


Pacific adj. 太平洋的:the Pacific Ocean 太平洋

pack n.[C]包,捆:He bought a pack of cigarettes at the store. 他在店里买了一包香烟。v. 打包,收拾:He packed his bags and left. 他弄好行李袋就离开了。/ She was busy packing. 她正忙于整理东西。/Round things won't pack easily. 圆形的东西不易包装。

page n.[C]页,页码:The letter was three pages long. 这封信有三页长。/ Open your book at page 9. 翻到书本第九页。/ There is a picture of a ship on page 35. 在第35页上有张一艘船的照片。

pain n. 1.[C,U]疼痛,疼:I have pain[a pain, pains] in my stomach. 我胃痛。/ She cried with pain. 她痛得哭了起来。/ His broken leg gave him a lot of pain. 他的断腿使他感到非常疼痛。2.(常用复)努力,劳苦:Great pains have been taken to do this. 干这事煞费苦心。/ She is at pains to find[of finding] facts. 她正在努力了解事实真相。

painful adj.使痛的,使痛苦的:His head was very painful. 他的头很疼。/ The wound is painful. 这伤口很痛。/ He has painful eyes. 他眼睛痛。/ It's a painful lesson. 那是一次惨痛的教训。

【考点】只表示使人感到疼痛或痛苦,不表示自己感到疼或痛苦,如我感到背有点痛不能说成I feel painful in my back,可改为I feel a pain in my back。又如他仍很痛苦不能译为He's still painful,可改为He is still in pain

paint n.1.[U,C]油漆,颜色:There is paint on your clothes. 你衣服上沾了油漆。/ Paint keeps wood in good condition. 油漆可以使木材维持良好的状态。/ Wet paint. 油漆未干。/ He bought a box of paints. 他买了一盒颜料。v. 1.油漆,粉刷:The bathroom need painting. 浴室需要油漆。/ She painted her room green. 她把自己的房间刷成了绿色。2.绘画 She painted a picture of the mountains at the sunset. 她画了一幅群山夕照图。


painter n.[C]绘画者,()画家:He is a famous painter. 他是著名画家。

painting n. 1.[U]绘画:Are you doing a lot of painting? 你常常画画吗?2.[C]图画:I like this painting. 我喜欢这张图画。

pair n. 一双,一对:a pair of shoes 一双鞋 / a pair of gloves 一对手套 / a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 / a pair of wings 一对翅膀 / This pair of trousers is old. 这条裤子旧了。/ These pairs of socks are cheap. 这几双袜子很便宜。


palace n.[C]宫,宫殿:the Children's Palace 少年宫 / the Summer Palace 颐和园 / the Palace Museum in Beijing 北京故宫博物院 / The Working People's Palace of Culture劳动人民文化宫 / We walked across the empty courtyard of the palace.我们穿过宫殿前的空旷的院子。

pale adj.苍白的,灰白的:You look a bit pale. 你看来有点苍白。/ She turned pale with fear. 她脸都吓白了。

pan n.[C]平底锅:Get me a big frying pan. 给我拿个大平底锅来。/ We bake bread in a pan.我们用平底锅烘烤面包。

panda n.[C]熊猫:lesser panda 小熊猫 / giant panda 大熊猫 / We had a panda as our mascot. 我们把熊猫作为吉祥物。

paper n. 1.[U]纸:It is made of paper. 它是纸做的。/ Give me a piece of paper. 给我一张纸。/ He wrote his name on a slip of paper. 他把名字写在一张纸条上。2.[C]报纸:Have you seen today's paper? 你看到今天的报纸了吗?/ He was reading an evening paper. 他在读一张晚报。3.[C]试卷,考卷:a history paper 一份历史试卷 / The teacher was marking the papers. 教师在批改考卷。

pardon n.[U,C]原谅,宽恕:Beg pardon, I didn't quite catch your meaning. 对不起,我没听清楚你的意思。/ I beg your pardon, I meant the green one. 对不起,我指的是那个绿色的。v.原谅,宽恕:Please pardon me for not arriving sooner. 请原谅我没早些到。/ We must pardon him his little faults. 我们必须原谅他的小缺点。/ Pardon my[me] interrupting you. 对不起,打扰你一下。

【考点】1.口语中说I beg your pardon?(用升调),可用于请对方重说一遍自己说过的话。 2.要表示原谅某人做某事,不能用pardon sb to do sth,而用pardon sb doing sth, pardon sb's doing sth, pardon sb for doing sth

 parent n.[C](),双亲:You seem to forget that I have parents. 你似乎忘了我是有父母的。/ Her parents are still alive. 她的父母还活着。/ Being a parent can be hard work. 为人父()可能很不容易。


Paris n. 巴黎:Have you been to Paris? 你去过巴黎吗?

park n.[C]公园:He often takes a walk in the park. 他经常到公园散步。/ I met a friend of mine in the park. 我在公园遇到了我的一位朋友。

