

Announcing the AFAR Travel Photography Awards 2018...

Images have the power to connect us to places we’ve never been and inspire us to understand cultures beyond our own. Photography has long been central to the way AFAR tells stories, and now we’re opening the opportunity for emerging and established travel photographers to share their global perspectives in the first-ever AFAR Travel Photography Awards.

In partnership with United Airlines and LensCulture, a leading authoritative source for contemporary photography, this competition seeks the best travel photographers from around the world to share their personal journeys with an international audience.

Image submissions for the 2018 AFAR Travel Photography Awards can span a range of genres and be inspired by many themes, including portraiture, street scenes, the journey, landscapes, wildlife, and abstract imagery. Participants will have their photographs reviewed by an esteemed jury of travel photographers, photo editors, and directors of design and photography from such industry-recognized institutions as the New York Times, GEO France, the Guardian, and AFAR.

Participants anywhere in the world are welcome to submit photos as either single images or as a series and will have the opportunity to receive a professional submission review from LensCulture’s photo industry experts, including a meaningful critique and personalized recommendations and tips. (Learn more about submission categories and costs.)

Winner awards, supported by LensCulture and United Airlines, include two United Polaris international business-class tickets to anywhere United flies, a photography master class led by professional photographers Joel Meyerowitz or Steve McCurry, and publication in AFAR’s acclaimed travel magazine and on AFAR.com.

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To enter the 2018 AFAR Travel Photography Awards, click here.

The competition is open August 1, 2018, through September 16, 2018. Winners will be announced November 1, 2018.

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