






二、单项填空  ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共l5分,每小题1)

(      )21. The boy asked Mr Black for _________ advice on his further English studies.

              A. a           B. an         C. some           D. any

(      )22. —It is reported that an earthquake hit Yunnan on June 3rd.

                —_________terrible news!

              A. How a        B. What a       C. How      D. What

(      )23. Alice _________ watches the news round-up,  so she knows little about the world.

              A. seldom        B. usually        C. sometimes          D. always

(      )24. —_________David be the new chairperson of the Students' Union?

                —He _________ be, but I'm not sure.

              A. Can; can't         B. Can; may        C. May; must        D. May; mustn't

(      )25. Not all the tourists from Japan_________ Western food to Chinese food.

              A. like       B. prefer         C. enjoy          D. love

(      )26. —Please tell me how many times _________ to the Summer Palace.

                —Only once.

              A. have you gone     B. you have gone    C. have you been     D. you have been

(      )27. The students hurried to the classroom _________ the bell rang.

              A. when           B. so         C. until      D. although

(      )28. —What do you think of Mr Read's speech?

                —He _________ for nearly two hours but didn't _________ anything important.

              A. spoke; speak        B. said; say         C. spoke; say      D. said; speak

(      )29. Simon is _________ to make us all_________.

              A. enough funny; laugh           B. funny enough; laugh

              C. enough funny; to laugh       D. funny enough; to laugh

(      )30. _________of fans have voted online _________ their favourite singers.

              A. Thousand; to     B. Thousand; for     C. Thousands; for     D. Thousands; to

(      )31. Xiao Li has _________homework and she really doesn't know ________ first.

              A. much too; what to do         B. too much; to do what

              C. much too; to do what          D. too much; what to do

(      )32. The guide said that much attention must _________ these details.

              A. pay       B. be paid       C. pay to         D. be paid to

(      )33. Jack and Susan _________ each other since they were children,  so nobody was                      surprised to hear that they were married.

              A. knew          B. had known         C. have known       D. were known

(      )34. Mr Smith told me that he wasn't used to _________ by plane and he used                      to _________ sick a lot.

              A. travelling; feel      B. travel; feeling    C. travel; feel   D. travelling; feeling

(      )35. —I had a really good weekend at my uncle's.

              A. It's a pleasure                          B. Yes, that's all right

              C. Oh, I'm glad to hear that          D. Oh, that's very nice of you

三、完形填空  先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填人相应空白处的最佳答案。  (本大题共l0分,每小题1)

Collectors (收藏家) know just what to look for in a comic book. They always check the __36   first. They like to find the books that came out between 1938 and 1945. These years __37   the Golden Age of comic books. Now these books are very expensive. The first copy() of Marvel Comics cost a little money __38   it came out. Now it is worth more than $100, 000.

Collectors also look for the books in which a character __39   for the first time. The first Superman story tells how Su­perman came to Earth. This comic book might cost as much as $125, 000. __40   a character from one comic book turns up in another one. When Batman( 蝙蝠侠)is __41   in a Superman comic, the price of the book goes up. These books are called crossover books. They are worth more because there are not __42   of them.

Don't let the high prices __43   you from starting a collection of your own. Comic books that came out after the Golden Age don't cost so much. Today's comic books are even __44  . You can enjoy them now and __45   them for their future value (价值).

(      )36. A. place             B. date              C. size             D. price

(      )37. A. followed          B. reached         C. marked       D. divided

(      )38. A. when           B. if               C. before             D. but

(      )39. A. appears           B. travels         C. acts             D. fails

(      )40. A. Suddenly          B. Luckily       C. Actually        D. Sometimes

(      )41. A. lost                B. wanted        C. shown            D. protected

(      )42. A. any                B. some         C. all              D. many

(      )43. A. keep                B. make           C. leave             D. throw

(      )44. A. better            B. cheaper         C. more           D. thicker

(      )45. A. record           B. borrow        C. save                    D. change

四、阅读理解  阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(本大题共30分,每小题2)


A young man was going to join the army( 部队) and had to take a medical examination (检查). The doctor was sitting at a desk when he went in. He said to the man, "Take your coat and shirt off, and sit on that chair. "

The young man did so. The doctor looked at him for a moment without getting up from his chair and then said, " All right. Put your clothes on again. "

" But you haven't examined me at all \" the young man said in surprise.

"There is no need to do so, " the doctor said with a smile. "When I told you to take your coat and shirt off, you heard me all right,  so there is nothing wrong with your ears. You saw your chair, so your eyes are good. You could take your clothes off and sit on the chair, so you must be in good health. And you understood what I told you to do and did it without a mistake, ..." (      )46. Why did the young man take a medical examination?

              A. He had hurt his ear.                               B. He hoped to join the army.

              C. He wanted to get some medicine.            D. He wondered if he was in good health.

(      )47. The doctor asked the young man to take his coat and shirt off to test_________.

              A. his eyes                                       B. his arms

              C. his sense of hearing               D. his sense of touch

(      )48. How did the man feel as soon as the medical examination was over?

