

4560  57th Annual Fuze Conference





The 57th Annual NDIA Fuze Conference welcomes the participation of both domestic and allied fuze designers, manufacturers and component suppliers, and research organizations along with government representatives. This year's theme is "Collaboration for Fuzing Challenges"; This encompasses efforts between and among companies, services, countries and individual programs and with academia to resolve the multitude of issues challenging the fuzing community in meeting the needs of the warfighter. Applications include Guidance Integrated Fuzing, Target Discrimination for Fuzing, Multipoint and Variable Initiation, Ignition Safety Devices, Miniature Electronic Safety & Arming Devices, and High-g Hardened Fuzing. Also included are enabling technologies such as advanced sensors, power sources, high voltage components, MEMS S&A/sensors, and small conventional S&A devices. This conference provides the opportunity to discuss and share ideas to help advance the state-of-the-art for the next generation of fuzing that meets the users' needs. Please join us and share your success and lessons learned.

International Fuze Seminar

NDIA is pleased to announce that an International Fuze Seminar will be held in conjunction with the 2014 Annual Fuze Conference.  The Seminar will be held on Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 in the Newark Liberty International Airport Marriott where the Fuze Conference is being held.   The intent of this Seminar is to address the DoD Fuze Integrated Product Team’s (IPT’s) Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives that relate to the international fuze industrial base’s potential to assist the DoD in providing the U.S. warfighter the best fuzing technologies/capabilities available.  The Seminar will include a set of overview presentations by the DoD Fuze IPT and associated Joint Fuze Technology Program (JFTP) in a forum open to all registered participants.  The presentation material will include general information regarding the IPT and JFTP structure and their current thrusts.  The information will include public-releasable information only.  The balance of the Seminar agenda will include one-on-one sessions with the DoD Fuze IPT.  The primary purpose of these sessions is to give the international fuze producers an opportunity to present their capabilities, production capacities, and cutting-edge technologies to the DoD Fuze IPT members.  Registration for this Seminar is included in the registration process for the Fuze Conference.  However, if there is anyone who desires to participate in this Seminar but is unable to participate in the Fuze Conference, they should contact Kimberly Williams at kwilliams@ndia.org. Additional details on the Seminar including how to request a 1-on-1 session may be found in the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Technology Division DoD Fuze IPT International Seminar Request for Information (RFI) posted on FEDBIZOPS under Special Notice N00174SN0008 which can be found at this link.

Questions concerning the Seminar may be forwarded to Lawrence Fan at lawrence.fan@navy.mil.  

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