【用法】构成专有名词时,通常不用冠词Hyde Park (伦敦)海德公园 / Central Park (纽约)中央公园 / Beihai Park 北海公园。比较:the People's Park 人民公园

park n.[C]停车场(=parking lot)You should leave your car in the car park. 你应该把车停在停车场。/ I drove out of the car park. 我把车从停车场开了出来。v.停车:You can't park (your car) in this street. 这条街不准停车。/ No parking (here). (此处)不准停车。/ You can park anywhere except here. 只有这里不能停车。

parking n. 1.[U]停车:No parking. 禁止停车。/ Please park your car in the parking lot. 请把车停在停车场。2.[U]停车处:There is plenty of parking behind the building. 这建筑物后面有许多停车位。/ Is there any parking near the theatre? 这剧院附近有停车的地方吗?

parrot n.[C]鹦鹉:Parrots imitate human speech. 鹦鹉学人语。

part n. 1.[C,U]部分:The cake was divided into three parts. 蛋糕被分为三块。/ I read only (a) part of the story. 这部小说我只看过一部分。/ Parts of the book are interesting. 这本书有些部分很有趣。2.[C]部件:They work in a factory that makes radio parts. 他们在一家制造无线电零件的工厂工作。

【短语】take part in 参加:He takes part in many school activities. 他参加学校的许多活动。/ He takes an active part in sports. 他积极参加体育活动。

【考点】part of...作主语时,谓语通常与of后的名词的数保持一致:Only part of the story is true. 这个故事只有部分情节是真实的。/ Part of the pupils are interested in English. 部分学生对英语感兴趣。

part-time adj. & adv. 兼职的(),部分时间的()She had three part-time jobs. 她干着三份兼职工作。/ Do you work full-time or part-time? 你干全职工作还是部分时间工作?

party n. 1.[C]聚会,晚会:a birthday party 生日聚会 / an evening party 晚会 / a drinking party 酒会 / a send-off party 送别会 / tea party 茶会 / a dinner party 晚宴 / Is she coming to the party? 她会来参加晚会吗? / He wants to give a party for us before we leave for Europe. 他想要在我们去欧洲之前举行宴会。/ I've chosen some CDs for the party. 我为晚会选了几张激光唱盘。2.[C]党派:He joined the Party at the age of 25. 25岁时入党。/ The Labour Party was in power. 工党在执政。

pass v. 1.传,递:Please pass me that dictionary. 请把那本词典递给我。2.经过,通过:Please let me pass. 请让我过去。/ Their car passed ours. 他们的车超过了我们的车。/ I hope you will pass the exam. 我希望你通过考试。/ He passed (by) the church on his way to the station. 他去车站的路上要经过教堂。3.度过(时间)(时间)流逝:Time passed quickly. 时间过得很快。/ Where did you pass[=spend] the summer holidays? 你暑假是在哪里度过的? / We played cards to pass the evenings. 我们晚上经常打牌消磨时间。

【考点】表示传递,可跟双宾语;若双宾语易位,用介词to引出间接宾语:Please pass me the salt.=Please pass the salt to me. 请把盐递给我。

passenger n.[C]旅客:The streets are full of passenger. 街上行人熙攘。/ How many passengers are there on the bus? 公共汽车上有多少乘客? / The steamer can carry 2500 passengers.这条船可以载2500名乘客。/ All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都要求出示车票。

 past adj.1.过去的,刚过去的:Don't worry about past mistakes. 不要担心过去的错误。/ I've been ill for the past three weeks. 我三周来一直在生病。2.完了的,结束的:The danger was past. 危险已经过去。/ Winter is past. 冬天结束了。adv. 过去,经过:We couldn’t get on the bus because it drove past. 我们搭不上汽车了,因为它开过去了。n.[U]过去,昔日,往事:In the past, he wrote with a pen; now he uses a computer. 过去他用笔写作,现在用电脑。prep. ,走过(某处)It’s past midnight now. 现在已过了午夜。/ It’s seven minutes past three. 现在是三点零七分。/ He walked past the house. 他走过那所房子。

【考点】in[for] the past five years之类的时间状语通常与现在完成时连用:He has lived here in the past ten years. 过去10年他一直住在这儿。

path n.[C]小道,小径:I looked down at the path ahead of me. 我瞧了瞧我们前面的小道。/ Keep to the path or you may get lost. 沿着小路走,否则可能会迷路。/ They walked together up the garden path. 他们一起沿着花园的小径散步。/ We walked along the path across the field. 我们沿着穿越田野的小路走去。

【辨析】path, roadway,见road

patience n.[U]容忍,耐心:She was soon out of patience. 很快她失去了耐心。/ What you need is more patience. 你需要的是更大的耐心。/ Have patience; the bus will come soon. 耐心点,公共汽车快来了。

patient n.[C]病人:The doctor visited her patients in the hospital. 医生查看了她的住院病人。/ When the doctor arrived the patient had died. 医生到时病人已死了。/ The patient was operated on yesterday. 病人昨天动的手术。adj. 忍耐的,容忍的:Be patient! 耐心点儿! / You should learn to be patient. 你应学会有耐心。

pause n.[C]中止,暂停,停止:He made a pause and then went on reading. 他顿了一下,随后又继续往下念。/ There was a pause in the talk when Mary came in. 玛丽进来时,谈话停顿了一下。vi.暂停,停顿:The speaker paused for breath. 演说者停下来喘口气。/ Pause before you cross the road. 过马路之前要先停步。/ He paused at the door and looked at her. 她在门口停了停,望了望她。

pay v.付钱,给报酬:I haven't paid the doctor yet. 我还没有付钱给医生。 / He paid the money last week. 上星期他把钱付了。/ He paid her the money yesterday.=He paid the money to her yesterday. 昨天他把钱付给她了。/ How much did you pay for that book? 你买那本书花了多少钱? / She is very well paid. 她薪金优厚。n.[U]工资:It’s a dirty job but the pay is good. 这是一份肮脏的工作,但工资不错。/ How much pay do you get? 你的工资是多少?

