


1. Where __ the recorder? I can’t see itanywhere. I __ it right here, but now it is gone.

A. did you put, have putB. have you put,putC. had you put, have putD. were you putting, have put

2. When __ again? When he __, I’ll let youknow.

A. he comes, come B. will he come, willcome  C. he come, will come D. will hecome, comes

3. Hello, I __ you __ in London, how long have you been here?

A. don’t know, were B. hadn’t known, are C.haven’t known, are D. didn’t know, were

4. They asked me to have a drink with them.I said that it was at least ten years since I __ a good drink.   A. had enjoyed    B. was enjoying      C. enjoyed        D. had been enjoying

5. Tom was disappointed that most of theguests __ when he __ at the party.

A. left, had arrived  B. had left, had arrived  C. left, arrived  D. had left, arrived

6. My brother __ while he __ his bicycleand hurt himself.

A. fell, was riding  B. fell, were riding  C. had fallen, rode  D. had fallen, were riding

7. The new secretary is supposed to reportto the manager as soon as she __.

A. will arrive      B. arrive          C. is arriving      D. is going to arrive

8. Come in,Peter,I want to show yousomething.Oh how nice of you! I __ you __ to bring me a gift.

A. never think, are going             B. never thought, were going

C. didn’t think, are going             D. hadn’t thought, were going

9. When I was at college I ___ threeforeign languages, but I __ all except for a few words of each.

A. spoke, had forgotten              B. spoke, have forgotten

C. had spoken, had forgotten          D. had spoken, have forgotten

10. The volleyball match will be put off ifit __.  A. will rain  B. rains C. rained  D. is raining

11. Mary __ a dress when she cut herfinger.

A. made            B. is making      C. was making       D. makes

12. The students __ busily when Miss Brownwent to get a book she __ in the office.

A. had written, left  B. were writing, left  C. had written, had left D. were writing, hadleft

13. We haven’t heard from Jane for a longtime. What do you suppose __ to her?

A. was happening  B. to happen         C. has happened     D. having happened

14. Do you know our town at all? No, thisis the first time I __ here..

A. was           B. have been         C. came           D. am coming

15. Tom __ into the house when no one __.

A. slipped, was looking B. had slipped,looked C. slipped, had looked D. was slipping, looked

16. The last time I __ Jane she __ cottonin the fields.

A. had seen, was picking B. saw, picked C.has seen, picked D. saw, was picking

17. We were all surprised when he made itclear that he __ office soon.

A. leaves          B. would leave       C. left            D. had left

18. The pen I __ I ___ is on my desk, rightunder my nose.

A. think, lost       B. thought, had lost   C. think, had lost    D. thought, have lost

19. How long __ each other before they __married? For about a year.

A. have they known, get                 B. did they know, were goingto get 

C. do they know, get                    D. had they known, got

20. My dictionary __, I have looked for iteverywhere but still __ it.

A. has lost, don’t find                B. is missing, don’t find

C. has lost, haven’t found             D. is missing, haven’t found

21. Can I join the club, Dad? You can whenyou __ a bit older.

A. get            B. will get         C. are getting       D. will have got

22. I’m sorry to keep you waiting. Oh, notat all. I __ here only a few minutes.

A. have been      B. had been        C. was             D. will be

23. I don’t really work here. I __ untilthe new secretary arrives.

A. just help out    B. have just helped out C. am just helpingout D. will just help out

24. Your phone number again? I __ quitecatch it. It’s 9568442.

A. didn’t         B. couldn’t         C. don’t            D. can’t

25. As she __ the newspaper, Granny __asleep.

A. read, was falling B. was reading,fell  C. was reading, was falling  D. read, fell

26. You don’t need to describe her. I __her several times.

A. had met        B. have met        C. met             D. meet

27. I don’t think Jim saw me, he __ intospace.

A. just stared   B. was just staring  C. has just stared  D. had just stared

28. No matter how fast you __, you __ ableto catch the last bus.

A. have run, will not be B. will run, arenot C. will be running, will be D. run, will not be

29. Keep quiet! I am trying to hear whatthe man __.

A. says           B. is saying         C. has said          D. has been saying

30. The driver of the red car __ when ablack one came up very quickly.

A. was just starting  B. has just started  C. would just start out  D. is just starting out

31.If you really want yourself to be ingood health, you must __ always __ so much.

A. not, be smoking B. not, have smoked C.not, to smoke D. be not, smoke

32. I __ here three days ago. What __ thesedays?

A. got, did you do B. have got, have youdone C. had got, will you do D. got, have you been doing

33. Was the driving pleasant when you spentyour holidays in Maxico last summer?

  No, it __ for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.

