

Bitcoin Got Bitten(双语)

Bitcoin Got Bitten


Charlie Shrem was a featured speaker at a gathering of Bitcoin enthusiasts in Miami on January 26th. The next day he was making less welcome headlines, after being arrested and accused of conspiring to provide $1m-worth of virtual currency to shoppers on Silk Road, an online marketplace, for illegal drugs. Silk Road was shut down last year. Its alleged founder, Ross Ulbricht, has since been indicted. Now crime busters are turning their attention to exchanges that allowed customers at such black-market bazaars to trade traceable old-economy currencies for near-anonymous virtual ones.


Mr. Shrem’s arrest shocked Bitcoin groupies: the 24-year-old has been one of the currency’s most vocal advocates, and was seen as having no links to its dark side. His exchange, BitInstant, has financial backing from the Winklevoss twins, internet entrepreneurs who claim that Facebook was their idea.

谢尔梅的被捕震惊了比特货币的粉丝群:这位24岁的年轻人一直以来都是比特币最直言不讳的拥护者,并且被视为与比特货币的阴暗面毫无瓜葛。他的网上交易平台BitIstant 得到文克莱沃斯双胞胎兄弟(这两位因特网企业家声称Facebook 是他们的创意)的奖金支持。

According to the complaint, however, Mr. Shrem personally processed orders for Robert Faiella, who faces similar charges, despite knowing the Bitcoin would be resold to Silk Road users (at a 10% markup); he concealed the orders from his business partner when the partner grew suspicious; and he advised Mr. Faiella (whose online alias was BTCKing) on how to circumvent transaction limits imposed by BitInstant’s anti-money-laundering policy, even though it was Mr. Shrem’s job to enforce these as compliance officer. If convicted, the two men faced up to 30 years in prison.

根据指控,谢尔梅在明知比特币最终会(以10%的价格涨幅 )回售给“丝绸之路”用户的情况下,仍然亲自为罗伯特·法耶拉处理订单,而罗伯特·法耶拉现在也面临着类似的控告。谢尔梅在他的生意伙伴开始产生怀疑时,隐瞒了这些订单,并就如何绕开由BitIstant的“反洗黑钱”政策施加的交易限制为法耶拉(其网名为“BTCKing”)提供了建议——尽管谢尔梅作为合规主管的工作就是监督事实这些政策。一旦被定罪,两人将面临长达30年的监禁。

Bitcoin’s fans complain that its illicit uses are attracting too much attention and its potential to shake up the payments business too little. Regulators are still not sure what to make of it. Responses differ from country to country. Finland’s central bank views Bitcoin as a “digital commodity”, not a currency. In Germany it is treated as private money. China has clamped down, restricting banks’ use of virtual currencies.


In America regulatory guidance has been slow in coming. Last year federal regulators did say that virtual-currency exchanges might be considered “money-service” businesses, akin to cheque-cashing firms or bureaux de change. These have to comply with know-your-customer and other money-laundering rules, but are licensed by the states. So state regulators are now scrambling to understand e-currencies better.


All eyes are on New York, whose superintendent of financial services, Benjamin Lawsky, held hearings on the issue this week. He wants a new set of rules – dubbed the “BitLicence” – specifically for virtual currencies. Bitcoinistas are split on the idea. Some fear that it will strangle a promising new technology that could help to circumvent the transaction fees charged by banks. Others believe that it might confer legitimacy on a tainted business.


Anticipating a flurry of red tape, virtual-currency firms are starting to take on more compliance experts. The new hires will be busy. “If the choice for regulators is to permit money-laundering on the one hand or to permit innovation on the other,” declared Mr. Lawsky, “we are always going to choose squelching the money-laundering first.”


(许建平 译)

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