P.C. (=personal computer) n.[C]个人电脑:I have a PC at home and one at the office. 我在家和办公室各有一台电脑。

P.E. (=physical education) n.[U]体育:I like to have PE lessons. 我喜欢上体育课。

pea n.[C]豌豆:green peas 青豌豆

peace n.[U,C]和平,平静:After the last war, the country returned to peace.上次战争以后,这个国家恢复了和平。/ War began again after six years of peace. 六年和平之后战争又爆发了。

【用法】通常为不可数名词,但若表示一种和平或一段和平的时间,可连用不定冠词 After a brief peace, war broke out again. 在短暂的和平之后战争又爆发了。/ a peace of 50 years长达50年的和平时期

 pear n.[C]梨子,梨树:She is very fond of pears. 她非常喜欢吃梨。/ He gave them a pear each. 他给他们每个人一只梨。

pen n.[C]钢笔,笔:Is this pen yours? 这钢笔是你的? / He bought me a new pen. 他给我买了一支新钢笔。/ I've lost my pen. 我的钢笔弄丢了。

【用法】短语in pen的意思是用钢笔()”,其中不用冠词,它也可说成in ink

pencil n.[C]铅笔:This is my pencil. 这是我的铅笔。/ I need a new pencil. 我需要一支新铅笔。

【短语】in pencil 用铅笔写:Write in pencil, not in ink. 用铅笔写,不要用墨水笔。

pencil-box n.[C]铅笔盒:This is Tom's pencil-box. 这是汤姆的铅笔盒。/ It's in my pencil-box. 它在我的铅笔盒里。

penguin n.[C]企鹅:Penguins can swim but can't fly. 企鹅会游泳但不会飞。

pen-friend n.[C]笔友:She has some pen-friends in America. 她有些在美国的笔友。

penny n.[C]便士:There are four pennies on the table. 桌上有四个便士。/ This book costs twenty-nine and a half pence. 这本书花了29便士半。

【考点】penniespence两种复数形式:前者主要用来指一便士的硬币数,后者主要用于数词后构成复合词或用来谈论钱的价值:Give me five pennies for this five-pence. 请把这个5便士硬币换成51便士硬币。/ It only costs a few pence. 它只值几分钱。

【背景】one pound(1英镑)=100 pence(100便士)

people n. 1.[C]人,人们:I saw many people at the dance. 我在舞会上看到很多人。/ The streets were crowed with people. 大街上挤满了人。/ I know none of the people at the party. 晚会上的人我一个也不认识。2.[C]民族:the oppressed peoples被压迫民族 / the Hui people 回族 3.(连用the)人民:We study for the people. 我们为人民而学习。/ Victory certainly belongs to the people. 胜利一定属于人民。

【考点】1.表示人们,只用单数形式,但表示复数意义;作主语时谓语用复数People are not interested in such things. 人们对那样的事不感兴趣。2.表示一个人时,不能用one people,可根据情况改用one person, one man, one woman, one boy 等。3.表示民族时,为可数名词,其前可用不定冠词,也可有复数形式:The Chinese are a hard-working people. 中国人是一个勤劳的民族。/ The peoples of the world are against it. 世界各国人民都反对它。

pepper n.[U]胡椒粉:Do you need pepper and salt? 你要胡椒和盐吗?/ You always find salt and pepper on a restaurant table. 饭店的桌上总摆着盐和胡椒。

per prep. 每,每一:About 40 per cent of the students are girls. 约有百分之四十的学生是女生。/ The fruit costs 30 pence per kilo. 水果每公斤30便士。/ How much do you need per week? 你每周需要多少钱?

percent n.[C]百分之Ten percent of the papers were written in English. 百分之十的论文是用英语写的。/ More than 40 percent of the students wear glasses. 40%以上的学生戴眼镜。/ What percent of the students wear glasses? 戴眼镜的学生占多少比例?

【考点】1.其符号形式为%45 percent=45%2.单数复数同形,如可说 80 percent,但不说80 percents3.作主语时,其谓语的数与of后的名词或代词的数保持一致:Forty percent of it is gone. 其中的40%不见了。/ 35 percent of the doctors are women.百分之三十五的医生是女性。

perfect adj.完美的,极好的:Nobody is perfect. 没有人是完美的。/ Her English is perfect. 她的英语很棒。/ He speaks perfect English. 他英语说得很好。/ I'll try harder to make my work perfect. 我将更加努力把工作做好。


 performance n.[C]演出,表演:The pianist gave a fine performance. 钢琴家演奏得很出色。/ The performance of the play last two hours. 这场演出持续了两个小时。/ How did you like their performance? 你觉得他们的表演如何?