              A. Bored.       B. Pleased.    C. Uncomfortable.      D. Surprised.

(      )49. Which of the following can be chosen to complete the underlined sentence?

              A. so I feel sorry for you

              B. so you are too weak to join the army

              C. so you need another medical examination

              D. so you must be clever enough for the army

(      )50. The best title for this story is_________.

              A. A Strict Doctor       B. A Special Medical Examination

              C. A Serious Mistake        D. A Smart Young Man


A Nobel Prize is considered by most people one of the highest international honours (荣誉) a person can receive. As you know, the prizes were started by a Swede called Alfred Nobel. He was born in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Al­fred Nobel was a great scientist. He made two important inventions (发明), and so he became very rich. Al­though he was rich, Nobel was not a happy man. He never married or had children. Also, he was a sick man during his large part of life. When he died at the age of 63, he left a fund of $ 9, 000, 000. The money was to be used in giving pri­zes to those who made great achievements in, physics, chemistry ( 化学) ,  medicine and literature ( 文学), and for world peace.

The first Nobel Prizes were given on December 10, 1901, five years after Nobel's death. Since then many famous peo­ple from all over the world have been given Nobel Prizes for their achievements.

Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a diploma saying that he has been given the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money—about $ 40, 000.

Often a prize is given to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared. It may be given to two or more people who have worked together. It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given at all if there is no great achievement. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given.

(      )51. When was Alfred Nobel born?

              A. In 1838.          B. In 1833.         C. In 1896.          D. In 1906.

(      )52. What kind of person would you say Alfred Nobel was?

              A. He was a rich, happy and lucky man.

              B. He was a poor, unhappy and unlucky man.

              C. He was a rich, but unhappy and unlucky man.

              D. He was a poor, but happy and lucky man.

(      )53. When he died, Nobel left a large amount of money_________.

              A. to his wife                                              B. to his children

              C. for helping the poor people in Sweden       D. for setting five prizes

(      )54. The underlined word "diploma" in the passage most probably means _________.

              A. certificate          B. letter          C. ticket          D. card

(      )55. How many persons is a Nobel Prize given to?

              A. Not always one person.        B. Two persons.

              C. Only one person.               D. Three persons.


Around the world, people have beliefs(信念) about certain food and drink. Some people think that chicken soup is good for a cold. Others believe that it is unhealthy not to eat meat. If you want to know whether these beliefs are true or not, read this text to find out.

Belief: Chicken soup helps to fight a cold.

Fact: For centuries, people have believed that chicken soup is good for a cold. Now, doctors say this belief may be true. Scientists say that chicken soup contains (包含) a special substance (物质 ) that stops a cold from getting worse. Also, heat from the soup can make a person feel better.

Belief: A vegetarian diet is unhealthy.

Fact: Meat,  especially red meat, contains protein(蛋白质) that the body needs. A person who doesn't eat meat can get enough protein and be healthy by eating tofu, eggs, nuts, and certain vegetables.

Belief; Chocolate causes skin trouble.

Fact: This is a general belief that is not true! Scientists say that eating chocolate does not cause skin trouble. More often, the cause is stress or not getting enough sleep.

Belief: Tea is better than coffee.

Fact: A study in 2002 showed that black or green tea contains substances that can protect your heart, fight cancer and make fat less in your body. Coffee does not do this.

Belief: Foods like bread and potatoes are fattening(使发胖).

Fact: Bread and potatoes do not contain much fat, or many calories. Eating too much and not exercising can cause us to get heavier. Also, adding fattening things like butter(奶油) to bread and potatoes can raise the number of calories we eat.

(      )56. Drinking chicken soup is good for a cold_________.

              A. because it is delicious

              B. because it produces many calories

              C. because of a special substance it contains

              D. because of a special heat it contains

(      )57. Which of these may cause skin trouble?

              A. Juice or chocolate.                                   B. Cheese or chocolate.

              C. Stress or lack(不足) of exercise.              D. Stress or lack of sleep.

(      )58. If you want to lose weight, you need to_________.

              A. eat less and exercise more        B. eat more and exercise less

              C. eat and exercise less               D. eat and exercise more

(      )59. Eating bread isn't fattening, but_________.

              A. eating potatoes is                     B. eating similar food is

              C. adding potatoes to it is              D. adding butter to it is

(      )60. What fact does this text lead you to believe?

