

Section 3

Declaration of A Missing Person and 

Declaration of Death

第三节 宣告失踪和宣告死亡

Article 40

If a natural person’s whereabouts have been unknown for two years, an interested person may request the people’s court to declare the natural person as a missing person.

第四十条 自然人下落不明满二年的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告该自然人为失踪人。


1、  whereabouts (某人的)行踪、下落、去向

2、  interested person 利害关系人

3、  declare 宣告

4、  missing person 失踪的人,下落不明者

Article 41

The period of time during which a natural person’s whereabouts is unknown shall be counted from the date when the natural person has not been heard of ever since. If a person is missing during a war, the time of his whereabouts becoming unknown shall be counted from the date the war is ended or from the date as determined by the relevant authority.

第四十一条 自然人下落不明的时间自其失去音讯之日起计算。战争期间下落不明的,下落不明的时间自战争结束之日或者有关机关确定的下落不明之日起计算。


1、the period of time 这段时间,一段时间

2、be counted from the date 从......日期(之日)开始计算

3、ever since 自......以后

4、the relevant authority 有关机关,有关当局

Article 42

A missing person’s property shall be placed in the custody of his spouse, adult children, parents, or any other persons willing to take such custody.

Where a dispute arises over the custody of a missing person’s property, or the persons provided in the preceding paragraph are unavailable or incompetent for such a purpose, the property shall be placed in the custody of a person appointed by the people’s court.

第四十二条 失踪人的财产由其配偶、成年子女、父母或者其他愿意担任财产代管人的人代管。



1、property 财产

2、spouse 配偶,伴侣,爱人

3、custody 保管;拘留;关押;监禁;抚养权

4、be placed in 被安排在;被放置在

Article 43

A custodian shall properly manage the missing person’s property and safeguard his proprietary interests. 

The taxes, debts, and other due payment obligations owed by a missing person, if any, shall be paid by the custodian out of the missing person’s property. 

A custodian who, intentionally or due to gross negligence, causes damage to the property of the missing person shall be liable for compensation.

第四十三条 财产代管人应当妥善管理失踪人的财产,维护其财产权益。




1、custodian 保管人

2、safeguard 保卫,保护(指使用某种方法避开危险或进攻以保证安全,尤指在仅存潜在性危险的情况下使用保护性措施或某种手段作为防御工具以防危险或伤害)

3、proprietary interests 财产权益;所有者利益;财产上的利益

4、tax 税收

5、debt 债务

6、payment obligation 付款义务

7、due 到期的,应付的 

due payment obligation 到期的付款义务

8、owe 欠(款)

9、if any 的用法

(1)常置于否定词 few 或 little 之后,表示“如果有的话”,与 if at all、if ever 一样表示某事发生的可能性极小,强调即使有的话,可能性极微。


(3)用于用 what、how many、which 的疑问句或名词从句中,如What cake, if any, do you like to eat? 

10、out of 从......中

out of the missing person’s property 从失踪人的财产中

11、intentionally 故意地,有意的

12、gross negligence 重大过失 

gross 总的,粗略的




即 advertent/conscious negligence。


即 inadvertent/unconscious negligence。

13、be liable for compensation 承担赔偿责任

14、compensation 补偿;赔偿;赔偿金;补偿金;报酬、薪酬

Article 44

Where a custodian fails to perform his duties of custodian, infringes upon the proprietary rights or interests of the missing person, or if the custodian becomes incompetent to be a custodian, an interested person of the missing person may request the people’s court to replace the custodian. 

A custodian may, with just cause, request the people’s court to appoint a new custodian to replace himself. 

Where the people’s court appoints a new custodian, the new custodian is entitled to request the former custodian to deliver the relevant property and a property management report in a timely manner.

第四十四条 财产代管人不履行代管职责、侵害失踪人财产权益或者丧失代管能力的,失踪人的利害关系人可以向人民法院申请变更财产代管人。




1、infringe 侵害......(权益)一般指侵犯了他人的民事权利


3、replace 更换,代替,取代

4、with just cause有正当理由

5、just cause(基于善意的)正当理由;合理理由;合法理由

just cause是一个法律术语,通常用于描述在采取某些行动或决策时所需的正当理由。

6、former custodian原财产代管人,前财产代管人

7、be entitled to sth.对...享有权利, 值得; 有(做某事)的资格或权利


Article 45

Where a missing person reappears, the people’s court shall, upon request of the said person or an interested person thereof, revoke the declaration of his being missing. 