perhaps adv.可能,也许:Perhaps he isn’t coming. 也许他不来了。/ Perhaps he will marry her. 也许他会娶她。/ Perhaps I'll see him tomorrow, but I'm not sure. 也许我明天会见到他,但我没有把握。/ You'd better go now, perhaps. 也许你最好现在去。/ This is perhaps the best dish in this restaurant. 这也许是这个餐馆最好的菜。

permit v.许可,允许:I will permit him to do so. 我准备同意他这样做。/ Food and drink are not permitted in this building. 在本建筑内不准饮食。/ Smoking is not permitted here. 此处不准吸烟。n.[C]许可证,执照:You must get a permit if you want to keep a gun. 如果你想持有一支枪,你必须弄一张许可证。

【考点】用作动词时,其后可接动名词或不定式的复合结构作宾语,但不能直接跟不定式作宾语,如可说We do not permit smoking here(我们不准在此吸烟)We do not permit people to smoke here.(我们不准人们在此吸烟),但不能说We do not permit to smoke here.

person n.[C]人:She's a nice person. 她是个好人。/ She is the best person for the job. 她是做这工作最合适的人选。/ You're looking a different person. 你看起来像换了一个人。

【考点】可数名词,但其复数形式persons通常用people代之:You are just the person I wanted to see. 你正是我要见的人。/There was only one person there. 那儿只有1个人。/ There were many people there. 那儿有许多人。

personal adj. 个人的,私人的:He is a personal friend of mine. 他是我的一个私人朋友。/ This letter is personal, and I don’t want anyone else to read it. 这是封私人信,我不想叫任何其他人看。/ The car is for your personal use only. 这辆车只供你个人使用。

pet n.[C]宠物:Dogs are very popular as pets. 狗是很受欢迎的宠物。/ She has two cats as pets. 她养了两只猫,把它们当做宠物。

phone v.打电话:Did anybody phone? 有人打电话了吗? / I phoned my friend this morning. 我今早给朋友打了电话。n. 1.[U]电话:Will you answer the phone? 你去接电话好吗? / Who's on the phone? 谁来的电话? / / You are wanted on the phone. 有人叫你听电话。2.[C]电话机:I bought a new phone. 我买了部新电话机。

photo n.[C]照片:She had her photo taken. 她去照相了。/ I took some photos of my children. 我给孩子们照了几张像。/ Look at these photos.看看这些照片吧。/ Have you seen her photo in the newspaper? 你见到报纸上她的照片了吗?

【考点】1.比较:a photo of Mr. Smith 史密斯先生的照片 / a photo of Mr. Smith's 史密斯先生收藏的一张照片 2.比较:I shall take my photo. 我将给自己拍一张照片(指我自己给自己拍照)/ I shall have my photo taken. 我将请人给我拍一张照片(指我请别人给我自己拍照)

physics n.[C]物理()I'm not good at physics. 我的物理学得不好。/ Some of us are interested in physics. 我们有些人对物理有兴趣。/ Physics studies mechanics, heat, light, sound, and electricity. 物理研究力学、热学、光学、声学和电学。/ Mr. Smith teaches physics in our school. 史密斯先生在我校教物理。

piano n.[C,U]钢琴:He has two pianos.他有两部钢琴。/ A little piano stood against the wall. 一台小钢琴靠墙立着。/ She plays the piano very well. 她钢琴弹得好。/ She studies the piano under Mr. Smith. 她在史密斯先生的指导下学习钢琴。/ I can't play the piano, but I can play the guitar. 我不会弹钢琴,但会弹吉他。


 pick v. 1.拾起:I picked up your bag by mistake. 我错拿了你的包。/ She picked up a wallet in the street. 她在街上捡到一个钱包。2.采集:The girl was picking wild flowers. 那女孩正在采野花。/ He picked an apple from the tree. 他从树上摘下一个苹果。3.挑选:I picked a book to read. 我选了一本书读。/ We picked a good day to go to the beach. 我们选了一个好日子到海边去。

picnic n.[C]野餐:We are on a picnic now. 我们现在正在野餐。/ We had a picnic on the beach. 我们在海滩野餐。/ We went for[on] a picnic in the park. 我们到公园里野餐去了。v.野餐:We picnicked by the river. 我们在河边搞了一次野餐。

picture n.[C]图片,照片:Look at this picture. 看看这张图片。/ Kate takes a picture of Jane. 凯特为简照相。/ Draw a picture of the building. 给这座房子画张画。/ Jim painted a picture of a flower. 吉姆画了一朵花的图画。

pie n.[C,U]馅饼:fruit pies 水果馅饼 / a piece of apple pie. 一块苹果馅饼 / This is an apple pie. 这是一个苹果馅饼。/ Have some more pie. 再吃点馅饼吧。/ We picked apples so as to make a pie. 我们摘苹果为了做馅饼。


piece n.[C]一块(片,张,件…)This is a piece of bread. 这是一块面包。/ Pass me a piece of chalk. 递支粉笔给我。/ Here are two pieces of advice. 这是两条建议。/ Would you like another piece of cake? 你要再吃一块蛋糕吗?/ I'd like a piece of chocolate. 我想要吃块巧克力。/ The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. 老师用一支粉笔在黑板上写字。

