


The government’s “bottom line” net operating cost increased $1.1 trillion (34.8 percent) during FY 2022 to $4.2 trillion. It is calculated as follows: · Starting with total gross costs of $7.4 trillion, the government subtracts earned program revenues (e.g., Medicare premiums, national park entry fees, and postal service fees) and adjusts the balance for gains or losses from changes in actuarial assumptions used to estimate future federal employee and veteran benefits payments to derive its net cost before taxes and other revenues of $9.1 trillion (see Chart 2), an increase of $1.7 trillion (23.8 percent) from FY 2021. This net increase is the combined effect of many offsetting increases and decreases across the government, including the ongoing effects of the federal government’s response to the pandemic. For example: o Entities administering federal employee and veteran benefits programs, including the OPM, VA, and DOD employ a complex series of assumptions to make actuarial projections of their long-term benefits liabilities. These assumptions include but are not limited to interest rates, beneficiary eligibility, life expectancy, and medical cost levels. Changes in these assumptions can result in either losses (net cost increases) or gains (net cost decreases). Across the government, these net losses from changes in assumptions amounted to $2.2 trillion in FY 2022, a loss increase (and a corresponding net cost increase) of $1.7 trillion compared to FY 2021. o In particular, VA net costs increased $1.2 trillion due largely to changes in benefits program experience and assumptions as referenced above, including, but not limited to assumptions underlying VA’s Veterans’ compensation plan participation and benefit level distribution rates (increasing eligibility assumptions), decreasing mortality rates assumptions, and future long-term COLA. o DOD net costs increased $568.4 billion due primarily to a $444.2 billion loss increase from changes in assumptions referenced above. However, the majority of DOD’s net costs included military operations, readiness and support, procurement, personnel, and R&D, which also collectively increased. o A $303.9 billion decrease in net costs at the SBA is largely attributable to substantially lower pandemic-related loan and loan guarantee activity. o A $304.4 billion decrease in Treasury net costs largely due to a significant decrease (from $569.5 billion in FY 2021 to $13.1 billion in FY 2022) in EIP disbursements made to eligible recipients as part of pandemic relief efforts. o A $354.4 billion decrease at DOL, much of which is attributable to a $348.6 billion decrease in Income Maintenance programs costs, primarily due to decreases in unemployment benefits from the September 2021 expiration of COVID-19 unemployment programs and fewer unemployment claims. 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO THE 2022 FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT o A $152.1 billion net cost increase at HHS primarily due to a $111.1 billion increase across the Medicare and Medicaid benefits programs, including an increase in Medicaid grants to states to continue COVID-19 relief efforts. o Education net costs increased $330.9 billion due largely to a $337.3 billion upward cost modification for Education’s direct loan program associated with announced broad-based student debt relief. o SSA net costs increased $100.3 billion due largely to a 1.9 percent increase in the number of OASI beneficiaries, combined with a 5.9 percent COLA provided to beneficiaries in 2022. o Interest costs related to federal debt securities held by the public increased by $104.5 billion due largely to increases in inflation adjustments, interest rates, and outstanding debt held by the public.








1 2022 spending pie chart



 4 .entitlement spending as percent of gdp

  5.entitlement spending as percent of government spending


 7 .defense as percent of gdp

  8.defense as percent of gdp long-term




9.military and non-military

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