

Take the weight off your feet 歇歇

The script of this programme 本节目台词

Rob: Hello, it’s Rob here.

Helen: And me, Helen. 欢迎收听《地道英语》. Rob I don’t know why we have to stand up when we present this programme – it’s quite tiring.

Rob: Really? I thought standing up would give us more energy and sitting down makes us a bit …lazy.

Helen: But I’ve been standing up all day, this is my only chance to sit down. 我想先坐下来!

Rob: Why didn’t you say. Here, have a chair, take the weight off your feet.

Helen: The weight?! Rob 说把重量从你脚上拿下来,这也太不礼貌了吧!Do you mean I’m heavy and my feet can’t carry the weight?

Rob: Helen don’t be so sensitive. I was being kind. It’s a way of saying, relax, sit down, especially after standing up for a long time. It has nothing to do with your actual weight.

Helen: Oh I see. Rob 原来是好意!To take the weight off your feet 意思是站了那么久,坐下来,歇一会儿。In that case I will.

What does 'put your feet up' mean?

Rob: Here are some other ways of saying it….

  • We’ve been shopping all day, let’s take the weight off our feet, sit down and have a cup of coffee.
  • Don’t walk to work today, go on the bus and take the weight off your feet.

Rob: Those are different ways of taking the weight off your feet.

Helen: I have to admit Rob, it’s very comfortable sitting down. I feel quite relaxed I think I’ll put my feet up too.


Rob: That’s another expression we use – to put our feet up. Again it means rest and relax and literally, put your feet up on the sofa, or in your case, on the desk – Helen you could have taken your shoes off!

Helen: Sorry. To put your feet up 把你的脚抬起来,这不也就是跷起二郎腿,歇歇脚。Ahh, lovely! Can we hear some more examples please?

Rob: Yes Helen!

  • You’ve been gardening all day, come inside and put your feet up.
  • After working for the company for 30 years, Jim has decided it’s time to finally put his feet up and retire.

Rob: If he’s retiring he’ll be putting his feet up for a long time. But Helen we’ve got work to do, so back on your feet.

Helen: 回到我的脚上! 我才把脚抬起来呢!You want me to put the weight on my feet now?

Rob: I’m afraid so. It’s time to go shopping.

Helen: Shopping! Why didn’t you say. Look, I’m back on my feet now.

Rob: That was quick. OK, best foot forward, off to the supermarket we go – left, right, left right…

Helen: 我们去超市?

Rob: Yes, the supermarket Helen. Bye!

Helen: (Groans) Bye.

Rob: Come on – left, right, left right, keep moving those feet.

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【英语词汇】歇一歇 Take the Weight off Your Feet
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