【考点】用于a piece of之类的名词通常是bread, chalk, paper, wood, glass, coal 等非液体性的物质名词,或news, advice, work, information, music 等抽象名词。

pig n.[C]猪:The farmer raises twenty pigs. 那农民养了20 头猪。/ A big, fat pig can not run fast. 又大又肥的猪肯定跑不快。

pile n.1.[C]堆:His clothes lay in a pile on the floor. 他的衣服堆在地上。/ We put the newspapers in piles on the floor. 我们将报纸一堆堆地放在地板上。v.堆放:He piled his books on his desk. 他把书堆放在书桌上。/ He piled food on to his plate. 他把食物堆放在自己的盘子上。/ He piled the boxes one on top of the other./He piled the boxes on top of each other. 他把盒子一个叠一个地堆起来。

pill n.[C]药丸,药片:Come on, get the pill down.来,把药片吞下去。/ Take the pills three times a day after meals. 这些药丸每天吃三次饭后吃。/ Remind me to take the pills tomorrow. 明天记得提醒我吃药。

ping-pong n.[U]乒乓球:Do you like to play ping-pong? 你喜欢打乒乓球吗? / We had a game of ping-pong. 我们进行了乒乓球比赛。/ Ping-pong is a very fast game. 乒乓球是一项动作很快的运动。

pink adj.粉红色的:A rose is pink. 玫瑰是粉红色的。/ Baby girls are often dressed in pink clothes. 女婴常常穿粉红色的衣服。

pioneer n.[C]先锋,开拓者:They are young pioneers. 他们是少先队员。/ His grandfather was one of the pioneers of flying.他的外祖父是飞行的先驱者之一。/ Soon the brothers felt like pioneers. 不久两兄弟感到自己是开拓者。

pity n.[U]怜悯,同情:He married her out of pity. 他出于同情与她结了婚。/ I feel no pity for you at all. 我一点也不同情你。/He was full of pity for the poor. 他很同情穷人。/ Do have pity on me. 千万要可怜可怜我。2.[C]可惜的事,遗憾的事:It's a pity (that) he can't swim. 真遗憾,他不会游泳。/ What a pity you can't come to the party. 你不能来参加晚会,真遗憾。

pizza n.[C,U]意大利饼

 place n.1.[C]地方,地点:He has been to many places. 他去过很多地方。/ He has no place to live (in). 他没有地方住。/ I can't be in two places at once. 我不能同时在两个地方。/ What is this place called? 这是什么地方?2.[C]住所:Come round to my place this evening. 今晚请到我家来。/ We ate supper at his place. 我们在他家吃了晚饭。3.[C]座位:Go back to your place. 回到你的位子上去。/ There are no places left to sit on the train. 火车上没有座位可坐了。4.[C]空地:Here is an empty place, put the box here. 这里有个空地方,把箱子放在这里吧。v.放,安置:She placed a book on the table. 她把一本书放在桌子上。/ The waiter placed the meal in front of me.服务员把饭菜放在我的面前。

plan n.[C]计划,打算:Have you got any plans for the weekend? 这周末你有什么计划没有?/ What are your holiday plans? 假日你有什么计划?/ He doesn't like my plan to go there alone. 他不赞成我一个人去。v.计划,打算:They planned a big meeting to be held next year. 他们计划明年召开一次大会。/ You should plan carefully. 你应该谨慎地拟订计划。/ I am planning to start[on starting] next month. 我打算下个月动身。

【考点】用作名词时,有时虽然用了复数,但不一定表示多项有关:Everyone made plans for leaving Paris. 每个人都制定了离开巴黎的计划。/ He was talking about his plans for a new building. 他在谈论他想建一幢新楼的打算。

plane n.[C]飞机:The plane took off. 飞机起飞了。/ He can fly a plane. 他会驾驶飞机。/ I'm taking this magazine to read on the plane. 我要带这本杂志到飞机上去读。/ He flew the plane around the world.他驾飞机去过世界各地。

【短语】by plane 乘飞机:Are you going by plane? 你坐飞机去吗?

plant v.种植,播种:We planted some roses. 我们栽种了些玫瑰。/ Farmers planted wheat and corn this spring. 今年春天农民们种小麦和玉米。/ April is the time to plant. 4月是种植的时候。n.[C]植物:All plants need water and light. 植物都需要水和阳光。/ Rain and sun can help plants to grow. 雨水和太阳有助于植物成长。

【用法】用作动词表示种植时,其宾语除可以是被种植的东西外,也可以是种植的地方: We are planting a small garden. 我们在一个小花园里种花。/ We planted the garden with flowers.=We planted flowers in the garden. 我们在花园里种花。

plastic adj.塑料的:I need a plastic bag. 我需要一个塑料袋。/ He bought a plastic raincoat. 他买了一件塑料雨衣。/ We ate with plastic forks and spoons. 我们用塑料叉勺吃饭。n.[C,U]塑料:Some toys are made of plastic. 有些玩具是用塑料做的。/ The plastics industry is growing fast. 塑料工业发展很快。

【考点】用作名词时,可用作可数或不可数名词;可数时,通常用复数Plastic is[Plastics are] sometimes use instead of wood and metal. 塑料有时被用来代替木材和金属。

plate n.[C]盘子,碟子:The waitress took our plates away. 女招待把我们的盘子收走。/ Put the cake on a plate. 把蛋糕放在碟子上。/ The plate was too hot to touch. 盘子太烫不能碰。/ He brought us a plate of food. 他给我们端来一盘食物。

