


Emergency kit

Your chances of surviving a severe earthquake or other natural disaster are enhanced if you make necessary preparations, including assembling an emergency kit to help you through the first days. The Japanese Government recommends each person to have supplies available for three days before government assistance becomes available.

Emergency kits should include the following essential supplies.

In your home:

  • Water for the family sufficient for at least 3 days (at least 4 litres per person per day)
  • Food sufficient for at least 3 days (canned, high-energy or pre-cooked foods preferably requiring no heat or water. Consider special dietary needs and infants)
  • Sleeping bag or blanket for each family member
  • Cooking utensils, plastic plates/cups, can opener, paper towels, plastic wrap (to keep plates clean without washing and to help stop bleeding)
  • Matches or lighter
  • Protective clothing and footwear, underwear, rain wear, gloves, and masks
  • Seasonal items to keep you cool/warm
  • First aid kit with instructions
  • Essential medications, glasses, contact lenses and solution, etc
  • Copies of ID cards, passport, bankbooks
  • Cash (yen in small notes, coins and phone cards for public phones)
  • List of essential phone numbers (e.g. police (110), fire and ambulance (119), Embassy (03-5211-1100), Consulate-General (06-6120-5600)
  • Personal items such as soap, toothbrush, feminine hygiene supplies, infant supplies, towels, toilet paper, mosquito repellent
  • Paper and pen,
  • Map of your local area
  • String, adhesive tape
  • A rucksack for storage of emergency kit items
  • Vinyl ground sheet
  • Portable battery operated radio (emergency information available in Tokyo including in English on Eagle (810AM), InterFM (76.1FM), Japan FM (81.3FM)
  • Torch
  •  Spare batteries for radios and torches.

In your car
You should also have a separate emergency kit in your car that includes basic essential items such as water, high-energy biscuits, copies of ID cards, a list of essential phone numbers, a map, and a first aid kit.

At your Office

  • Comfortable walking shoes (e.g. trainers)
  • Map/Route home
  • Emergency snacks
  • Spare clothing

Other preparations you should think about and discuss with family members as part of your preparations, include:

  • Decide how and where your family would reunite if separated e.g. at the evacuation centre nearest your home
  • For those with children at school, be familiar with the school's evacuation plans
  • Know the safe spots in each room such as under sturdy tables, desks, beds or against inside walls or in a corner
  • Know the danger spots such as near windows, mirrors, hanging objects, and tall unsecured furniture
  • Secure furniture, to the walls and ceilings. Special brackets are available in hardware shops.
  • Keep a pair of shoes beside your bed in the event that an earthquake occurs during the night and there is broken glass in your house/ apartment
  • Familiarise yourself with emergency message board services provided by NTT and mobile phone companies. You can practise every first of the month. For more information go to your phone provider’s webpage:
    NTT http://www.ntt-east.co.jp/saigai_e/voice171/
    Softbank http://mb.softbank.jp/scripts/english/disaster_message/index.jsp
    Docomo http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/info/disaster/index.html
    AU KDDI http://www.au.kddi.com/english/message_board/index.html

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