

Words I Will Never Forget
                                 Words I Will Never Forget
     I was a clever girl when I was young .So when I started to go to school, I was one year younger than my classmates .I did very well during the first two years, and I always got full marks in the examinations.
     But I knew I had shortcomings .For example, I couldn’t control myself. I talked to others in class, or I was always absent-minded .Then I did poorer and poorer in my study, and my teachers lost their faith on me.
     My classmates began to hate me .They laughed at me when I got a low mark in the math exam .And not long after that ,they started to say that I was as stupid as a pig .They always played tricks on me ,because my classmates wanted to see me cry .My teacher didn’t stop them .
     In the fifth year in primary school ,one Friday afternoon ,we students gathered together and talked while our teacher was reading our compositions .Suddenly one of my classmates said we could play a game and chose the most popular and unpopular student in our class .Others agreed and of course I was the most unacceptable one .There are 50 students in our class ,but 49 chose me .I knew I was hated by others ,but I didn’t know my best friend would choose me .My classmates asked me to say something after I got this “reword” ,but I refused .I just wanted to cry .So I cried but no one tried to comfort me ,even my best friend and head teacher didn’t come to comfort me .
     I went home unhappily .I told my aunt ,who brought me up ,what happened ,but she said I must try to find my fault .At that Time I felt as if I was thrown away by the whole world .Fortunately ,I have my cousin ,a boy three years older than me .That night I went to his home and told him the whole thing .He said nothing at first ,but before I slept ,he said :”Dear ,don’t put these things in your heart .Believe in me ,they are just too young to know how to be a good friend or a good classmate .They will feel guilty about this when they grow older .Have a good rest and forget it .All will be OK if you just be yourself .Remember ,you don’t need to change your characteristic ,just be yourself .”
     Yes, just be myself .No matter what happens, I will just be myself .My classmates have known that they were wrong when they were young .And I will always be myself.
Thank you, Jacky!
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高三英语 unit 17 My teacher
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