【辨析】platedish:前者指相对较小的盘子碟子,通常指点心盘(dessert plate) , 汤盘(soup plate),餐盘(dinner plate)等;后者主要指西餐中装菜供一桌人一起享用的大盘子。按照吃西餐的习惯:就餐者不宜直接从dish里取菜送入口中,而应先从dish里取菜放在自己身旁的供个人装菜的plate里,然后再从自己的plate里取菜送入口中。

 play v. 1.玩:The children are playing in the garden. 孩子们在花园里玩。2.()Do you play tennis? 你打网球吗?3.演奏:He plays the violin very well. 他的小提琴拉得很好。4.(),打()We often play chess together. 我们常常一道下棋。5.播放:I didn’t notice the song that was playing. 我没有注意正在播放的歌曲。n. 1.[U]玩耍:Children are at play in the park. 孩子们正在公园里玩耍。/ Is it time for play? 该玩了吗?2.[C]戏剧:Would you like to see a play while you are in London? 你在伦敦时想去看戏吗?/ Let’s go to the play. 我们去看戏吧。

【考点】1.表示玩,通常只用于儿童或动物,注意不要滥用play来翻译汉语的,如有空请到我家玩不宜译为Please come to my house and play when you have time,可改译为Please come and[to] see me when[if] you have time. 2.表示演奏,后接乐器名词时要用the;但表示打球、打牌、下棋等,其后接的球类运动名词、牌类或棋类名词前通常不用冠词

player n.[C]比赛者,选手:He was one of the best players in the school. 他是学校最佳网球运动员之一。/ I'm a better player than him. 我比他玩得高明。

playground n.[C]操场,运动场:We’d better go to the playground. 我们最好到运动场去。/ They played on the playground. 他们在操场上玩。/ The children were all in the playground. 孩子们都在操场上。


playhouse n.[C]儿童游戏房

pleasant adj.令人愉快的,招人喜欢的,舒适的:We had a pleasant evening at her house. 我们在她家过了一个愉快的晚上。/ The weather was very pleasant. 天气十分宜人。/ The party was very pleasant. 这次聚会非常愉快。/ It is a pleasant surprise. 那是个惊喜。/ Our English teacher is a pleasant young man. 我们的英语老师是位和蔼可亲的年轻人。/ She is not very beautiful but very pleasant. 她不很漂亮,但很讨人喜欢。


please interj. 请:Will you give me an apple, please? 请给我一个苹果好吗?/ A cup of tea, please. 请来一杯茶。/ Please bring your book to me. 请把你的书带给我。/ Please don't laugh. 请不要笑。/ Sit down, please. 请坐。

pleased adj.高兴的:The children were very pleased. 孩子们很高兴。/ She had a pleased look on her face. 她脸上露出了满意的微笑。/ I'm very pleased at[about, with]your success. 我对你的成功感到满意。/ He was pleased to see her again. 又见到她,他很高兴。/ I was pleased that you could come to the party. 我很高兴你能来参加晚会。

【考点】pleasant不同,pleased表示感到愉快或高兴,不指令人愉快或使人高兴。比较:He was pleased. 他很高兴。/ He was pleasant. 他讨人喜欢。

pleasure n.[U]高兴,愉快:It gives me great pleasure to introduce our next speaker. 我很高兴向大家介绍下一位演讲者。/ He can find pleasure in just watching TV. 他只要看电视就满足了。/ It gave me great pleasure to watch them. 观看它们使我很高兴。2.令人高兴的事:Your visit will be a pleasure. 你的来访是件令人高兴的事。/ It is a pleasure to work with you. 和你一道工作是很愉快的事。

【考点】其后一般不接不定式作定语,要接可用“of+动名词May I have the pleasure of dancing with you? 我可以和你跳舞吗但是,像下面这的句子,其后的不定式不是定语而是主语(注意句首的形式主语)It's a pleasure to teach children. 教小孩是件乐事。

【用法】在口语中用于 It's a pleasure. / My pleasure. / A pleasure. / It was my pleasure. / Pleasure was all mine.等,可用于回答感谢,意为这是我高兴做的事别客气不用谢

plenty pron. 充足,大量:I have plenty to do. 我有许多事要做。/ "Would you like some more?" "No, thank you. I've had plenty. “再吃点好吗?”“谢谢,不要了,我已经吃得很多了。”/ "How many eggs are there in the fridge?" "There are plenty." “冰箱里有多少鸡蛋?”“有很多。

 【短语】plenty of 许多,大量:There is plenty of time. 时间很充足。/ She has plenty of clothes to wear. 她有足够的衣服穿。/ Plenty of people have come. 来了许多人。

【用法】1. plenty of后可接可数或不可数名词;用作主语时,谓语与其后名词的数保持一致:2.通常用于肯定句中,在否定句疑问句中常用enough, much, many等代之,比较:There is plenty of time. 时间还很多。/ There isn't much time. 时间不多了。/ Is there enough time? 时间还够吗?

plus prep. 加,加上:Three plus five equals eight. 三加五等于八。/ This work needs experience plus care. 这件工作需要经验和细心。

p. m. / pm n.下午,午后:the 5 p.m. train from London 从伦敦开来的下午5点的列车 / Open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (营业时间)从上午8点到下午6 / The plane leaves at 5:45 pm. 飞机下午545分起飞。/ He will arrive at 3.00 p.m. 他将于下午3点到达。