A missing person who reappears is entitled to request the custodian to deliver the relevant property and a property management report in a timely manner.

第四十五条  失踪人重新出现,经本人或者利害关系人申请,人民法院应当撤销失踪宣告。



1、  where在普通英文中,用where引导的状语从句,一般为地点状语从句。

但在法律英文中,where引导的是法律条款中的条件状语从句,相当于“in the case where”,翻译为“如果”或不出现人称的句式中“….的”;“凡……” ;“如…..”。


2、  thereof:多用于法律用语中,表示“由此”。


(1)涉及this Agreement ,可以用here +介词代替介词+this Agreement。

如hereby,herein,hereof,hereon,hereto,hereafter, herefrom 等。

(2)涉及本协议中的其他文件,用there +介词代替介词+the Agreement/Contract/Document等等。


Hereby/thereby = by here/there (which)

Thereof = of there (which)

Wherein = in where (or which)

3、revoke 撤销,撤回,主要是以收回或撤销以往授予或准予事项的形式,予以废除或废止,或废除遗嘱效力,如to revoke a charter 撤销宪章, to revoke a decree废止法令。



(1)取消, 全部丢弃,主要用于法律、习惯、制度、传统。


abolish主要指完全废除制度、风俗、习惯等长期存在的事物,如to abolish slavery 废除奴隶制;to abolish ignorance 废除无知。

2、abrogate 主要指对下属机构签发的命令、规则的废除,或经立法废除法规或习俗等。

abrogate用法比较正式,主要指官方的正式废除。如:abrogate certain privileges 废除某些特权。

3、annul主要指终止某事务的存在或宣布其无效或从未真正存在过,如annul the marriage 解除婚姻。


to avoid a contract 使合同无效

5、rescind 常用于合同的撤销,以及经同级或上级机构予以撤销或废除规定等

如rescind a contract 撤销合同,rescind an agreement 撤销合约。

6、repeal主要指撤销立法机关通过的协议、法案或法律等,如to repeal an amendment 废除一项修正案。


8、cancel 一般用于由于当事人违反合同约定而使合同解除的情形。

Article 46

An interested person may request the people’s court to make a declaration of the death of a natural person under either of the following circumstances:

(1)  the natural person’s whereabouts have been unknown for four years; or

(2)  the natural person’s whereabouts have been unknown for two years as a result of an accident.

The two-year requirement for a natural person to be declared dead does not apply where the person’s whereabouts have been unknown as a result of an accident and if a relevant authority certifies that it is impossible for the said natural person to still be alive.

第四十六条  自然人有下列情形之一的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告该自然人死亡:





1、under either of the following circumstances 有下列情形之一的

2、as a result of an accident 因意外事故,由于意外事故

3、whereabouts 行踪,下落

4、certify 证明

Article 47

Where an interested person requests the people’s court to declare the death of a natural person, while another interested person requests to declare the person being missing, the people’s court shall declare that the person is dead if the conditions for declaration of death as prescribed in this Code are satisfied.

第四十七条  对同一自然人,有的利害关系人申请宣告死亡,有的利害关系人申请宣告失踪,符合本法规定的宣告死亡条件的,人民法院应当宣告死亡。


1、prescribed 规定的

as prescribed by law 依照法律的规定

2、satisfy 满足,说服

Article 48

For a person declared dead, the date when the people’s court makes a judgment declaring his death is deemed as the date of his death; for a person declared dead because his whereabouts is unknown as a result of an accident, the date of the occurrence of the accident is deemed as the date of his death.

第四十八条  被宣告死亡的人,人民法院宣告死亡的判决作出之日视为其死亡的日期;因意外事件下落不明宣告死亡的,意外事件发生之日视为其死亡的日期。


1、make a judgement 做出判决

2、is deem as 被视为

Article 49

The declaration of the death of a natural person who is still alive does not affect the effects of the civil juristic acts performed by the person during the period the death declaration is effective.

