engineering and Agile Manufacturing


ERP system supports to the management of hybrid manufacture. It is presented as the following two parts:


The Lean Production (LP). ( Ni Ming,2005 )

精益生产(LP)。(Ni Ming, 2005)

It is the enterprise business strategy structure introduced by Massachusetts Institute Technology (MIT). Specifically, it indicates that an enterprise brings clients, sales representatives, suppliers and other collaborative units into production structure. Relationships among the undertaking and its sales representatives, clients and suppliers have not the simple link of Business Transactions but the co-operational partners shared with common interests. Then, this co-operational relationship set up one enterprise supply chain. Therefore, all of these are contributed to the center of the Lean Production.


Agile Manufacturing Thought


Whenever the market starts to change as well as an enterprise encounters specific market segment, the ordinary cooperation partners would not meet the requirements of new products development sometimes. Consequently, the undertaking will organize one supply chain which structures ‘the virtual facture’, constructed by special supplier and sales channels in a short term or once a time. It regards suppliers and co-operational partners all together as one component in the enterprise. Then it exercises Synchronous Engineering, and manufactures collaboratively in order to launch the new product into the market within the shortest term, and to hold the product in the stage of high quality, variety and flexibility as well. Therefore, what we mentioned above is the core of the Agile Manufacturing Though.


3. Embodying the thoughts of pre-planning and controlling during the process


The planning structure in ERP system includes: main production planning, material requirement planning,capability planning, purchasing planning, selling execution planning, interests planning, finance budget and human resources planning, etc.. Furthermore, all of planning and value controlling functions have already integrated into the entire supply chain. ( Avraham Shtub ,1999,p239 )

ERP系统中的计划结构包括:主要生产计划,原料需求计划,能力计划,购买计划,销售执行计划,利润计划,财务预算和人力资源计划等。更进一步说,所有这些计划和控制功能的价值都已经被整合在供应链里面了。(Avraham Shtub, 1999, p239)

In conclusion, ERP system enables many advanced management thoughts into computer software systems which can be implemented and applied in the reality by the development and adoption of IT techniques in incredible speed.


The relationship between ERP system and an enterprise & ERP’s role in the enterprise.


ERP is based on the advanced and effective management thoughts and methods. It makes use of new management mode to rebuild old one in one enterprise. The relationship between ERP and the enterprise is supplementary to each other.


1.The implementation of ERP system is the revolution of an enterprise from all orientations.


Conductors of an enterprise should be trainees at first. The second comes others who are responsible to carry out and implement. It should be motivated activities for conductors, the leaders’ level and stuff to regulate the management of the undertaking and other relevant sectors. Therefore, it helps modern management consciousness being planted into enterprise and becomes one part of company culture finally.


2.The manage mental level should reach the common sense on the ERP implementation


It is important to notice and exercise fundamental works in the matters of one enterprise management. Applications and software suppliers can not offer any kinds of services on this, only can be obtained by hard-workings of the company itself gradually. The implementation of ERP has been regarded as ‘The Engineering of CEO’, which indicates that the company’s decision maker plays a special role during the implementation stage. ERP is the system on management which leads and supervises the entire enterprise. It would have not been effective if the CEO has not approved and authorized the system.


3.The investment of ERP system is the systematical engineering


Compared with the investment and outcome of capital asserts and equipment, the investment of ERP system could not be redounded soon. The ERP system adoption is the systematical engineering process which needs time to realize benefits step by step. What it carries out is the thought of enterprise management which is the red line of the undertaking management. It acts and creates profits in the long turn; moreover, it can achieve benefits and profits form the result of effective management more and more (Chen Jian, 2002 August 7 ).

与资本资产和设备的投入产出相比,对ERP系统的投资并不能很快收到回报。ERP系统的采纳是一个系统的工程,它需要时间来一步一步发现效益。它所带来的是企业管理观念,而这是贯穿在企业管理中的一条红线。它在长期创造利润,更进一步,它能从管理的更有效率中得到越来越多的利润和回报(Chen Jian,2002 August 7)。

Furthermore, the investment of ERP system is nothing done once and for ever. Due to the fast developed technologies, the further implementation the system has been done, the tighter resources the company would be aware of. Therefore, the annually investment will be required accordingly in order that the system could ensure for operating healthily.


4.The application of ERP system requires supports of inter-disciplinary talents of the company


The personnel not only have a good knowledge of computer science, but also understand enterprises management. It takes times and procedures to train the inter-disciplinary talents. Managers of enterprises should respect them as a big fortune which has been deserved difficultly. These talents would be the forerunners who will lead companies to implement ERP system into organizations ( Daniel Edmund O'Leary,2002,p92).

