


约翰·菲力特力赫·赫尔巴特(Johann Friedrich Herbart)




  1802年,赫尔巴特到格廷根大学(University ofGottinger)教书,所写的作品主要是关于教育方面的。1809年,他应聘到东普鲁士科隆堡大学(UniversityofKonigsberg)哲学讲座。因哲学家康德曾以担任此讲座而成名,故当他受聘时,感到非常荣幸。他说:“我受聘这最荣誉的哲学讲座是非常的快乐,小时候当我研究这伟大的哲学家(康德)时,我就像梦中祈求似地向往着这一所大学。”他在这所大学一共任教25年,主要著作都是心理学方面的:1816年写了一本《心理学》教科书(Text-Bookin Psychology),1824年写了《心理学是一种科学》(Psychology as aScience),此外还有其它一些有系统的哲学作品。

  赫尔巴特对黑格尔(Hegel)的思想非常崇敬。他曾感到不能亲自听到黑格尔的演说,是很大的遗憾。当黑格尔去世的时候,他希望能到柏林大学担任讲座,接任其位置,可惜没有成功。2年之后,他回到格廷根大学教书,一直到1841年去世,这时期作品比较少;他写了一本最实用的书称为“教育学纲要”(TheOutline of Educatoinal Doctrine)。



  ⑴ 教育目的



  赫尔巴特以为品德是内在自由的观念,成为心灵持久的意识状态(Theidea of inner freedom as a constant state ofmind)。所谓内在自由观念,是一种自愿的意志。心灵持久的意识状态,是观念持久地存留在意识中,而且支配着心灵。品德具有自愿而持久的意志,可以控制个人的行为。因此教育最重要的任务是建设心灵,使品德的观念成为最强的观念,这种品德的观念,是靠着正确知识的判断和领悟而来的。他说,当意志和教育领悟相符合的时候,品德便得到了。换言之,品德是靠着后天的教育而得到的。固然未受教育的人,不是不能为善,但是其为善可能是由于习惯或模仿,缺乏正确知识的判断,与领悟观念的选择,无法如受教育者具有自愿而持久的善良意志。

  ⑵ 教育内容









  ⑶ 教学方法








Johann FriedrichHerbart(1776–1841)

  Johann Friedrich Herbart was arenowned German philosopher and educator who led thenineteenth-century interest in Realism and is considered among thefounders of modern scientific pedagogy. He studied under JohannGottlieb Fichte at Jena in 1794 and in 1808 became ImmanuelKant’s successor as professor of philosophy at K?nigsberg. Hedeveloped a philosophy of mind and pioneered a new theory ofeducation that became known as “Herbartianism.” He stressed thestudy of the psychological processes of learning as a means ofdevising educational programs based on the aptitudes, abilities,and interests of students. By maintaining that a science ofeducation was possible, Herbart furthered the idea that educationshould be a subject for university study.

  Herbart and Herbartianism

  The widespread and increasinginfluence of Herbart and his disciples in the work of educationmakes a brief treatment of this German philosopher and educationistdesirable in the present work. John Frederick Herbart, b. atOldenburg, 1776; d. at G?ttingen, 1841. He was the son of a lawyerwhose wife, a woman of brilliant parts, was subsequently divorcedfrom her husband. The child was delicate and was at first educatedby an able tutor under the supervision of his mother. He exhibitedextraordinary precocity, was of quick intelligence and retentivememory, and showed remarkable aptitude for mathematics, physicalscience and music. He began logic at eleven and metaphysics attwelve; he went to the gymnasium of his native town at thirteenand, after a distinguished course there, passed to the Universityof Jena at the age of eighteen to study law. This subject heneglected, becoming an enthusiastic student of philosophy underFichte, then at the zenith of his fame. Herbart, however, was oftoo critical a mind to be content with Fichte's Idealism, and atthe age of twenty began the elaboration of a philosophic system ofhis own. In 1807, after three years, his course still incomplete,he left the University to become a private tutor in the family of aGerman nobleman. The education of the three sons aged 14, 10, and 8was entirely entrusted to Herbart on condition that he should writea lengthy report by letter to the father every two months. This wasHerbart's first and most important experience in the work ofteaching. Five of the letters which remain are amongst his mostinteresting writings and contain some of his main educationalideas. During this period he visited Pestalozzi at Burgdorf. In1799 he resigned his tutorships, devoted himself for a couple ofyears to the study of philosophy and wrote some small works oneducation including appreciations of Pestalozzi's writings. In 1802he went to G?ttingen, obtained his degree of doctor and beganlecturing on philosophy and pedagogics at the modest stipend of$225 per annum. Between 1802 and 1808 he published severalpedagogic works, including the "?sthetic Revelation of the World"and the "Science of Education"; also works on metaphysics andlogic. In 1809 he was appointed to the chair at K?nigsberg formerlyoccupied by Kant, where he lectured on philosophy and pedagogicsfor over twenty years. His chief interest, however, was in thelatter subject. With the approval of the Minister of Education hefounded a pedagogic seminary having a practicing school attached.In this he himself taught for an hour daily. In 1809 he married anEnglishwoman. During the remainder of his life he lectured to largeaudiences, and published sundry works on education. He returned toprofess at G?ttingen in 1833, where he laboured till his death in1841.