【考点】1.意义相当于in the afternoon,所以不能与in the afternoon连用,如不说at 6 p.m. in the afternoon2.不单独使用,要与表示时间的数字连用(置于数字之后)3.不能与o'clock连用,如不说at 4 o'clock p.m.

pocket n.[C]口袋:She put the key in her pocket. 她把钥匙放到口袋里。/ I have a handkerchief in my pocket. 我口袋里有块手帕。/ He always walks with his hands in his trousers pockets. 他走路时经常把手插在裤袋里。

【用法】1.有时放在名词前定语,可表示小型的袖珍的a pocket dictionary 袖珍字典 / a pocket radio 袖珍收音机 2. pocket money是常用表达,意思是零用钱

poem n.[C]诗:Do you like to read poems? 你喜欢读诗吗? / How do you like these two poems? 你觉得这两首诗怎么样? / He wrote a poem about war. 他写了一首关于战争的诗。

poet n.[C]诗人:A poet writes poems. 诗人写诗。/ Keats is a famous poet. 济慈是位著名的诗人。/ He is one of the best read poets. 他是最受读者欢迎的诗人之一。

poetry n.[U](总称)How do you like his poetry? 你觉得他的诗如何? / Wordsworth wrote beautiful poetry. 华兹华斯写了优美的诗歌。

【用法】要表示 “一首诗,不能用a poetry,可用a piece of poetry,或用a poem。类似地:two poems / two pieces of poetry 两首诗 / some poems / some poetry / some pieces of poetry 一些诗。

point n.1.[C](),末端:the point of a nail 钉尖2.[C]点,小数点:Read 4.7 as four point seven. 4.7读作四点七。3.[C]场所,地点:Stop at this point.停在此地。/ Do you see this point on the map? 你能看到地图上这一点吗4.(比赛等的)分数,得分:We won by 5 points. 我们赢了5分。/ He got 85 points out of a possible 100. 他得了85分,满分是100v1.指向,使对准:He pointed at the door. 他用手指门。/ Don't point your finger at me. 不要用手指着我。/ He pointed his gun at the tiger. 他把枪口对准老虎。2.指着,朝向:The building points (to the) east. 这座大楼面朝东。3.指出:He pointed out my mistake. 他指出了我的错误。/ Can you point out the church in the picture? 你能指出图画中的教堂吗?

police n.警察:The thief has been caught by the police. 窃贼已被警方抓获。/ There were over 100 police on duty. 有超过百名警察值班。/ In Britain police do not carry guns. 在英国警察不带枪。/ The police got the truth out of her. 警察迫使她说出真相。

【考点】1.表示警察的总称,往往含有警方警察当局之意,其前通常用 the(有时也可不用the),形式上是单数,但含义上为复数;用作主语时,谓语用复数The police are looking for him. 警察正在找他。2.表示一个警察时不能用它,即不说a[one] police,而应根据情况用 a policeman / a policewoman;但表示多个警察时,可用它,如80 policeseveral hundred police等。

 policeman n. 警察,巡警:His brother is a people’s policeman. 他兄弟是一名人民警察。/ I’ve come for the policeman. 我是来找警察的。

policewoman n. 女警察:Policemen and policewomen work at a police station. 男女警员在警察局工作。

polite adj.有礼貌的:He was kind and polite. 他和蔼有礼。/ Be more polite to ladies. 对女士要更有礼貌。/ He is polite to his parents. 他对他父母很有礼貌。/ It's polite of him to do so.= He is polite to do so. 他那样做很有礼貌。/ Don't answer back; it's not polite. 别顶嘴,这样不礼貌。

politely adv.有礼貌地:He stood up politely when the lady entered the room. 当那位女士进屋时,他很有礼貌地站了起来。

pollute vt.污染:polluted rivers被污染的河流 / It will pollute the air. 它会污染空气。

polyester n.[U]聚酯,聚酯纤维:He was wearing a polyester shirt. 他穿着一件聚酯纤维衬衫。/ Polyester is easy to watch. 聚酯纤维容易洗。

pool n.[C]水塘,水池:There are trees round the pool. 水池的四周种有树。/ Let's go to the swimming pool to have a swim. 咱们到游泳池去游一会儿泳。

poor adj. 1.贫穷的:They were very poor. 他们很穷。/ Poor people can't buy it. 穷人买不起它。2.可怜的:That poor man has no friends. 那可怜的人没有朋友。/ Poor fellow! 可怜的家伙!/ The poor boy was myself. 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。3.不好的,差的:My English is poor. 我的英语(水平)很差。/ He is in poor health. 他身体不好。

【用法】1.表示贫穷时,可用作表语或定语,也可有比较等级变化;表示可怜时,通常只用作定语,不用作表语,且一般没有比较等级变化。2.与定冠词连用表示穷人,具有复数意义:The rich ought to help the poor. 富人应该帮助穷人。

popular adj.1.流行的:Young people like popular music. 年轻人喜欢流行音乐。/ Both of them like popular songs. 他们两人都喜欢流行歌曲。2.大众的,通俗的:He is interested in popular science. 他对通俗科学很有兴趣。3.受欢迎的:She is very popular with her classmates. 她的同学都很喜欢她。/ He is popular in the university. 他在大学里很受欢迎。/ This food is very popular here. 这种食品在这儿很受欢迎。