A. was raining    B. would be raining   C. had been raining  D. have rained

34. You should not go anywhere. The train__.

A. will leave     B. is leaving          C. leaves          D. is to leave

35. According to the time table, the planefor Shanghai __at seven.

A. leaves        B. has left           C. left             D. will leave

36. Why didn’t you go to the cinemayesterday?

   I__, but my wife returned home from New York the moment I was leaving.

A. was going     B. was going to      C. went            D. had gone

37. Has Toms finished his homework yet?Yes, he __ it by lunch time.

A. finished      B. will finish        C. had finished       D. has finished

38. No sooner had the thief seen thepoliceman than he __ his heels(逃走).

A. was taking    B. took             C. has taken         D. had taken

39. Don’t worry. If he said he __ help you,he will.

A. shall         B. will             C. would            D. ought

40. There __ a lot of changes here in thelast twenty years.

A. have been       B. have had        C. had been         D. will have

41. The teacher stepped into the classroomand __ the students to open the window at once.

A. to ask          B. asking          C. asked            D. has asked

42. It is expected that the bridge __completed by next April.

A. would be       B. is being         C. had been          D. will have been

43. Jane has just arrived. I didn’t knowshe __ till this morning.

A. was coming    B. has come        C. is coming         D. would have come

44. When Jack arrived, he learned Mary __for almost an hour.

A. had gone      B. had set off        C. had been away    D. had left

45. Oh, it’s you! I __ you. I’ve just hadmy hair cut and I am wearing new glasses.

A. didn’t recognize B. hadn’trecognized  C. haven’t recognized D. don’trecognize

46. I haven’t seen Miss Lucy for days.Where do you think she __?

A. has been       B. went            C. is going         D. has gone

47. __ the books ___ well? Yes, they haveall been sold out.

A. Are, sold      B. Were, sold        C. Are, selling      D. Have, sold

48. Let’s hurry, Listen! There __. Oh, yes,has the teacher come yet?   Look! Here __.

A. goes the bell, she comes             B. goes the bell, comes he

C. the bell is going, she is coming        D. the bell goes, she is coming

49. I have bought you the dictionary youneed. Oh, good, I was afraid you __ it.

A. have forgotten     B. forget         C. had forgotten     D. must forget

50. What will you do during summerholidays? I don’t know but it’s about time __ something.

A. I’m deciding      B. I’ll decide     C. I’d decided       D. I decided

51. We were all surprised when he made itclear that he __ office soon.

A. leaves           B. would leave    C. left             D. had left

52. The pen I __ I ___ in is on my desk,right under my nose.

A. think, lost       B. thought, had lost  C. think, had lost   D. thought, have lost

53. Do you like the material? Yes, it __very soft.  A. is feeling  B. felt C. feels  D. is felt

54. I hear that you __ a new house. Yes,but I ___ in it now.

A. have bought, won’t live              B. have bought, am not living

C. will buy, have lived                 D. will have bought, am notliving

55. It was not until then that I came toknow knowledge __ only from practice.

A. had come        B. came          C. would come     D. comes

56. According to the time table, the trainfor Beijing __at seven o’clock in the evening.

A. leaves           B. has left        C. was left         D. will leave

57. Our team __ every match so far thisyear, but we still have three more games to play.

A. was winning     B. has won        C. had won         D. wins

58. He __ home for nealy three weeks.

A. has gone away   B. has left         C. has been away from D. went away from

59. It’s the third time you __ late thisweek.

A. had arrived      B. arrived         C. havve arrived      D. arrive

60. He is too careless and he __ keys.

A. always lost      B. always loses       C. is always losing    D. will always lose

61. He __ out when somebody called at hisoffice.

A. has just gone    B. had just gone       C. just went         D. just now went

62. She didn’t go to the cinema because she__ the film before.

A. had seen        B. has seen          C. saw              D. was going to see

63. “Is John going away?” “I think so. He__ for a better job, but he didn’t get it.”

A. had hoped       B. was hoped        C. was hoping        D. would hope

64. He __ articles for our wall-newspaperthese years, and he __ about thirty articles.

A. has written, has written               B. has been writing, wrote

C. is writing, has been writing            D. has been writing, has written

65. It __ a long time since I __ Tom at myuncle’s and I don’t know where he __ these months.

A. is, saw, has been B. was, saw, has beenC. was, had seen, was D. is, had seen, has gone

66. By the time he was twelve, Edison __ to make a living by himself.

A. would begin    B. had begun         C. had begun          D. was begun

67. I’ll go with you as soon as I __ mywork.  A. will finish B. shall finish C.finish D. finished

68. This is a photo of the power stationthat __ in my hometown.

A. has set up      B. has been set up     C. was set up          D. is set up

69. Great changes __ in the city, and a lotof factories __.

A. have been taken place, have been set upB. have taken place, have been set up

C. have taken place, have set up         D. have taken place, were set up

70. He __ his leg when he __ in afootballmatch against another school.

A. broke, played  B. was breaking, was playing C. broke, wasplaying D. was breaking, played

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