

On the up好改观

The script of this programme 本节目台词

(Jennifer and Jean are finishing work for the day.)

Jennifer: Jean, look at the time! It's 5 o'clock. Time to go home. Are you coming out for a drink after work?

Jean: Sure, 我们一起去楼下的酒吧喝上一杯如何?

Jennifer: Great idea, I love it there. It's very handy working six floors above one of the best bars in London!

Jean: I know. Let's go. 我们要不走楼梯下去吧?我知道从六楼一路走下去运动量是不小,不过楼里的电梯实在是不好用。

Jennifer: I think the lift has been fixed now... let's see...

(Pushes button, lift doors open)

Jean: 还真的是修好了。Great!

Jennifer: Things are on the up in this place!

Jean: Up? 往上?That's not right, we need to go down. 酒吧不在楼上在楼下,我们现在是在六楼,所以我们要去酒吧绝对是要往下走才对啊...

Jennifer: No, that's not what I mean. In English, the phrase 'on the up' is used to describe something that is improving, or getting better.

Why is Jean's day 'on the up'?

Jean: I see! 就是说,在英语里 'on the up' 这样一个短语是用来形容某个东西或事情开始有好的改观,“走上坡路”了,很像我们中国人说的“芝麻开花,节节高”!

Jennifer: Things are 'on the up' here - they are getting better because the lift has been fixed. Let's hear some more examples of the phrase.

  • My sister has just got a new job. The company has given her a house and a car as part of the deal - things are on the up for her!
  • The economy is on the up now that the new government is in power. They've already helped to create thousands of new jobs!

Jean: On the up. Great phrase!

(Lift bell rings)

Jennifer: Well, here we are, I'll get the drinks. What would you like?

Jean: 我想来一杯鸡尾酒,谢谢,a Cosmopolitan maybe?

Jennifer: No problem, I'll get one too. Two Cosmopolitans, please.

Barman: It's your lucky day! All cocktails are half price today!

Jean: 全场鸡尾酒一律半价!太棒了!Things are on the up because the price has gone down!

Jennifer: Very good!

Jean: Cheers!


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