【考点】要表示受某人欢迎或讨某人喜欢,其后通常用介词with,有时也可用amongThe teacher is very popular with[among] his students.这位老师很受学生欢迎。

population n.[U,C]人口,人数:What's the population of London? 伦敦的人口是多少? / The population of this city is eight million. 本市人口是800 万。/ The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Wuhan. 上海人口比武汉人口多。/ Half the world's population doesn't get enough to eat. 世界有一半人口没有足够的食物吃。/ One third of the population here are workers. 这里三分之一的人口是工人。

【用法】1.其前不能用数词修饰,也不能与many, few之类的词连用,但可与large, small连用。2.要表示某地拥有多少人口,一般用“have a population of+基数词这样的结构;要打听某地的人口数,一般用 How large[What] is the population of+地点3.表示人口是集合名词:若指某一国家或地区的人口总数,表示单数意义,如:What is the population of Japan?(日本有多少人口);若指某一国家或地区的所有人,既可表示单数意义(视为整体)也可表示复数意义(考虑其个体),如:The local population support(s) birth control. 本地人赞成节育。

pork n.[U]猪肉:roast pork 烤猪肉 / smoked pork 熏猪肉 / salt pork 咸猪肉 / Can I have another piece of pork? 我可不可以再吃一片猪肉? / I enjoy roast pork for dinner. 晚饭我喜欢吃烤猪肉。

porridge n.[U]稀饭,粥:She sat down to eat her porridge. 她坐下来吃她的粥。

 possible adj. 可能的:Please come as soon as possible. 请尽快来。/ Is it possible to get to the city by train? 有可能坐火车进城吗?/ I’ll help you if (it is) possible. 如果可能我会帮助你。/ It's possible that he will[may] marry her. 他同她结婚是可能的。

【考点】按英语习惯,可说It is possible that we will win the matchIt is possible for us to win the match(我们可能会赢得这场比赛),但不能说We are possible to win the match

【辨析】possibleprobable:后者表示的可能性比前者更大。如:Success is possible, but hardly probable. 成功是可能的,但把握不是很大。/ Snow is possible, though not probable. 下雪是可能的,虽然不是很可能。

possibly adv.可能,也许:I got here as soon as I possibly could. 我以最快速度赶到这里。/ He may possibly come. 他也许会来。/ You may possibly get a new job. 你或许能找到一份新的工作。/ Possibly you are right. 也许你是对的。/ What he says is true, possibly. 他说的话可能是真的。(www.yywords.com)

【辨析】possibly  probably:后者表示的可能性比前者更大。

post n.1.[U]邮政,邮寄:You can send letters by post. 你可以邮寄信件。/ Are you going to the post office? 你到邮局去吗2.[U]邮件:Has the post come yet? 邮件来了吗?/ Is there any post for me? 有我的邮件吗3.[C]工作,职位:She has a post as a cook. 她当厨师。/ I am hoping to get a better post next year. 我希望明年能得到一个更好的工作。vt.投寄,邮寄:I posted her birthday present. 我邮寄了她的生日礼物。/ I remember posting the letters. 我记得这些信是寄了的。

postal adj. 1.邮政的,邮局的:postal card 明信片 / postal savings 邮政储蓄 / Universal Postal Union 万国邮政联盟 2.邮寄的:postal course 函授课程

postbox n.[C]邮箱,信箱:Nothing is in the postbox. 信箱里什么也没有。

postcard n.[C]明信片:I’ll send you a postcard. 我将寄给你一张明信片。

postcode n.[C]邮政编码:Our postcode is 410005. 我们的邮政编码是410005

postman n.[C]邮递员:It must be the postman. 一定是邮递员。/ Has the postman been? 邮递员来过吗?/ Our dog went at the postman. 我们的狗袭击了邮递员。

potato n.[C,U]土豆,马铃薯:He bought five kilos of potatoes. 他买了五公斤土豆。/ Mom made the potato salad. 妈做了土豆沙拉。/ They live on potatoes. 他们以吃土豆为生。/ Would you like some more roast potatoes? 再吃点烤土豆吧。

【背景】在英美等国家,potato有很多种吃法,比如有水煮的 boiled potatoes,有烘烤的roast(ed) potatoes / baked potatoes,有捣烂如泥的 mashed potato,有油炸的 fried potatoes 等等。但最有名的还是所谓的油炸土豆片”(通常装在袋里出售),英国英语称之为potato crisps,美国英语称之为 potato chips

pound n. 1.[C]磅:She bought a pound of butter. 她买了一磅黄油。/ Tea is sold by the pound. 茶叶按磅出售。2.[C]英镑:He exchanged dollars for pounds in London. 她在伦敦把美元换成英镑。/ She paid two pounds or perhaps two pounds ten. 她付了2英镑或许2英镑10便士。

pour v. 1.倒,斟:She poured wine into my glass. 她往我杯子里倒酒。/ Pour the sugar into a bowl. 把糖放进碗内。/ Shall I pour you some water? 要不要我给你倒点水2.倾泻,不断流出:Sweat poured down from her face. 汗珠不断从她脸上流下。3.()倾盆而下,下倾盆大雨:It was pouring. 下倾盆大雨。/ It was pouring with rain. 这时下着倾盆大雨。

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