

法律英语:Representations, Warranties and Undertakings


Representations, Warranties and Undertakings


1. Party A hereby represents and warrants to Party B as follows:

1. 甲方向乙方陈述和保证如下:

a) Party A is a company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing as a legal person under the laws of the PRC.

a) 甲方是依据中国法律正式成立有效存续和资格完备的法人公司。

duly /ˈdjuːlɪ/

ADV If something is duly done, it is done in the correct way. 适当地

He is a duly elected president of the country and we're going to be giving him all the support we can.


in good standing


b) Party A has full legal right, power and authority to execute and deliver this Contract and all of the contracts and documents referred to in this Contract to which Party A is a party and to observe and perform its obligations hereunder and thereunder.

b) 甲方在法律上有充分的权利、权力和权限签署和交付本合同及本合同中提及的该方为一方的所有合同和文件,遵守并履行本合同及该等合同和文件规定的义务。

c) Party A has taken all appropriate and necessary corporate actions to authorize the execution and delivery of this Contract and all of the contracts and documents referred to in this Contract to which Party A is a party and to authorize the performance and observance of the terms and conditions hereof and thereof.

c) 甲方已采取一切适当和必要的公司行动授权签署和交付本合同及本合同中提及的该方为一方的所有合同和文件,并授权履行和遵守本合同及该等合同和文件的条款和条件。

d) Party A has obtained all consents, approvals and authorizations necessary for the valid execution and delivery of this Contract and all of the contracts and documents referred to in this Contract to which Party B is a party; provided, however, that this Contract is subject to the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority before the same may become effective.

d) 甲方已为有效签署和交付本合同及本合同中提及的该方为一方的所有合同和文件,获得所有必要的同意、批准和授权,但本合同须经审批机构批准后方能生效。

2. The Vendor represents, warrants and undertakes to and with the Purchaser that each of the statements set out in Schedule A is now and shall at all times between the date hereof and Completion (both dates inclusive) be true and accurate. The Vendor acknowledges that the Purchaser has entered into this Agreement in reliance upon the Warranties and has been induced by them to enter into this Agreement.

2. 出售方向购买方陈述、保证和承诺,在附件 A 中所述各条现在和自本协议之日起至交易完成日(含本协议之日和完成日)的任何时间内均是真实无论的。出售方确认,购买方是以保证为依、且受保证诱导而签订本协议的。


A person's or thing's reliance on something is the fact that they need it and often cannot live or work without it. 依赖; 依靠

3. Party A represents and warrants that there are no conditions at, on, under, or related to, the real property constituting all or any portion of the Land which presently or potentially pose a hazard to human health or the environment, whether or not in compliance with law, and there has been no manufacture, use, treatment, storage, transportation, or disposal of any release of any hazardous or toxic substance, pollutant, or contaminant into or upon or over the Land. 

3. 甲方陈述和保证构成土地全部或任何部分的房地产其内部、上面、下面或其相关的部位现在不存在,也不可能存在危害人身健康或环境的情况(无论是否符合法律规定),且土地上从未生产、使用、处理、储存、运输或处置过任何危险的或有毒的物质、污染物或致污物土地内部、上面或上空亦未曾释放过任何危险的或有毒的物质、污染物或致污物。

Party A further represents and warrants that the Land is free and clear of any and all claims, charges, easement, encumbrances, lease, covenants, security interest, liens, option, pledge, rights of others, or restrictions, whether imposed by agreement, understanding, law, equity or otherwise.


easement /ˈiːzmənt/

the right enjoyed by a landowner of making limited use of his neighbour's land, as by crossing it to reach his own property 

地役权; 对邻居土地的有限利用权,如经过他人土地达到自己房产

encumbrance /ɪnˈkʌmbrəns/ 

An encumbrance is something or someone that encumbers you. 妨碍物; 累赘

Magdalena considered the past an irrelevant encumbrance.



covenant   /ˈkʌvənənt/

covenant is a formal written agreement between two or more people or groups of people which is recognized in law. 契约; 公约

lien  /ˈliːən, liːn/ 

A right to retain possession of another's property pending discharge of a debt 留置权; 扣押权

pledge  /plɛdʒ/

a sum of money or sth valuable that you leave with sbto prove that you will do sth or pay back money thatyou owe抵押;质钱;抵押品



4. Party A warrants, agrees and undertakes to Party B that neither Party A (whether directly or indirectly) nor any Connected Person (whether individually or jointly) shall, during the term of this Agreement, and for two (2) years after the expiry or termination of this Agreement:

4. 甲方向乙方保证、同意和承诺在本协议期限内和本协议届满或终止后二(2)年内,甲方(无论是直接或间接地)或任何关联人(无论是单独或共同)

expiry  /ɪkˈspaɪərɪ/  

The expiry of something such as a contract, deadline, or visa is the time that it comes to an end or stops being valid. 期满

a) undertake any business which is in direct competition with the business of Party B without the written consent issued by the legal representative of Party B;

a) 未经乙方的法定代表出具书面同意,不从事任何与乙方的业务形成直接竞争的业务

b) solicit or entice away any customer, employee, director or supplier of Party B for whatever reason; and

b) 不因任何理由招募或吸收乙方的任何客户、雇员、董事或供应商

c) produce any products which is identical or similar in composition or appearance to any of the Products without the prior consent of Party B. 

c) 未经乙方事先同意,不生产与任何产品在结构或外观上相同或相似的产品。

composition  /ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃən/  

When you talk about the composition of something, you are referring to the way in which its various parts are put together and arranged. 构成

Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions.


For the purposes of this Article 4: 'Connected Person' means any or all of the following persons:

(i) the parent company or shareholders holding 50% or more of the equity of Party A; (ii) any corporation or business that is affiliated with Party A; or (iii) any officer, employee, independent contractor, partner, joint venturer or agent of Party A or of any business affiliated with Party A; or (iv) any firm or corporation in which Party A or its parent company or affiliate company has an interest whether such interest is legally enforceable or not.


关联人”指:(i)持有甲方股权 50%或 50%以上的母公司股东;(ii)与甲方关联的公司或企业;(iii)甲方或甲方关联企业的主管、雇员、独立承包商、合伙人、合营方或代理人;或(iv)甲方或其母公司或关联公司在其间拥有权益(无论该等权益在法律上是否可以执行)的公司或法人团体。

5. The express warranties in this Agreement shall be in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, interoperability, and fitness for a particular purpose.

5. 本协议中明示的保证,应取代一切其他明示或默示的保证,包括对产品的适销性不侵权互用性适用于某一特定目的默示保证 

express  [adj.]

An express command or order is one that is clearly and deliberately stated. 明确陈述的 (命令、指令)

This mighty electricity-generating power station was built on the express orders of the president.


lieu    /ljuː/  

If you do, get, or give one thing in lieu of another, you do, get, or give it instead of the other thing, because the two things are considered to have the same value or importance. 替代

He left what little furniture he owned to his landlord in lieu of rent.


merchantability  /ˌmɜ:tʃəntə'bɪlɪtɪ /

n. 适销性,可销性

适销性通常即适销性保证(warranty of merchantability)。适销性保证是指卖方默认保证所销售产品的质量,也即其产品是可以正常使用的。如果您退回了无法使用的产品,就是运用了默认的适销性保证。[百度百科]

NO other warranty is expressed or implied including warranties or merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose.



​An infringement is an action or situation that interferes with your rights and the freedom you are entitled to. (对他人权利或自由等的) 侵犯

...infringement of privacy.


interoperability /'ɪntərɒpərə'bɪlətɪ/

互用性; 互操作性





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