  General Philosophical Views

  Though Herbart was an able andoriginal thinker his influence in philosophy has not beenconsiderable. In metaphysics his scientific temper led him toadvocate a system of Realism in opposition to the Idealism then invogue. In ethics he approximates towards Kant's teaching in somerespects; but instead of Kant's Categorical Imperative he putsforward five Practical or Moral Ideas--the Ideas of Inner Freedom,Perfection, Benevolence, Right, and Equity--as the frame-work ofhis moral system. In psychology he rejected the doctrine, generallyaccepted from Aristotle to Kant, of a soul endowed with certainnative faculties or powers. For this he substitutes a simple soulwith presentations, states, or impressions. As, however, in hisview, we know nothing about this simple soul in itself, after ithas once been postulated as the arena for the operations ofthe presentations, the soul becomes, for all practical purposes,merely the series or mass of these presentations, whilst theirpermutations, interactions, and combinations constitute the entirefibre of our mental life. Herbart strove to apply mathematics tothe working of these presentations and to establish quantitativelaws describing their mutual interactions. This attempt had initself no success, but indirectly stimulated the subsequent alliedmovement in favour of experimental measurement of mental statescarried on by Fechner Weber, Wundt, and others. There is remarkablesimilarity between Herbart and the English Associationist school intheir common mechanical view of the nature of mental life, thoughHerbart is spiritualistic whilst their tend towardsMaterialism.

  Herbart's main interest inphilosophy however, is the problem of Education--its object, itsmethod, its possibilities. Education is in fact both the startingpoint and the goal of all his philosophical inquiries. The end ofeducation is, he holds, determined by ethics. It is the formationof noble, cultivated, moral character. Morality is goodness ofwill. Moral conduct cannot be embraced, as Kant imagined, underone principle. It is best included under the five practicalideas. Ideal character is to be attained by "many-sided interest".The full development of the individual, the realization of all hiscapabilities should be then the constant aim of the process ofeducation. The main foundations on which Herbart's whole theory ofeducation rests are his doctrines of apperception and interest.Apperception, with Herbart means the act or process ofassimilating, appropriating and identifying an object, impressionor idea. All progress in knowledge after the first percipient actis a process of apperception, and the character of each newperception is determined by those which have gone before. The firstsensation or impression affords no knowledge, but results in apresentation which persists in existence gradually sinking downbelow the surface of consciousness. This original presentationexisting in the sub-conscious state of our mental life will bepartially wakened and called up into conscious activity by the nextimpression. Thus aroused it modifies the reception of the latterand partially fuses with it. Again this pair of presentations orthis compound state similarly sinking down into subconscious lifestill remains ready to appropriate the next impression assimilatingit in like fashion. But the method of the reception and thecharacter of the appropriation is constantly varying with theincreasing collection of presentations or ideas already in themind. The facility and completeness with which each fresh idea isassimilated is determined by what has gone before. Herein,according to the Herbartian school, lies the importance ofdirecting the process of apperception by judicious selection of thematerials which are to constitute the experience of the child. Asthe mind, in this view is simply built up entirely out of the ideaswhich it has received, the kinds of ideas presented to it and theorder in which they come are of the utmost moment in the work ofeducation. Ideas or objects are assimilable or apperceivable whenpartially familiar; a totally foreign idea has no friends alreadylodged in the mind to welcome it.

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