

The next phase of the internet is coming: Here’s what you need to know about Web3


术语 Web3 和 Web 3.0 经常互换使用,但它们是不同的概念。 

作者:Adrian Ma, 多伦多城市大学

 近年近年近年近年虚拟可替代的增长占据头条头条。。头条。。但是。头条头条头条 。 头条头条头条头条没有没有多少人人看到看到这些这些时髦时髦时髦时髦的的应用应用应用在互联网的下一次迭代——Web3。

围绕这个潮流的(坦率地讲,模糊的)语言存在很多错误理解,包将Web3与Web 3.0混合为一谈。以下是您需要了解的有关这些语言的信息。

什么是 Web3?

由于 Web3 仍处于发展阶段, 专家之间 对其定义还没有达成一致意见。简而言之,Web3 被设想为一个“去中心化的网络生态系统”,使用户能够绕过互联网守门人并保留其数据的所有权。

这将通过区块链完成 Web3 不依赖于单一服务器和集中式数据库,而是使用公共分类账,其中数据存储在链接在一起的计算机网络上。

去中心化的 Web3 将从根本上改变互联网的运作方式——金融机构和科技公司将不再需要成为我们在线体验的中介。

正如 一位商业记者所说

“在 WEB3 世界中,人们控制自己的数据并从社交媒体到电子邮件到使用单个个性化帐户购物,在所有这些活动的区块链上创建公共记录。

Web3 基于区块链的基础设施将通过开创“代币经济”时代开辟有趣的可能性令牌经济将允许用户通过为他们的在线交互提供令牌来将他们的数据货币化。这些代币可以为用户提供津贴或好处,包括内容平台的所有权股份或在线社区的投票权。

为了更好地理解 Web3,它有助于退后一步,看看互联网是如何发展成现在这个样子的。

Web 1.0:“只读”网络

Computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee is credited with inventing the world wide web in 1989, which allowed people to hyperlink static pages of information on websites accessible through internet browsers.

Berners-Lee was exploring more efficient ways for researchers at different institutions to share information. In 1991, he launched the world’s first website, which provided instructions on using the internet.

Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, speaks at the Open Government Partnership Global Summit in Ottawa in May 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

These basic “read-only” websites were managed by webmasters who were responsible for updating users and managing the information. In 1992, there were 10 websites. By 1994, after the web entered the public domain, there were 3,000.

When Google arrived in 1996 there were two million. Last year, there were approximately 1.2 billion websites, although it is estimated only 17 per cent are still active.

Web 2.0: The social web

The next major shift for the internet saw it develop from a “read-only web” to where we are currently — a “read-write web.” Websites became more dynamic and interactive. People became mass participants in generating content through hosted services like Wikipedia, Blogger, Flickr and Tumblr.

The idea of “Web 2.0” gained traction after technology publisher Tim O’Reilly popularized the term in 2004.

Later on, social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram and the growth of mobile apps led to unparalleled connectivity, albeit through distinct platforms. These platforms are known as walled gardens because their parent companies heavily regulate what users are able to do and there is no information exchange between competing services.

Tech companies like Amazon, Google and Apple are deeply embedded into every facet of our lives, from how we store and pay for our content to the personal data we offer (sometimes without our knowledge) to use their wares.

Web3 vs. Web 3.0

This brings us to the next phase of the internet, in which many wish to wrest back control from the entities that have come to hegemonize it.

The terms Web3 and Web 3.0 are often used interchangeably, but they are different concepts.

Web3 is the move towards a decentralized internet built on blockchain. Web 3.0, on the other hand, traces back to Berners-Lee’s original vision for the internet as a collection of websites linking everything together at the data level.

Our current internet can be thought of as a gigantic document depot. Computers are capable of retrieving information for us when we ask them to, but they aren’t capable of understanding the deeper meaning behind our requests.

In a Web 3.0 world, users would be able to link personal information across social media platforms. (Shutterstock)

Information is also siloed into separate servers. Advances in programming, natural language processing, machine learning and artificial intelligence would allow computers to discern and process information in a more “human” way, leading to more efficient and effective content discovery, data sharing and analysis. This is known as the “semantic web” or the “read-write-execute” web.

In Berners-Lee’s Web 3.0 world, information would be stored in databases called Solid Pods, which would be owned by individual users. While this is a more centralized approach than Web3’s use of blockchain, it would allow data to be changed more quickly because it wouldn’t be distributed over multiple places.

It would allow, for example, a user’s social media profiles to be linked so that updating the personal information on one would automatically update the rest.

The next era of the internet

Web3 and Web 3.0 are often mixed up because the next era of the internet will likely feature elements of both movements — semantic web applications, linked data and a blockchain economy. It’s not hard to see why there is significant investment happening in this space.

But we’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the logistical issues and legal implications. Governments need to develop new regulations for everything from digital asset sales taxation to consumer protections to the complex privacy and piracy concerns of linked data.

There are also critics who argue that Web3, in particular, is merely a contradictory rebranding of cryptocurrency that will not democratize the internet. While it’s clear we’ve arrived at the doorstep of a new internet era, it’s really anyone’s guess as to what happens when we walk through that door.

Adrian Ma, Assistant Professor, Journalism, Toronto Metropolitan University

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