


I love Leonardo discoveries and theories. But not bizarre rumours about his famous sitter's identity




Leonardo da Vinci may have died in 1519, but he is always in the news. For a very good reason: he is the greatest artist who ever lived. Still, the amount of news that can be generated about a long-dead polymath is startling. I love Leonardo stories – usually – but one of the current crop really annoys me.


Let's start with the most substantial and worthwhile of recent Leonardo da Vinci reports – a discovery, and a real one, in France. A local library in Nantes has found a fragmentary sheet of notes by the Tuscan émigré, who died in France, in a collection of documents it has owned since the 19th century. The newly found Leonardo mirror-writing now needs to be deciphered. How can "new" Leonardo notes still be out there to be found? Because he left masses of papers when he died, and as they were gradually sold to various collections across Europe, many must have gone missing. Leonardo's existing notes are sprawling, but only represent a part of the output he lists in his own summaries of various planned book




如果你今年刚好来到伦敦的摄政街进行圣诞采购,你就能在国家地理商店(National Geographic store)的展览中见到达芬奇某些发明的复制模型。这已经是我今年看到的第三组达芬奇发明模型了。但是,就如同所有引发全球关注的议题一样,有关达芬奇的真实信息总是要和某些奇怪的理论竞争。因此,伴随着这一达芬奇真实乐谱的发现,也有一个新闻产生,声称我们可以通过蒙娜丽莎眼睛中隐藏的信息断定她的身份。  

There is a problem with this theory. Mona Lisa's identity is no longer mysterious – it is known from a solid piece of textual evidence found in Heidelberg University's library in 2007. This note records that Leonardo was working in 1503 on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo. No other theories are needed – and anyway the chief theories down the years have all seen this as a 16th-century work. It would take a lot more than some arcane codes to make this high Renaissance masterpiece look like a work of the 1490s. Still – theories about the Mona Lisa are fun, and there is no harm in them.
A lot of harm can potentially be done, however, by news stories that pointlessly undermine museums and sabotage exciting exhibitions. I'm suspicious of any stories reprinting the claims of axe-grinding organisation ArtWatch UK without a massive pinch of salt. According to ArtWatch, as reported this weekend, Polish art historians fear Leonardo's Lady with an Ermine will be damaged by sending it to London for a big Leonardo da Vinci exhibition at the National Gallery next year. Now, I'm sure there are people harbouring such fears. But any art historians in touch with that organisation will by definition share its biased outlook, according to which every restoration is a betrayal and every old master exhibition an exercise in criminal damage.

但这一理论存在问题,蒙娜丽莎的身份早已不是什么秘密——2007年在海德堡大学图书馆发现的有力的文字资料证明达芬奇在1503年时正在为一位名叫莉萨·焦孔多(Lisa del Giocondo)的女士绘制肖像画。 我们已经不需要其他的解释,而且这些年所有的主流意见都认定此画完成于16世纪。因此,如果要证明这幅文艺复兴鼎盛时期的代表作完成于15世纪90年代,可能需要远比“神秘的密码”更切实的证据。不过,这些关于蒙娜丽莎的理论十分有趣,也没有什么坏处。



ArtWatch has a longstanding gripe with the National Gallery, which it has accused of being especially cavalier with restorations. But this year one of the most ambitious restorations ever undertaken by the NG was highly acclaimed. Not even the most sceptical viewer can find anything wrong with the beautiful conservation of Leonardo da Vinci's The Virgin of the Rocks.
Instead, the organisation is attacking the National Gallery's Leonardo exhibition with claims that paintings might be damaged. Some more backstory: Nicholas Penny, the NG's director, is himself on record as a sceptic about blockbuster shows – and he also edited for publication the late Francis Haskell's book The Ephemeral Museum, which questions the value of endlessly shipping masterpieces round the world to exhibitions. In raising this issue now, ArtWatch's logic is inverted. As scrupulous a connoisseur as Penny is not about to be cavalier with anyone's art treasures. The careful and exact conservation of The Virgin of the Rocks is a triumph of responsible and exact work by the NG. In short, it is absurd to accuse this institution of casually endangering a Leonardo.



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