              A. Vegetables don't contain protein at all.

              B. A person who never eats meat can also be healthy.

              C. Coffee is better for you than tea.

              D. If you eat food with a lot of calories, you'll never get heavier.




1. This umbrella is yours and that one is_________(she).

2. The big tree has green_________(leaf) throughout the year.

3. Which city is_________(far) to the sea,  Beijing or Tianjin?

4. The woman's_________(operate) was performed by an ORBIS doctor on the plane.

5. My grandfather wants to live in a place which is more_________( peace) than here.


6. Ability and effort are conditions of_________(成功) .

7. Some big cities are becoming more and more_________(拥挤的) and polluted.

8. We haven't decided how we are going to_________(庆祝) the coming New Year's Day.

9. I saw the winners' names of the writing competition on the_________(网站).

10. When you laugh or smile,  your body_________(放松) .

1. _________    2. _________    3. _____    4. _________    5. _________

6. _________    7. _________    8. _________   9. _________    10. _________

六、动词填空  用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共l0分,每小题1)

1. If we don't protect the wetlands, there_________(be) no chance for us to see these endangered animals in the future.

2. So far, China_________(develop) about 1, 360 kinds of green food.

3. In 1946, UNICEF _________(set) up to help children whose lives were changed because of the Second World War.

4. He watched the result of the test and then_________(draw) a conclusion.

5. Playing computer games is delightful, but_________(spend) too much time on it may do harm.

6. By the time she was fifteen, Kitty_________(teach) herself a foreign language.

7. Britain was the first country in the world_________(have) a free health system.

8. Mr Liu's daughter_________(practise) the piano in Room 301 at 7. 30 p. m. yesterday.

9. It was raining hard, but none of them said they_________(stop) working in the fields.

10. An e-mail address_________(need) when you want to send an e-mail.

1. _________    2. _________    3. _____   4. _________    5. _________

6. _________   7. _________    8. _________   9. _________    10. _________

七、完成句子  按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,每个空格只能填一个单词。(本大题共9分,每格0.5)


   Most cases of fatness can ( l) (2) or (3).


   Lei Feng devoted his whole life (4) (5) those who (6) in need of help.


   The scientist ( 7 ) ( 8 ) try and fail than ( 9 ) ( 10 ) his plan.


   (11) (12)to keep healthy,  every one of us ought to achieve a (13) (14) work and rest.


   The surface of Mars is ( 15) ( 16) the surface of Earth than( 17) ( 18) planet in the solar system.

1. _________   2. _________   3. _________   4. _________   5. _________

6. _________   7. _________   8. _________   9. _________    10. _________

11. _________ 12. _________ 13. _________ 14. _________ 15. _________

16. _________ 17. _________ 18. _________

八、缺词填空  先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填人一个适当的词,使  短文意思完整。所填单词在题后横线上必须完整写出。(本大题共6分,每格0.5)

Many of the small animals have to be very clever to h_________(1) from an enemy. It isn't often s_________( 2) to be small in a world full of larger,  more dangerous creatures( 生物) . A small skunk(黄鼠狼), however, will f_________(3) bravely just about any danger. E_________(4) though a skunk has short teeth and small claws( 爪子) ,  most humans and other animals will leave a skunk a_________(5).

What power does the skunk have to f_________(6) an enemy away? It can give out a liquid( 液体) that smells terri­ble into the air. When an enemy c_________( 7 ) too close,  the skunk puts up its tail and gives a w_________( 8) with its front claw. If the enemy still s_________(9) around, the skunk gives out a liquid. Its smell is so b_________(10) that even the skunk leaves the scene in a hurry.

If the skunk gives out the liquid into another animal's eyes, that other animal will have t_________(11) in seeing for a while. The smell of a skunk can be smelled from a distance of h_________(12) a kilometre or more.

1. _________  2. _________  3. _________  4. _________  5. _________ 6. _________

7. _________  8. _________  9. _________ 10. _________ 11. _________ 12. _________












Dear Dad and Mum,

Uncle and Aunt send you their best wishes. ___________________________________________






1. C    2. B    3. A   4. A    5. B   6. A  7. C    8. C  9. C    10. B

l l. B   l2. A    l3. B  l4. C   l5. B  l6. C  17. A   l8. B  l9. A    20. C

21. C   22. D   23. A   24. B   25. B   26. D   27. A   28. C   29. B   30. C  

31. D   32. D   33. B   34. A   35. C   

36. B   37. C   38. A   39. A   40. D   41. C   42. D   43. A   44. B   45. C   

46. B   47. C   48. D   49. D   50. B   51. B   52. C   53. D   54. A   55. A  

56. C   57. D   58. A   59. D   60. B   

1. hers       2. leaves     3. farther      4. operation       5. peaceful   

6. success    7. crowded    8. celebrate    9. website(s)     10. relaxes   

 1. will be      2. has developed    3. was set    4. drew   

      5. spending    6. had taught       7. to have    8. was practising   

      9. would(were going to) stop       10. is needed   


七、 1. be        2. prevented    3. cured    4. to       5. helping    6. were   

     7. would     8. rather       9. give     10. up     11. In       12. order   

    13. balance    14. between    15. more    16.like    17. any     18. other   


 1. hide      2. safe       3. face     4. Even     5. alone      6. frighten   

      7. comes    8. warning    9. stays    10. bad     11. trouble    12. half" 


 One possible version:

Dear Dad and Mum,

I arrived in Shenzhen by train last Saturday afternoon. The journey was pleasant. Aunt's family are all well. They are very

kind to me. These days my cousins are showing me around the city.

Shenzhen is a modern city. There are many tall buildings. Life here is busy and colourful. I love the way people live and

work here. I hope to work in this city when I grow up.

Uncle and Aunt send you their best wishes.



(70 words)


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