

安徒生童话:A Picture Book Without Pictures 没有画的画册TWENTY-FIRST EVENTING

It was more than a fortnight since the Moon had shone
Now he stood once moreround and brightabove the cloudsmoving slowly onwardHear what the Moon told me
"From a town in Fezzan I followed a caravan
On themargin of the sandy desertin a salt plainthat shone like a frozen lakeand was onlycovered in spots with light drifting sanda halt wasmadeThe eldest of the compa- nythe water-gourd hung at his girdleand byhis head laya little bag of unleavened breaddrew a square in the 1336 sand with his staffand wrote in it a few words out of the Koranand then the whole caravan passed over the conse- crated spotA young merchanta child of the Eastas I could tell by his eye and his figurerodepensively for- ward on his white snorting steedWas hethinkingPer- chanceof hisfair young wifeIt was only two days ago that the cameladorned with furs and with costly shawlshad carried herthe beauteous brideround the walls of the citywhile drums andcymbals had soundedthe women sangand festive shotsof which the bridegroomfired the greatest numberresounded round the camel
and now he was journeying with the caravan across the desert

"For many nights I followed the train
I saw themrest by the well-side among the stunted palmstheythrust the knife into the breast of the camel that had fallenand roasted its flesh by the fireMy beamscooled the glowing sandsand showed them the blackrocksdead islands in the immense ocean of sandNo hostile tribes met them in their pathless routeno storms aroseno columns of sand whirleddestruction over the journeying caravanAt home thebeautiful wife prayed for her husband and her father
'Are they dead
'she asked of my golden crescent'Are they dead'she cried to my full diskNow the desert lies behind themThis eveningthey sit beneath the lofty palm-treeswhere the craneflutters round them with its long wingsand the pelicanwatches them from the branches of the mimosaTheluxuriant herbage is tram- pled downcrushed by thefeet of elephantsA troop of negroes are returning froma market in the interior of the landthe womenwith copper buttons in their black hair anddecked out in clothes dyed with indigodrive theheavily-laden oxenon whose backs slumber the nakedblack childrenA negro leads by a string a young lionwhich he has boughtThey approach the caravanthe young merchant sits pensive and motionlessthinking of his beautiful wifedreamingin the land of the blacksof his whitefragrant lily beyond the desertHe raises his headand"
But at this moment a cloud passed before the Moon
andthen anotherI heard nothing more from him that evening

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