

American College Slang笔记整理


1. 过年回到家呆了一阵子,你妈妈看见你房间乱七八糟的,说“难怪你找不到男朋友”,此时就可以说“别说了,打住。”

It’s all over the place. No wonder you don’t have a boyfriend. 

Don’t go there. (Don’t start.)

2. What are you up to tonight?--- Nothing much.

3. I haven’t decided how to tell him the news.--- Let’s play it by ear. (见机行事,看情况吧。)

4. 到复习周了,朋友叫你去玩,可是你还没复习好,就可以说:I can’t afford to slack off.

或者你长胖了很多,正在节食减肥,就可以说:I can’t afford to eat cake. 只敢和无糖可乐。I can only afford to drink sugar-free coke.

5. 别人都点了喜茶,就你没点,可以说:What a bummer. What a buzzkill.

6. look on the bright side指好的一面,让我想到了silver lining 这个表达。比如你的一个朋友很喜欢脱口秀,在一次生意宴会上鼓起勇气进行了尝试,最后场面有些尴尬,你就可以安慰他说:Look on the bright side, you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone. 反义词就是on the dark side。又比如塞翁的儿子虽然腿摔断了,可是也因此不用去服兵役。On the bright side, your son was exempted from joining the army.或者说:There's a silver lining in the fact that your son was exempted from joining the army.

7. 错峰出行

Let go there after 1 o’clock to beat the crowds. Go home later to beat the traffic.

8. 同事想要喝星爸爸了,想问大家有没有一起拼单的。

Anybody want Starbucks?--- Yeah, I’m up/down for it.

9. 比如别人问你要不要参加一项登山活动。

Are you in?—I’m in. 这让我联想到大伙一起凑钱给谁买个生日蛋糕(chip in)。Let’s chip in to buy him a birthday cake.

10. 几个好朋友一起讨论今天吃什么,有人提议披萨,你表示赞同。

I’m on board with that. 相当于I agree.

11. 蹭吃蹭喝:mooch off,经常蹭吃蹭喝就可以说是一个moocher,相当于parasite。

12. He is such a moocher.--- Tell me about it. 表示赞同别人,“可不是嘛”,I hear you也表示相近的意思。

13. It’s a killer.既可以表示某样东西很精彩,也可以表示很困难。

The concert is a killer. The test is a GPA killer.

14. 考完马哲,一位挂科的同学去向老是求情,老是比较为难,就可能会说:You’re putting me in a tough spot.后来老师决定网开一面,放过一马。I’ll go easy on you this time.或者说I’ll let you off the hook this time.

15. 无聊死了。I’m bored stiff. I’m bored to tears. I’m bored to death.

16. 别人说太快,没太听懂,就可以让别人放慢速度: Excuse me, I’m not following you.

17. 别人突然问你个问题,有点措手不及。You caught me off guard. Actually, I have never thought about it.

18. 她对养花摄影很感兴趣。She gravitates towards floriculture and photography.

睡眠不足可能会让你很渴望高糖高碳水类食物。Sleep deprivation may let you gravitate towards food with a lot of sugar and starch.

19. 大学舍友相处不和谐,朋友想你吐槽就可以表示回应。I’m sorry to hear you guys have gotten off the wrong foot.

20. 我挺你:You have mu back.或者说I got your back.

21. 谁做得有点过分就可以说:I understand he’s a neat freak, but he’s really over the top. (有洁癖也能理解,可是他也太过分了。)

22. to be stuck in a rut

Rut本来指的是车辙,这里就指日复一日做着同样的事情。I don't want to be stuck in a rut. 可以表示我不想这样虚度光阴了,世界这么大我想去看看。

23. step up to the plate扛起大旗

Doctor Zhong Nanshang stepped up the plate in fighting this epidemic.

24. take you up that offer.

25. stay woke

Stay woke, man. They are protesting against women's mistreatment in the workplace. 

26. follow suit

Try to be a man of value and do not follow suit.

27. Do you honestly think that you can make a difference by doing that?

28. 健身常用语言。我卧推的时候可以保护一下我吗?Would you mind spotting me while I'm benching? 训练伙伴其实就可以说是spotting partner

get ripped 表示那种腹肌撕裂肌肉线条分明的感觉。

增肌:bulk up

get toned/tone up 表示变得更紧致些。

29. snap out of it.=get my act/shit together. 表示要振作起来,不能这么丧了。I need to get my act together and sort it out.

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