这些人才不但要对计算机有足够的知识,同时也要了解企业管理。这需要时间和步骤来培养内部纪律性人才。企业的管理者应当把他们看作是巨大的财富,因为他们得来不易。这些人才将会成为带领公司应用ERP系统的先驱(Daniel Edmund O'leary, 2002, p92)。

In the age of information, ERP system has played significant role in the enterprise nowadays. Therefore, ERP is generally regarded as:


The bridge linking all departments and sectors


The core of the enterprise


The brain controlling daily operations of the enterprise


The linkage between supply chains of different enterprise.


The key to succeed in furious competitions with other undertakings


But I have to say is the ERP is not a management; it can not replace the real management. The ERP can’t resolve the management problem of the business enterprise. The management problem of the business enterprise only is resolved by enterprise governor themselves. The ERP just is a kind of tool for help the enterprise governor manages the enterprise.


Case study


A properly implemented ERP system can result in significant cost savings and increased efficiency.


(Appssolutions, 2005)

(企业应用解决方案, 2005)

Until now, not only .COM Corporation, but also many traditional corporations realize the important of information. If you want get success in intense competition, you have to have a powerful ERP system as your back support, help you to manage your enterprise information and plan your enterprise resource.


Now let us see how the ERP system helps the YANXIANG Ltd. obtains success. YANXIANG Ltd is one of biggest manufacture group in north of China.


In 2001, The YANXIANG Ltd. production sale begins to take shape, output value hundred million, 17000 kinds of materials are needed, the office distributes in the China mainland and the southeast Asia, but enterprise information always delay, the information delay can cause lots of serious problem, this already become the biggest hindrance. Synthesizes each kind of situation, the YANXIANG Ltd. Management team decide use ERP system to manage the enterprise information and plan the enterprise resource. Although met lots of hindrance in implementation process, but the YANXIANG ERP persists finally and obtains success. The new ERP system helps the YANXIANG Ltd a lot. The output value turns double, and the stock reduces 20%, the operation efficiency obtained the very big enhancement, for example, the time of processing the order reduce from 6 hours to 1 hour. As a result of data sharing and planning, the ERP system makes sure the production can accord to the order strictly from stock to material plan, manufacture project, the warehouse, has avoided lots of artificial mistake.


Following four points showed the ERP success in the YANXIANG Ltd.


1. System movement integration


This is the most basic performance that ERP apply successfully. The ERP system is an entire system and controls all different parts of the enterprise, especially on the supply chain management. So it is not just only in the internal of the enterprise, but also in the whole supply chain. YANXIANG management team staff and copartner they all give the biggest support in the ERP implementation. This is a major reason why the implementation time could be so short and so successful.


2. Service flow rationalization


In the ERP implementation, YANXIANG changed lots of unreasonable habit. The enterprise competitive ability, the market response ability and customer satisfaction obtains greatest improvement.


3. Achievements monitoring dynamic


The ERP system provides the rich management information for the enterprise. So the enterprise management team needs use these information effectively, makes these information obtain the biggest effect. ERP and the enterprise is one whole group. Each one can not lack.


4. The management improvement will continue


Along with the ERP system and the enterprise rationalization, business management will be able obviously to enhance. And it will help enterprise establish a self-appraisal management mechanism make the enterprise may unceasingly carry on and unceasingly improve.


As a word, the ERP system success implementation caused to the YANXIANG Ltd. production manufacture management, the production flows and the inventory control, and the market demand all had the remarkable enhancement. ( SAP 2005 )

简而言之,ERP系统的成功实施带来了YANXIANG公司产品生产管理、生产流程、存货控制以及市场需求方面显著地提高。(SAP 2005)

Based on statistics of APICS the Association for Operations Management, the application ERP system would obtain the following economic benefits averagely:


(1)To lower the stock 30%~50%


(2)To reduce the possibilities of delivery postponed 80%


(3)To shorten the time of pre-purchasing 50%


(4)Decrease the possibilities that work has been held up for lack of materials 60%


(5)To lower manufacture costs 12%


(6)To improve management level ( Gary A Langenwalter , 2000, p147 ).

(6)提高管理水平(Gary A Langenwalter, 2000, p147)。

ERP streamlines processes within your organization and helps you meet business needs more efficiently and quickly. ERP leads to a revolution in management thoughts and technologies all around the world. It is remarkable that the new management methods and means have been adopted and developed enthusiastically by the incredible speed. The application of ERP infuses a fresh blood and a great passion into thousands of enterprises on the raging tides of the marketing economy, and establishes a sound foundation for the undertakings on which they could stride towards the success finally.




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