


1.The road conditions there turned out to bevery good, __ was more than we could expect.

  A.it              B. what            C. which           D. that  

2.We went through a period __ communicationswere very difficult in the rural areas.

  A.which           B. whose           C. in with         D. with which

3.Villagers here depend on the fishing Industry,__ there won’t be much work.

  A.where           B. that            C. by which        D. without which

4.They will fly to Washington, __ they plan to stay for two or threedays.

  A.where           B. there           C. which           D. when

5.Occasions are quite rare __ I have the timeto spend a day with my kids.

  A.who             B. which           C. why             D. when

6.The Science Museum, __ we visited during the recenttrip to Britain, is one of London’s tourist attractions.

  A.which           B. what            C. that            D. where

7.Later in this chapter cases will be introduced toreaders __ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.

  A.where           B. when            C. who             D. which

8.All the neighbours admire this family, __ the parentsare treating their child like a friend.

  A.why             B. where           C. which           D. that

9.Yesterday she sold her car, __ she bought amonth ago.

  A.whom            B. where           C. that            D. which

10.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by anumber of factors, __ are beyond our control.

  A.most of them    B. most of which   C. most of what    D. most of that

11.The man pulled out a gold watch, __ weremade of small diamonds.

  A.the hands of whom                  B.whom the hands of

  C.which the hands of                 D. thehands of which

12.For many cities in the world, there is no room tospread our further, __ New Yorkis an example.

  A.for which       B. in which        C. of which        D. from which

13.By nine o’clock, all the Olympic torch bearers hadreached the top of Mount Qomolangma, __ appeared arare rainbow soon.

  A. ofwhich        B. on which        C. from which      D. above which

14.(1)Who lives in the house __ windows facesouth?

  (2)Who lives in the house __ the windows face south?

  A.whose           B. which           C. of which        D. that

15.(1)Is this factory __ you visited lastyear?

  (2)Is this the factory __ you visited last year?

  A.that            B. of which        C. the one         D. where

16.(1)John is the only one of the studentswho __ French.

   (2)Johnis one of the students who __ French.

  A.know            B. knows           C knowing          D. known

17.(1)When I have trouble, he is the only one__ I can ask for help.

  (2)When I have trouble, he is the only one __ I can go for help.

  A.whom            B. to whom         C. which           D. to who

18.(1)This is the knife __ I usually sharpenmy pencil.

  (2)This is the knife __ I usually use to sharpen my pencil.

  A. withwhich      B. which           C. by which        D. with that

19.(1)__ is known that he’s gone abroad.

  (2)__  is known, he’s gone abroad.

  A.Which           B. What            C. As              D. It

20.(1)The person __ I had thought honestturned out to be dishonest.

  (2)The person __ I had thought was honest turned out to be dishonest.

  A./               B. that            C. which           D. of which

21.(1)Last summer he went to Beijing, __ he had visited twice.

  (2)Last summer he went to Beijing,__ he visited a lot of places of interest.

  A.which           B. where           C. that            D. there

22.(1)He still remembers the days __ we spenttogether.

  (2)He still remembers the days __ we spent the summer holidays together.

  A.which           B. when            C. where           D. that

23.(1)The reason __ he gave us was that hiscar broke down on the way.

  (2)The reason __ he was late was that his car broke down on the way.

  A.why             B. which           C. how             D. what

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