第四十九条  自然人被宣告死亡但是并未死亡的,不影响该自然人在被宣告死亡期间实施的民事法律行为的效力。


1、the declaration of the death 死亡宣告

2、affect 作动词,使用,影响

3、effect 作名词,结果,效果,效力

4、the effects of the civil juristic acts 民事法律行为的效力

5、effective 有效的,产生预期结果的

Article 50

Where a person declared dead reappears, the people’s court shall, upon request of the person or an interested person thereof, revoke the declaration of his death.

第五十条  被宣告死亡的人重新出现,经本人或者利害关系人申请,人民法院应当撤销死亡宣告。



2、upon request of sb经由某人的申请

3、revoke the declaration of his death 撤销他的死亡宣告

Article 51

The marital relationship with a person declared dead ceases to exist from the date the declaration of his death is made. Where the declaration of death is revoked, the aforementioned marital relationship shall be automatically resumed from the date the declaration of death is revoked, except where the spouse has married to someone else or states in writing to the marriage registration authority the unwillingness to resume the marriage.

第五十一条  被宣告死亡的人的婚姻关系,自死亡宣告之日起消除。死亡宣告被撤销的,婚姻关系自撤销死亡宣告之日起自行恢复。但是,其配偶再婚或者向婚姻登记机关书面声明不愿意恢复的除外。


1、marital relationship 婚姻关系

2、cease to 消除,停止,不再出现某种情况

3、resume 恢复,(中断后)继续,重新开始

4、automatically resumed 自行恢复

5、except 除......之外

6、someone else 别的某人

7、state in writing 书面声明

8、marriage registration authority 婚姻登记机关

9、unwillingness 不愿意,不情愿


1、marital status 婚姻状态


single 单身的;married 已婚的;separated 分居的divorced 离异的;widowed 丧偶的;cohabited 同居的;customary “风俗婚姻”。

customary 是针对于某些有“特殊风俗”的地区。比如,有些地方允许“一夫多妻”(polygamy),那么基于当地(或特定时期)风俗的婚姻,也是受法律保护,这种婚姻状况就叫customary marriage。

common-law partner “同居伴侣”

“同居关系”用英语表达就是common-law relationship,这种关系里的个体被称为common-law partner(同居伴侣),是一种“事实婚姻”。

“同居伴侣”不一定是异性,国外有很多同性恋者选择一起生活但不结婚,common-law relationship也常用来委婉描述同性恋者的同居关系。

Article 52

Where a child of a person declared dead has been legally adopted by others during the period when the declaration of death is effective, the person declared dead shall not, after the declaration of his death is revoked, claim that the adoption is invalid on the ground that his child is adopted without his consent.

第五十二条  被宣告死亡的人在被宣告死亡期间,其子女被他人依法收养的,在死亡宣告被撤销后,不得以未经本人同意为由主张收养行为无效。


1、adopt 收养,领养

2、invalid 无效的

3、without his consent 未经本人同意

4、on the ground “基于,由于,因为”,相当于“because”


1、keep one's feet on the ground 脚踏实地,实事求是,坚定立场

2、keep one's ear to the ground 保持高度警惕或集中注意力

Article 53

Where a declaration of the death of a person is revoked, the person is entitled to request those who have obtained his property under Book VI of this Code to return the property, or make appropriate compensation if the property cannot be returned. 

Where an interested person conceals the true information and causes a natural person to be declared dead so as to obtain the latter’s property, the interested person shall, in addition to returning the wrongfully obtained property, make compensation for any loss thus caused.

第五十三条  被撤销死亡宣告的人有权请求依照本法第六编取得其财产的民事主体返还财产;无法返还的,应当给予适当补偿。



1、VI :罗马数字“6”



2、return 返还 return the property 返还财产

3、make appropriate compensation 给予适当补偿

4、conceal 隐藏,隐瞒

5、information 控告,常被译为“检察官起诉书”或“检察机关的起诉书”,此种语境下的information是可数名词。

在美国刑事司法实践中,起诉书分为刑事控告书(complaint)、检察官起诉书(information)和大陪审团起诉书( indictment)三种。

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